Title: The World Between the Wars: 19191939
1The World Between the Wars 1919-1939
- Document 1
- The World After World War I
- By Hakiym Colon and
- Kimberly Girdhar
2 Basic Outlook of Life After the War
The war brought many changes into the lives of
the people whose country fought in the war. The
after effects of the war brought the most
troubling years Europe has ever seen.
-The war caused many countries to lose land that
once belonged to them. -Factories, hospitals,
schools, railroads, villages, homes etc. Were
either damaged or destroyed.
This map shows the lands that were lost
immediately due to the war.
3Basic Outlook of Life After the War
-France, Germany, Austria and Hungary faced many
financial issues to try and rebuild not only the
places but the confidence back into their
country. -Many lives were lost due to the war
and many people died due to the outcome of the
war (i.e starvation) -Many jobs were lost and
so many people struggled to feed and protect
their families.
This map shows the lands that were lost
immediately due to the war.
4England and France
- England and France emerged as the Winners
of the World War I battle (also known as the
Great War). However these two countries both
spent about 20 years trying to recover the
damages made from World War I. -
-They gained control of various lands from
Germany, but many French and British were left
homeless, orphaned and jobless.
5 England and France
-They had to borrow huge sums of money from the
United States due to the destruction of their
economies. -This war also brought a feeling of
hatred and resent toward the people of
Germany. -There was a lost of many soldiers.
They were either dead or wounded.
People left wounded after the war in France
- Italy felt that if they switched sides to the
Allies then the war would be benefiting for them.
However this wasnt so. - Italy didnt gain anything from the war.
- They felt left out and cheated. And since
Italy dropped out the war before it ended, they
didnt gain any land . This left Italy very
angry, bitter and very suspicious of England and
- Germany also suffered a great deal due to
this war. They suffered the most damage and had
the most debts to pay. They lost many colonies
and they lost a lot of money. -
-As the other countries Germany lost a lot of
people. -They suffered the ruins and lost of
their economies and land. -All hope of recovery
was gone due to the fact that more debt kept on
rising and they had to find a way to pay it
all. -Their government wasnt working and people
started to get angry.
8 Russia
Russia also played a major role in World War I.
However due to the great damage caused by the war
Russia had to drop out early in hope of
recovering from the damage. But these hopes were
- They didnt gain land, actually they lost a great
deal of land. - -Due to the loss of their government they adopted
a new form of government Communism.
Russia faces hardship
9 -They spread negative ideas about democracy
and capitalism -They faced hardship of food
shortage and loss of life -People didnt really
have a life anymore. -The war caused hatred and
bitterness throughout Europe
- After the war the Japanese empire became
stronger. Their empire started to take shape and
they saw themselves in a new world power.
-They demanded for the attention and influence
the European countries had. -They looked to
extend their imperialist power -They wanted to
attain all the natural resources they needed. The
growth an domination led Japan to build a
stronger industry and military
11United States
- The war brought an ever rising growing
attitude and hatred toward the European world.
They fought long and hard in the war to attain
peace between the nations. However the European
countries fought and brought destruction all
around them. However the United Stated loaned
money and helped in the rebuild of the European
World politically and socially. However the
United States refused to take parts in the
tension between the nations.
12The World Between the Wars
- Basic Outlook
- Life after the war was tough on all the
countries. - Loss of life and food was common
- Faced hardship and hatred
- Had to rebuild economy and country
- The Countries
- England, France, Germany and Russia faced the
biggest hardship. They had to change their
government and they lost plenty of land. - Italy didnt gain anything
- Japan grew stronger
13The World Between the Wars
- Conclusion
- - Feelings of resentment, anger and aggression
were made. All of this lead to the disaster and
greatest hardship the European world would have
ever seen.