Title: Perspectives on singletopquark production
1Perspectives on single-top-quark production
- Zack Sullivan
- Aspen Winter Conference 2007
2What is single-top-quark production?
LHC (s-chan?)
Wt associated
For details see ZS, PRD70, 114012 (04)
1 Harris, Laenen, Phaf, ZS, Weinzierl, PRD 66
(02) 054024 2 Tait, PRD 61 (00) 034001 Belyaev,
Boos, PRD 63 (01) 034012
3Learning about the Wtq vertex
- Measuring B(t?Wb) only tells us Vtb Vtd, Vts
CDF, PRL 86 (01) 3233 - In the SM Vtb 0.9991 0.0001 (PDG 2004)
- Relax Unitarity of CKM matrix
- Single-top cross section proportional to Vtb2
- Measure B(t?Wb) in t t, extract ?Vtb ??t/2
- in each channel
See polarization of top at production (5 fb-1)
Stelzer, ZS, Willenbrock, PRD 58 (98) 094021
4Current evidence
CDF results from Note 8588 Note 8585
D0 results from hep-ex/0612052
Twice as much data on tape. We will know better
in summer.
New NN
5New phenomena affects- and t-channel separately
New q-t-X verticies
KK-modes etc.
New NN
BR(t?Zc)lt0.33 CDF, PRL80,2525(98) will soon change
4th generation? t-T mixing? Suppress t not s?
6Model independent searches forW ? at Tevatron
and LHC
- LHC can test SM-like W? bosons up to 5.5 TeV
- Couplings of 10-1?gSM up to 3 TeV
7The lasting importance ofsingle-top-quark
A decade of intense collaboration and inspiration
has led to a new or modified understanding of
every aspect of the observable cross section.
8How to see the initial state
W-gluon fusion (circa 1996)
A mathematical trick let us resum large logs
into a b PDF.
Gained new nomenclature t-channel production
1st testable need for a heavy-quark PDF
- Heavy-quark (b, c) PDFs are more than a trick
- b c are full-fledged components of the proton
structure. - HERA is beginning to see evidence of intrinsic
charm stay tuned! - Leads to other processes ,
Zb/Zc, Zbj/Zcj, Wbj
9Fully exclusive NLO calculations
Required new methods to calculate fully exclusive
cross sections with massive states
- Worked out analytically in
- Harris, Laenen, Phaf, ZS, Weinzierl, PRD 66,
054024 (02) - Numerically studied using ZTOP
- ZS, PRD 70, 114012 (04)
- Now in MCFM 5.1
- Campbell, K. Ellis
New baseline NLO standard
Cuts ETjgt15 GeV, ?jlt2.5, no cuts on t
10Paradigm of jet calculations
- How do we interpret fully differential NLO?
- We are calculating jets not partons
- Calculations are not well defined
- w/o a jet definition
- Bad things happen if you
- treat jets as partons
dNLO jets/hadrons ? better
partons Our language should evolve to recognize
11NLO matching to event generators required for
t-channel single-top
- HERWIG/PYTHIA Wbb 1/3 of LO prediction
- Both used
- IS radiation is too soft and forward, miss hard b
- Background to W-Higgs 3 times larger as well
- Feed LO events from MadEvent/CompHEP into
HERWIG/PYTHIA and normalize to NLO tj, tb, tjj,
tbj samples. - Other prescriptions MLM, CKKW, etc.
bad shapes
ZS, PRD 70, 114012 (04)
12Lessons of top-quark polarization
- The top quark decays before it hadronizes, and
the pure V-A induce a 100 correlation between
the d-jet in the event and the e/m - The angular variable is a nice
13Angular correlations are important
Many analyses do this (e.g. SUSY, H?WW,
etc.) Getting these right will be a big concern
in a few years
14Use the correlated information
ZS, PRD 72, 094034 (05)
What is used now
Why use these, when the primary information is in
the well-measured angular correlations?
- Things not covered
- 1st PDF uncertainties
- Modifed Tolerance Method (what you use for PDF
errors) - Kinematic uncertainties
- Push for NN b-tags and clever uses
- Single-top-quark production forces us to
reconsider our intuitions and develop new
technologies that push the frontiers of
perturbative QCD - We will have precision measurements of weak
interaction structure. - Single-top has changed how we think about the
cross section. -
It will be vital to the success of the LHC to
develop close interactions between theory and
experiment of the type single-top-quark
production has enjoyed.
16Extra slides
17Uncertainties (PDFs, kinematic)
18Exclusive t 1 jet at NLO
ZS, hep-ph/0408049
b-jets/non-b jets have different distributions
Cuts ETjgt15 GeV, ?jlt2.5, no cuts on t
- Cross sections uncertainties depend on cuts
- Shapes are stable, only normalizations vary
- s-channel, t bNLO 1.54?t bLO
- t-channel, t jNLO t jLO if using ?lQ2,
19Single-top-quark production
For details see ZS, hep-ph/0408049
- s-/t-channel now known fully differentially1
- If Mt 178.04.3 GeV ? ?t 1.880.27 pb ?s
0.820.11 pb - First honest PDF uncertainties included above
- ??t 11 8 ??s 4.7 3.9
1 Harris, Laenen, Phaf, ZS, Weinzierl, PRD 66
(02) 054024 2 Tait, PRD 61 (00) 034001 Belyaev,
Boos, PRD 63 (01) 034012
20Experimental reach vs. theory
- Theory errors are smaller than experimental reach
- Not necessarily true with extreme cuts
- Tevatron is statistics limited until 30 fb-1
- LHC is completely systematics limited
- factor of 10 discrepancy in background estimates
at LHC - A new study is needed to resolve whether
s-channel is observable at the LHC needs to use
corrected NLO signal and backgrounds.
21W ? at Tevatron
- Best way to look
- for W ? bosons.
- Simmons Tait, Yuan (97)
- Fully differential NLO for arbitrary V, A
couplings ZS, PRD 66 (02) 075011 - First use modified tolerance method for PDF
uncertainties - CDF used MW ?gt550 GeV (was 420 GeV) PRL 90
(03) 081802 - Look for resonant peak in Wbb invariant mass
same rate for L/R-handed - Use spin correlations to tell if W ? has left or
right-handed interactions - Run II can reach 800-900 GeV (2 fb-1)
Run I
ZS, PRD 66 (02) 075011
22W ? at LHC
- Huge cross section at LHC
- 10 TeV W ? _at_ 50/yr (high lum.)
- Total rate less than s-channel single-top sample
if MW ?gt2 TeV - Must use invariant mass
- Only background gt 1 TeV t-channel single-top
- Completely missed by HERWIG/PYTHIA!
23W ? at LHC
- Using Mbjl? can reach 5.5 TeV
- PDFs induce kinematic limit here
- Can reach couplings 10? smaller than gSM!
- Most perturbative theories predict couplings
within factor of 2 of gSM
- Coupling limit is model independent (if ?W ? lt
MW ?) - Can use ZS, PRD 66 (02) 075011 to find limits in
favorite model - Littlest Higgs models can be ruled out in 1 year
at LHC!
24Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor
- Both ? and ?0 might appear in single-top-quark
production - Width is typically few ?100 GeV, so may not be
clear resonance - Cross section large enough to reach 1 TeV for ?
at LHC - ? is fraction of Mt due to TC
- Rb puts lower limit of M? gt 250 GeV
25More on Top pions
- Topcolor can have charged heavy scalars ?
- Very similar to W ? production, but scalar
resonance - Can also produce neutral top pions ?0 that decay
to tc
Tait, Yuan, PRD 63 (01) 014018
26Phenomenological Observations
- b-tagging has room to grow 30-40/b ? 60/b
- 2.5x improvement in signal
- This is central to finding new physics H, SUSY,
W ?, Z ?, - Remember single-top is a large component of the
Wbb background - Jet-energy resolution limits cut on Mt(bl?),
currently 35 GeV ? 20 GeV - 1.8x drop in Wjj background
- Hurts MET from calorimeter
- A larger cone size may lower out-of-cone
uncertainties, and increase signal.
- Lower ETj thresholds from 20-30 GeV ? 15 GeV.
- 1.5x improvement in signal
- ?e,? lt 1 ? ?e,? lt 2
- 1.5x improvement in signal
- Is there a clever way to improve range in ??
for CDF?
27Extra W ? plots