Title: Use of Technology to Forward Prevention
1Use of Technology to Forward Prevention
- 9th National GRAA Technical Assistance Conference
- Albuquerque, NM
- January 14, 2007
2The Adolescent Brain
- Is perfectly designed to
- Take risks
- Innovate
- Enjoy new experiences
Reviewed in Giedd, J.N. (2004) Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci. 1021 77-85.
3Adolescent Life in the Digital Age
- How do your students learn?
4Technology Provides
- Instant communication
- Enormous amounts of information
- Social networking
5How is Technology Used?
- New gadgets and social media (blogs, message
boards, podcasts, video blogs) allow information
to reach target audiences faster. - Audiences can now create their own media messages
6Technology and Risk
- 64 percent of teens who use the internet say that
most teens do things on the Internet that they
wouldn't want their parents to know about - Nearly half (48) of 16- to 17-year-olds report
that their parents or guardians know "very
little" or "nothing" about what they do on the
Internet - Nearly one-third (29) of students surveyed said
their parent or guardian would disapprove if they
knew what they were doing on the Internet - Source ONDCP
7Technology and Risk Social Networking Sites
- The emerging issues of youth displaying high-risk
behavior on social networking sites such as
MySpace.com or Facebook.com has become alarmingly
problematic, demanding more attention from school
officials, drug prevention advocates and parents.
8Technology and Risk Social Networking Sites cont
- With access to groups like those found in MySpace
(Drugs Are Cool and Sex, Drugs and Everything
Else You Keep From Your Parents), teens are
opening up about their lives, often glamorizing
substance use, violence and high-risk sexual
9Technology and Risk Social Networking Sites cont
- In WI, an 18 year-old faced charges after posting
pictures of several weapons, his potted marijuana
plants and other drug paraphernalia on his
MySpace page.
10Schools Addressing Risk
- District 128, which includes Libertyville and
Vernon Hills high schools, gained national
attention on shows like Good Morning America, ABC
World News Tonight and Dateline as the first
district in Illinois to incorporate guidelines on
appropriate online activity in its student code
of conduct manual.
11Schools Addressing Risk cont
- District 128 tackled the issue by launching an
Internet safety campaign during 2005-2006 school
year to educate students, parents, faculty, staff
and the school board on the topic. - The district also collaborated with local law
enforcement and held a workshop for parents and
created fake personal pages to show how the sites
12Schools Addressing Risk cont
- Parents were shocked at the inappropriate
messages and photos the fake pages received from
possible predators almost immediately after being
posted. - As a result of this campaign the number of
inappropriate photos or information has almost
13Technology and Protection
- Technology allows young people to actively
participate in the creation of drug-free messages - The vast majority of students live by the online
safety behaviors they learn at home and at school - 59 of students say they talk about education
related topics online, including college or
college planning learning outside of school
news careers or jobs politics, ideas, religion
or morals and schoolwork - (National School Boards Association 2007)
14Using Technology to Instantly Communicate Healthy
- Prom Night DUI Prevention Text Messages
- Department of Public Health Sexual Health Text
Messaging Campaign
15Using Technology to Provide Drug Free Information
- Information FOR Young People
- www.freevibe.com (ONDCP)
- Information ABOUT Young People
- Students Working Against Tobacco
- Information BY Young People
- Stop Underage Drinking Now
16Using Technology - Drug Free Social Norming
- Blogs
- Missouri Youth Adult Alliance
- Social Networking Sites
- My Space - Students Together Against Alcohol N
17Are You Using Technology to Forward Prevention?
- How are you using technology to teach your
students? - Are you using any of these technologies?
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Podcasts
- Online collaboration
- Web-cams
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- GIS (Geographic Information System)
- Google Earth
18For More Information
- http//www.theantidrug.com/
- http//www.mediacampaign.org/
- http//www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/e
moticons.html - http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/pdf/street_ter
ms.pdf - http//www.netlingo.com/emailsh.cfm
19For More Information cont
- http//socialmarketing.blogs.com
- http//technologyinprevention.blogspot.com
- http//prevention.typepad.com
- http//www.district128.org
- http//www.4teachers.org