Title: Fezeka School
1Fezeka School
- Education Without Borders
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5 The town of Guguletu surrounding the school
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7 A typical home in Guguletu
8 Children in Guguletu
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10The old classrooms before being demolished to
make way for the new ones
11Classroom before the construction of the new
building in August 2003
12 Fezeka students at work
13 EWB Board Member with Fezeka Staff
14 New classroom under construction
15 Forging ahead with the buildingalmost ready for
the roof!
16New classrooms with roof completed
17 18Fezeka student Nomathemba Kontyo (gr 11) wins
international science essay competition-goes to
19 Fezeka students surf the net for the first time
with Vancouver visitor
20- On February 22nd, 2004 Fezeka staff and students
held a partnership fund-raising concert at their
Guguletu school where eight new classrooms were
21 Staff and students watch rehearsal
22 Five tenors rehearse for the Big Concert
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26Heres what you can do
271. Fund-raising
28- Buy-a-brick campaign (at 5.00 a brick , we need
20,000 bricks to complete building) . - Student/teacher exchange ( bring or send a
student or teacher to Vancouver/York House-Cape
Town/ Fezeka) for cultural exchange and
educational development. - Raise funds for their computer facilities and
technical support.
292. Helping projects
30- Collect books for the Fezeka School Library.
- Form a team of volunteers who can help EWB at
our various fund-raisers e.g. making posters,
banners, flyers and other promotional material. - Getting the word out about what EWB is
doing-telling people to visit our website and
encouraging them to support us financially.
31Find out more atwww.educationwithoutborders.ca
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