Title: Synchronization Methods
1Synchronization Methods
CS 105Tour of the Black Holes of Computing
- Topics
- Mutual-exclusion methods
- Producer/consumer problem
- Readers/writers problem
2Mutual Exclusion
- Need ways to enforce critical sections
- Prevent race conditions that cause errors
- Requirements for mutual exclusion
- Safety only one process/thread at a time inside
CS - Progress if nobody has access and somebody wants
in, somebody gets in - No starvation if you want in, you will
eventually get in - Desirable properties
- Efficiency can get into CS in relatively few
instructions - Low load waiting for CS doesnt waste resources
- Fairness if you want in, nobody else gets in
ahead of you twice
3Additional Requirements
- Synchronization is tricky to get right
- Failure to protect critical sections
- Incorrect use of primitives
- Deadlock
- Programmer-friendliness is big plus
4Hardware Mutex Support
- Test and Set
- Read word, set it nonzero, and set condition
codes - All in one indivisible operation
- Compare and Swap
- Read word, compare to register, if match then
store second register into word - Again, indivisible
- Generalization of Test Set
5Example of Test and Set
- enter_critical_region
- leal lock, eax
- .L1 tsl (eax) Set lock NZ, set CC
- jne .L1 Loop if was already NZ
- We now have exclusive access
- ret
- leave_critical_region
- xor eax, eax
- movl eax, lock
- ret
6Evaluating Test and Set
- Very fast entry to unlocked region
- Easy to implement
- Guarantees safety progress
- Wastes CPU when waiting (spin lock/busy wait)
- Doesnt make it easy for other threads to run
- Extremely high memory (i.e., bus) traffic
- Prone to errors (e.g., forget to unlock)
- Prone to starvation
- For these reasons, test set is used only to
implement higher-level constructs.
- Higher-level construct, discussed previously
- Invented by Edsger Dijkstra
- P(sem) or wait(sem) decrements and possibly waits
- V(sem) or signal(sem) increments and lets
somebody else in - Usually implemented by operating system
- Allows scheduler to run different thread while
waiting - OS can guarantee fairness and no starvation
- Or can even enforce priority scheme
- More flexibility for user (e.g., can count
things) - Still error-prone
- Ps and Vs must be matched
- Single extra V blows mutual exclusion entirely
(compare Test Set)
- High-level mutual-exclusion construct
- Invented by C.A.R. Tony Hoare
- Difficult or impossible to use incorrectly
- Like Java/C class combines data with functions
needed to manage it - Keys to monitor correctness
- Data is available only to functions within
monitor - Specific functions (gatekeepers) control access
- Only one process/thread allowed inside monitor at
a time - Queues keep track of who is waiting for monitor
- Turns out to be hard to do certain things with
monitors - Programmers wind up standing on heads or
implementing things like semaphores
9Problems in Synchronization
- Many standard problems in concurrent programming
- Producer/consumer
- Readers/writers
- Dining philosophers
- Drinking philosophers
- Etc.
- Standard problems capture common situations
- Also give way to evaluate proposed
synchronization mechanisms
10The Producer/Consumer Problem
- Two processes communicate
- Producer generates things (e.g., messages) into a
buffer - Consumer takes those things and uses them
- Correctness requirements
- Producer must wait if buffer is full
- Consumer must not extract things from empty
buffer - Solutions
- Can be done with just load/store (but tricky)
- We have seen simple semaphore-based solution for
one-element buffer - Perfect application for monitors
11Producer/Consumer with Monitors
- monitor producerconsumermonitor
- var buffer0..slots-1 of message
- slotsinuse 0..slots
- nexttofill, nexttoempty 0..slots-1
- bufferhasdata, bufferhasspace condition
- procedure fillslot(var data message) begin
- if slotsinuse slots
- then wait(bufferhasspace)
- buffernexttofill data
- nexttofill (nexttofill 1) mod slots
- slotsinuse slotsinuse 1
- signal(bufferhasdata)
- end
12Producer/Consumer with Monitors (continued)
- procedure emptyslot(var data message) begin
- if slotsinuse 0
- then wait(bufferhasdata)
- data buffernexttoempty
- nexttoempty (nexttoempty 1) mod slots
- slotsinuse slotsinuse 1
- signal(bufferhasspace)
- end
- begin
- slotsinuse 0
- nexttofill 0
- nexttoempty 0
- end
13The Readers/Writers Problem
- More complex than producer/consumer
- Many processes accessing single resource
- Some read, some write (some could do both)
- OK for many to read at once
- No danger of stepping on each others feet
- Only one writer allowed at a time
- Examples
- Shared access to file
- ATMs displaying or updating bank balance
14Readers/Writers with Semaphores (Polling Version)
- semaphore mutex 1
- int nreaders 0, nwriters 0
- void reader()
- while (1)
- P(mutex)
- while (nwriters ! 0)
- V(mutex)
- wait_a_while()
- P(mutex)
- nreaders
- V(mutex)
- read()
- P(mutex)
- nreaders--
- V(mutex)
15Readers/Writers with Semaphores (Polling
- void writer()
- while (1)
- P(mutex)
- while (nreaders nwriters ! 0)
- V(mutex)
- wait_a_while()
- P(mutex)
- nwriters
- V(mutex)
- write()
- P(mutex)
- nwriters--
- V(mutex)
16Readers/Writers with Semaphores (Polling
- What are the drawbacks of this approach?
- How can we write a non-polling version?
17Readers/Writers with Monitors
- monitor readersandwriters
- var readers integer
- someonewriting boolean
- readallowed, writeallowed condition
- procedure beginreading begin
- if someonewriting or queue(writeallowed)
- then wait(readallowed)
- readers readers 1
- signal(readallowed)
- end
- procedure donereading begin
- readers readers 1
- if readers 0 then signal(writeallowed)
- end
18Readers/Writers with Monitors (continued)
- procedure beginwriting begin
- if readers 0 or someonewriting
- then wait(writeallowed)
- someonewriting true
- end
- procedure donewriting begin
- someonewriting false
- if queue(readallowed)
- then signal(readallowed)
- else signal(writeallowed)
- end
- begin
- readers 0
- someonewriting false
- end
19Readers/Writers with Monitors
- Characteristics of solution
- No starvation
- Arriving readers wait if writer is waiting
- Group of readers runs after each writer
- Arrival order of writer, writer, reader runs in
different order - Requires several auxiliary variables
20Dining Philosophers
- Models many important synchronization problems
- Most famous concurrency problem
- Posed by Dijkstra
- Characteristics
- Five philosophers alternate thinking and eating
- Only food is spaghetti
- Requires two forks
- Each philosopher has assigned seat at round table
- One fork between each pair of plates
- Problem control access to forks, such that
everyone can eat - Note that pick up left, then pick up right
doesnt work - Solvable with semaphores or monitors
21Deadlock and Starvation
- Three bad things can happen in concurrency
- Inconsistency incorrect results, e.g. from races
- Deadlock Nobody can make progress
- Starvation No deadlock, but somebody doesnt
make progress
22Drinking Philosophers
- Extension of dining philosophers
- Arbitrary number of philosophers
- Each likes own drink, mixed from bottles on table
- Can only mix drink when holding all necessary
bottles - Each drink uses different subset of bottles
- Problem control access to bottles, such that
there is no deadlock and no starvation