Title: Planet of the Apes Quotes
1Planet of the ApesQuotes
- 1) State who you believe said the quote.
- 2) Briefly explain the significance of the
quote (think more than just the movie).
- Leo
- Rights Activist
- Thane
- Slave Owner
- Politician
- Thanes Father
- Activists Guard
- Thanes Guard
- Slave
- Ship Scientist
- Activists Father
- Human Female
3Its BeautifulSo is the sun until you get too
close to it
4One thing you dont want in your house is a
human teenager
5Its disgusting the way we treat humans, it
demeans us as much as them
6We used to lose ourselves in the rainforest, now
we can barely climb a tree.
7Why cant we sterilize them?It would cost too
8Everything in human culture takes place below
the waist
9Next youll be telling us these beasts have a
10This is one of their house humans, he thinks
hes better than us.
11Humans, you cant tell one from the other
12Must you be so difficult?How should I be?
Like a slave?
13Whyd you do that?You could use it against
14Breaking the Vase
15They are all dead because of me.I am alive
because of you.
16History is filled with men who have done amazing