Title: Recent Simulator Activity
1Recent Simulator Activity
- Baseline Testing
- Fire testing performed during the first week of
May 2000 - Agent testing performed during the third and
fourth weeks of May2000 - Results/General simulation
- The air flow passing through the test section no
longer attains the 400F MPSE criteria - During past core heating trials, fuel leaked
through openings in the lower portions of the
core to the test bay floor due to excessively
rich conditions in the core volume - The core heating burner was nozzled back from 6
gph to 2 gph to relieve the fuel leak - Air flow heating to specific temperature is
difficult due to the simplicity of the simulator - Results/fire testing
- Used a heat flux transducer in a reference
location within the spray fire zone to bench mark
fire intensity and behavior NOTE this is
intended for in-house reference only - Determined existing fuel nozzle array is
insufficient (fuel not atomizing acceptably) - A fire is occurring outside the annular fire zone
within the core volume - Electrical feeds to both hot plates damaged and
require repair - Results/agent testing
- Difficulty attaining low temperature agent
storage profile - Agent pressurization insufficient _at_70F, 360 psig
N2 top off - Agent pressurization sufficient _at_70F, 600 psig
N2 top off
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
2Recent Simulator Activity
- Short Term Actions
- Install process controller for the in-line duct
heaters (week of 22May) - Characterize the new nozzle arrays for spray fire
scenario (week of 29May) - Modify firex to attain colder agent storage
temperatures (week of 29May) - Repair/fire-harden electrical feeds and correct
fuel leak problems around the hot plates
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
3Recent Simulator Activity
- Test Data Plots
- 6 tests are provided for viewing
- simulator settings and calculations for each test
are provided on the next slide - a table deciphering the plot legend text
references is provided - plot break down
- article test plots 411.21 and 525.12 are shown to
illustrate air flow heating ability and control
as of now - article test plots 502.11 and 503.11 are shown to
illustrate the differences in fire behavior
between conditions of ambient air/fuel and hot
air/fuel - article test plots 518.10 and 518.11 illustrate
the generic response of the simulator environment
during an agent release - gas distribution plots 518.10 and 518.11
illustrate the distribution in the simulator - Most of this information is "gee-whiz"
- The information is primarily the result of
learning the simulator behavior/characteristics
and bugging it out
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
4Recent Simulator Activity
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
5Recent Simulator Activity
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
6Recent Simulator Activity
Simulator maximum heating ability _at_ 84 in2 open
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
7Recent Simulator Activity
Simulator air stream heating, via process control
(84 in2)
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
8Recent Simulator Activity
Fire behavior from spray nozzle array
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
9Recent Simulator Activity
Fire behavior from spray nozzle array
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
10Recent Simulator Activity
Typical simulator response for agent discharge
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
11Recent Simulator Activity
Typical simulator response for agent discharge
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
12Recent Simulator Activity
- Channel Allocations for the Halonyzer
- Forward Ring
- A 1200 ch 11
- B 300 ch 9
- C 600 ch 8
- D 900 ch 4
- Mid Ring
- E 130 ch 1
- F 430 ch 7
- G 730 ch 5
- H 1130 ch 2
- Aft Ring
- I 1200 ch 10
- J 300 ch 12
- K 600 ch 6
- L 900 ch 3
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
13Recent Simulator Activity
Agent discharge, HFC-125
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
14Recent Simulator Activity
Agent discharge, HFC-125
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945
15Recent Simulator Activity
- Comments
- still bugging out systemic difficulties...
- fuel nozzle arrays for the spray fire scenario
have been modified and characterized regarding
flow/pressure curves fire test behavior requires
evaluation - air flow heating
- the in-line duct heaters are now controlled with
a temperature process controller to provide
tighter air flow heating control - the core is plumbed for 2 burners only one is
currently used, the second can be attached at a
later time, if needed - to rectify agent super-cooling difficulties
- have spoken with the testing contractor at WPAFB
to learn from their experiences - have additional simple modifications planned for
the firex - Summary/Observations
- comparison of flux plots illustrates difference
in fire zone behavior with respect to air
temperature (heat sink effects) - agent releases performed with HFC-125 (simulation
protocol) of 5 MPSE phase I attempts, 2 were
considered reviewable (agent temp for HFC-125 was
-42 and -45F gt representative of Halon 1301 _at_
-65F) - for the current simulator configuration, an agent
weight for HFC-125 is somewhere between 3.50 and
3.75 lbm (Halon 1301 predicted to be 100/77 times
that mass to achieve an MPSE-acceptable
distribution profile)
WJ Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405 USA
Contact Douglas Ingerson tel 609-485-4945