Title: SKA: Configurations and Simulations
1SKA Configurations and Simulations
- Ramesh Bhat
- Colin Lonsdale
- Roger Cappallo
- Shep Doeleman
- Divya Oberoi
- Joanne Attridge
MIT Haystack Observatory
2Simulator Functions
- A general purpose tool for LOFAR/SKA studies
- Create Synthetic Data Sets
- Performance simulations, at high level design
specs - Realistic effects Ionosphere, Variable beams,
Skies - Configuration Studies
- Explore Design Parameter Space
- Automation to allow efficient searches
- Identify trends in performance
- Testing Calibration and Postprocessing
- Direct access to structures solved for
- Controlled environment for isolation of effects
- Test New Postprocessing Algorithms
- Science Applications (e.g. EOR)
3Simulator Status
- Includes
- FITS Image import
- Variable station beams
- Thermal Noise (Rx)
- Arbitrary array configuration.
- Arbitrary station config.
- Gaussian sources
- Arbitrary time/freq obs.
- True parallelization in time.
- Functional parallelization otherwise
- Exportable to FITS
- Script driven to support automated parameter
- 4-D Ionosphere with line integration.
- Site mask incorporation
- Sky noise due to Galactic Background.
- Will Include
- Polarization
- Realistic skies
- Source Spectral Index
- Out-of-beam source contributions (CasA in
sidelobes, etc) - Extension to 3-D FFTs for wide field imaging.
- RFI (limited)
4Functional Flow Diagram
config generator
Script driven Simulator Module
Calibration structures for comparison
(u,v) FITS
PSF Stats Imaging Fidelity
5Image Import and Simulation
6Effect of Variable Station Beams
7Simulator Beowulf
- 20 nodes
- 2.4 GHz P4, 900 each
- 1 Gbyte of RAM
- 60 Gbyte of disk
- Gigabit ethernet switch
- 24-port
- 2000
- UPS and misc
- Excellent price/performance
- 50-80 Gflops
- 1.5 Tbytes of disk
- lt25,000
8Configuration Studies - in progress
Proposed USSKA Configuration
- Parameter space is vast
- Configurations (log spirals, random,)
- Number of stations (variable sensitivity )
- No of elements/station, Staion layout
- Bandwidth and integration time
- Sky properties and observing geometry
- Frequency, polarization, spectrum,
- Weighting schemes, tapering
- Ranges of corrupting influences.
- Strategy parameterize configurations and explore
limited ranges, identify trends - Input from ALMA, ATA, SMA studies.
Inner 100 km array
9Figures of Merit
- PSF statistics RMS, size, min, max, deviation.
Computed for declination, integration, bw. - Cable Length (Prims Algorithm).
- Sensitivity Loss due to weighting, fixed taper.
- PSF statistics for Inner compact array/core.
- Image fidelity for a few benchmark images.
- Robustness impact of random station loss.
- Calibratability requires calibration software.
10Searching in Parameter Space
11Configuration Optimization
Figures of Merit PSF RMS vs Radius PSF Beam
Size Cable Length
12Configuration Optimization
Figures of Merit weighted And Combined into
Optmization function
13Configuration Editor
14Progress so far and Future Work
- Good progress with the simulator package,
- downstream pipeline, automation, FOMs.
- Many configs tested so far, calculation of FOMs.
- Continue extensive configuration studies
- Explore N, Nant/station, station layout, etc.
- Range of observing conditions, time/bw effects.
- Configuration evaluation along FOM axes
- Continue Code Development
- New modules based on priority