Title: Out of the Crisis
1Out of the Crisis
Principles of Management Software Engineering
2Whos Edward Deming?
- Lead Japanese industry into adopting
- new principle of management
- Developed the 14 Points
3Whats Wrong With Management Today?
- Quality and production are incompatible
- Improving quality requires more physical labor
- Technology is the route to our salvation
- External parties have no effect on quality
4What Needs to Change?
- Quality must become the primary priority
- Trust must be established between managers
- and workers
- Operational definitions must be established
- Higher quality expectations from corporate
- partners or suppliers
5What Else Needs to Change?
- Consistency of effort
- Adopt more meaning full measurements
6Benefits Of Transition
Improve quality
Costs decrease, less rework, fewer mistakes,
fewer delays, better use of machine-time and
Productivity improves
Capture the market with better quality and lower
Stay in business
Provide jobs and more jobs
- Adoption of the 14 Points
- Acceptance of obligations
- Identify problems
- Solutions are not universal
8The 14 Points
- Create constancy of purpose for improvement of
- product or service
- Adopt the new philosophy
- Cease dependence of mass inspection
- End the practice of rewarding business on price
- tag alone
9The 14 Points (continued)
- Improve constantly and forever the system of
- production and service
- Institute training
- Adopt and institute leadership
- Drive out fear
- Break down barriers between staff areas
10The 14 Points (continued)
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets
for the work force 11. Eliminate numerical
quotas for work force and goals for
management 12. Remove barriers that rob people
of pride of workmanship
11The 14 Points (continued)
13. Encourage education and self-improvement for
everyone 14. Take action to accomplish the
- Lack of constancy of purpose
- Emphasis on short-term profits
- Annual evaluations
- Mobility of management
- Managed by visible figures alone
- Excessive medical cost
- Excessive cost of warranty
13How Does Software Engineering Fit In?
- Shewart Cycle Plan, Do, Check, Act
- TQM SPC CPI 100 Customer satisfaction
- SPICE Organizational focus on customer
- satisfaction and improvement