Title: Validation of GPS Radio Occultation Measurements and Retrieval Methods
1Validation of GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
and Retrieval Methods
- Grace S Peng, John E. Wessel, Robert W. Farley
- The Aerospace Corporation
This work was supported under The Aerospace
Corporation's Independent Research and
Development Program This work was supported under
The Aerospace Corporation's Mission Oriented
Investigation and Experimentation program, funded
by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems
Center under Contract No. FA8802-04-C-0001.
Space Science Applications Laboratory Electronics
Photonics Laboratory
2Aerospace Transportable Lidar System (ATLS)
- 355 nm laser, frequency tripled to UV
- Rayleigh scattering off O2 24-75 km above surface
- density as a function of distance
- Raman scattering from surface upwards
- Ratio of N2 to H2O
- lt 1K accuracy from 24-45 km
- Scattering from atmospheric aerosols near surface
prevent accurate T meas. - Works only in from dusk to dawn, no thick clouds
- Currently sitting on the beach at Barking Sands,
Kauai (the wet, windy side) - http//www.aero.org/publications/crosslink/summer2
4Dry Retrieval for Temperature
- Both techniques measure density
- Density converted to temperature using
hydrostatic integral - Lidar measures a cone about 30 meters in diameter
at 30 km above instrument - Time delay translated into 37.5 meter thick
slices of cone - GPS/RO measures tube 1 km in diameter and 300 km
long - Lidars optical wavelength affected by scattering
off aerosols - Clouds and volcanic debris can cause cold bias
- GPS/RO not affected by aerosols
5GOES 10 IRJan 17, 2004 00UT
Champ 418 UT (22.3,-156.6) Lidar 540
UT (22.05,-159.8) 428 km Angle 7.79
Imagery courtesy of NOAA
6NCAR GFZ -- JPL Lidar Raob Hilo Lihue
Lihue and Hilo raobs courtesy of NOAA
7GOES 10 IR Jan 18, 2004 00UT
Champ 455 UT (24.5,-158.7) Lidar 600
UT (22.05,-159.8) 290 km Angle 29.9
Imagery courtesy of NOAA
8NCAR GFZ Lidar Raob Hilo Lihue
9GOES 10 IR Jan 19, 2004 00UT
Champ 359 UT (22.2,-155.4) Lidar 600
UT (22.05,-159.8) 448 km Angle 2.7
Imagery courtesy of NOAA
10NCAR Lidar Raob Hilo Lihue
11GOES 10 IR Jan 20, 2004 00UT
Champ 436 UT (23.4,-158.5) Lidar 600
UT (22.05,-159.8) 202 km Angle 24.05
Imagery courtesy of NOAA
12NCAR GFZ -- JPL Lidar Raob Hilo Lihue
13Tsuda et al JGR 2000
Raob-GPS 20-30 km x Lidar-GPS 24-34 km
14Water Vapor Retrieval
- Above 220 K altitude, use water vapor from
background - Below 220 K, assume BG temperature, calculate
water vapor from refractivity - Can cause discontinuity in water vapor
- N 77.6P/T 3.730e5Pw/T2
15NCAR -- JPL Lidar Raob 1DVAR ECMWF
16 NCAR Lidar Raob 1DVAR ECMWF
17NCAR Lidar Raob
18 NCAR -- JPL Lidar Raob 1DVAR ECMWF
19Concluding Remarks
- GPSRO, lidar and radiosonde temperatures in
agreement below 35 km - Gravity waves in GPS/RO profiles validated
- GPSRO cold bias above 35 km
- Lower signal to noise of GPS signal
- Smoothing of bending angle using climatology
- Influence from hydrostatic seed temperature
- Test retrieval algorithm with lidar temperature
20Concluding Remarks 2
- Water vapor generally in agreement
- Differences arise mainly from representativeness
of measurement type and offset in time and space - classic retrieval can sometimes lead to
unphysical solutions (negative water content)