Title: Alain Blondel
Views from a European in New York
2Since NUFACT99
NUFACT99 (i.e. -1) was organized in collaboration
with Wojcicki and Wurtele in the wake of the
prospective study of muon storage rings in
Europe (ECFA sponsored, Bruno Autin, AB, John
Ellis editors) itself triggered by external
influences 1997 workshop on physics at the
front-end of a muon collider (Fermilab, Raja and
Geer) ? S.Geers 1998 article on
neutrinos from muon storage rings AND 1998
atmospheric neutrino disappearance firmly
established by SuperKamiokande collaboration majo
r steps then 1. Neutrino factory as a first
step towards muon colliders 2. realization that
CP violation might be measurable if nature is
kind to us (LMA) 3. International collaboration
necessary for large neutrino experimental
facility 4. Incentive for experimenters to step
in accelerator RD experiments (HARP, MUSCAT) 5.
CERN created (and later killed) a Neutrino
Factory Working Group, (05-99 ? 12/01) now
re-born as ENG (European Neutrino Group)
3Since NUFACT99
- Feasibility studies I and II demonstrated that
Neutrino Factory can be built (expensive though) - SuperK, SNO, KamLAND have demonstrated that,
YES!, solar neutrinos oscillate and - Yes!, LMA is the right solution!
- CP violation has a good chance to
be seen. - Neutrino Factory remains the most powerful tool
that one has imagined to study/measure the
neutrino mixing parameters - substantial progress on NUFACT components
- liquid mercury jet experiments (exposed to beam ,
solenoid) - FFAG PoP
- horn
- Li H2 absorbers
- RF cavity (800 MHz)
- now what?
4Europeans have many assets for the future
Neutrino programme
- ICARUS and the Liquid Argon Technology
- a community involved in NuFact RD experiments
(HARP, MUSCAT) - A consensus that Accelerator RD should be
developed more (ESGARD) - A lab that is very keen to act on this (RAL) and
others that are sympathetic (LAL, Saclay,) - MICE
- SPL and Beta-beam
5MuScat Version 2
6MUSCAT first data!
Thin Li
Thick li
Thick Fe
7-- Neutrino Factory CERN layout
1.2 1014 m/s 1.2 1021 m/yr
0.9 1021 m/yr
m ? e ne nm
3 1020 ne/yr 3 1020 nm/yr
oscillates ne ? nm interacts giving m- WRONG
interacts giving m
8Possible step 0 Neutrino SUPERBEAM
300 MeV n m Neutrinos small contamination from
ne (no K at 2 GeV!)
Fréjus underground lab.
A large underground water Cerenkov (400 kton)
UNO/HyperK is favored choice (or Liquid Argon)
also proton decay search, supernovae events
solar and atmospheric neutrinos. Excavation could
start in 2008, feasibility study undertaken in
the framework of APEC.
9beta-beam same n energy/detector as
super-beam run Sb, He and Ne simultaneously
synergy with nuclear community almost at
precision level of nufact . -- not cheap!
Maximal CP sensitivity _at_ 99 CL
A recent (2001) idea that is faring well! will
be the object of a design study funding proposal
to EU with Nuclear Physicists
NB additional potential wrt magnetized iron
calorimeter tau detection, sign of low
energy electrons, if magnetized. May redefine
the optimal parameters of neutrino factory
An International Muon Ionization Cooling
12 10 cooling of 200 MeV muons requires 20 MV of
RF single particle measurements gt measurement
precision can be as good as D ( e out/e in )
10-3 never done before either.
Coupling Coils 12
Spectrometer solenoid 1
Matching coils 12
Spectrometer solenoid 2
Matching coils 12
Focus coils 1
Focus coils 2
Focus coils 3
Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkov TOF 1
RF cavities 1
RF cavities 2
Downstream particle ID TOF 2 Cherenkov Calorimet
Diffusers 12
Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3
Incoming muon beam
Trackers 1 2 measurement of emittance in and
13MICE Process and Status
MICE was initiated at the occasion of NUFACT01 at
(in) famous breakfast meeting in Tsukuba. Ken
Peach and Andy Sessler wrote the Steering group
mission. LOI end 2001 ? PSI, RAL encouraged to
submit a proposal by RAL (PSI gives a beam
solenoid) proposal submitted Jan 2002 may
2003 International Peer Revue Panel strongly
recommends approval RAL and UK proceeding to
adjust cost ?/? funding Success (so far) based
on -- motivated international partners (SG,
technical team leaders, members) -- sound
organization model -- builds on component RD
(MUCOOL) -- a lab director wants it!
exp. first ground breaking end of 2003 -- /beg
A model for International study III?
European view 1. a Design Study Report
should be on the table as major project at the
time of LHC JPARC start-up
Interestingly this is the same time scale as i)
MICE ii) FFAG study and PRISM!
2. it should preferably be a very similar DSR
when subnmitted to the various labs. (local
differences apart) with collaboration established
for major components. 3. it is important to
understand which is the best way to build
neutrino factory a number of options exist for
each of the subcomponents. To name a few
phase rotation FFAG based / RF based
/ Ind. Linac based cooling FFAG, optional?,
linear, ring acceleration FFAG / recirculating
linac preliminary work to
establish these choices before launching detailed
engineering work 4. some parameters (base line,
energy, polarization or not) are detector choice
dependent (LARG vs Iron Ball) The cost of
detector or detectors should be integrated in the
programme? (ICARUS, Hyper-opera, Hyper--CDHS,
magnetize water, etc)
-- NUFACT03 was a great edition! Lots of great
science and progress. excellent connection
with muon physics -- looking forward for
much progress at NUFACT04 off-axis proposals
(or reactor neutrino exp) on the table MICE
construction (hole in the concrete, beam line,
funding) international collaboration towards
study III in the works ? a Neutrino Factory
proposal by LHC/JPARC start-up!
their collaborators for the efficient convivial
productive organization and settings!