Title: Publicity Committee 802.11.15
1Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless
Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title
PC Meeting Minutes Sept03 Date Submitted
Sept. 16, 2003 Source Glyn Roberts
Company STMicroelectronics, Inc Address 1060
East Brokaw Road, San Jose, CA
95131 Voice1-408-806-8772, FAX
1-408452-0278, E-Mailglyn.roberts_at_st.com Re
Abstract WG15 PC Meeting Minutes for
September 2003 Purpose Inform WG PC activities
in Sept 03 meeting Notice This document has
been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is
offered as a basis for discussion and is not
binding on the contributing individual(s) or
organization(s). The material in this document is
subject to change in form and content after
further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the
right to add, amend or withdraw material
contained herein. Release The contributor
acknowledges and accepts that this contribution
becomes the property of IEEE and may be made
publicly available by P802.15.
2Publicity Committee 802.11/.15
Glyn Roberts, PC Chair 802.15 Brian Mathews, PC
Chair 802.11
3Meeting Summary
- Reports from industry trade groups
- WiFi Alliance Bill Carney
- WiMedia Alliance - Glyn Roberts
- SG15.1a/BT SIG Tom Siep
- Review 802.11h and 802.15.1a press release text
- Open discussion of external communication issues
- Discuss Singapore seminars
4Industry Reports
- Bluetooth SIG/15.1Rev.a update
- V1.1 incorporation of bug fixes, updates
IEEE Inputs - Schedule first Letter Ballot Nov 03, Sponsor
Ballot May 04 - WiMedia Alliance
- Definition in process of a certifiable common
platform suitable for WiMedia application
profiles and third party entities (possible
examples Wireless USB, Wireless 1394 and Digital
Home) - Next face-to-face in San Francisco, October 14 -
16 - WiFi Alliance update
- 213 Members, 24 since there last face-to-face
- 881 products certified, 1000 likely by end of
October - 93 b, 2 a, 3 ab, 2 bWPA, lt1 g (but growing
fast) - Next member meeting New Orleans, Dec 8 to 11
5Press release discussions
- 11h, (Spectrum Managed 802.11a) Brian to see Carl
Stewart re. FCC requiring DFS (Dynamic Frequency
Selection). - 1a release will be drafted by T. Siep and G.
Roberts - Questions raised if IEEE should make a press
release to clarify the relationship between IEEE
and FCC. This responds to some confusion created
by 15.3a members contacting FCC, not the IEEE.
This could take some heat off FCC and IEEE.
6External communications
- Discussion of possible branding of the Working
Group /or Task Group activities. Goal would be
to more clearly communicate the difference
between WiFi and 802.11, or between WPA and
802.11i as examples. Possibly just better
articulation of the different groups' activities
on the 802.11 homepage ala the .15 tutorial. - Question was asked if there is any plan to issue
a release in response to the Chinese government
announcement about WAPI (instead of WEP). Wi-Fi
has assigned a central point to coordinate any
response. There are currently no plans for an
IEEE 802.11 response.
- Tuesday night Singapore IME/12R seminar on UWB
- SITF Standards Friday noon
- 12R/IDA event Saturday morning