Title: the VIRTUAL Winery
1the VIRTUAL Winery
2the VIRTUAL Winery
- The VIRTUAL Winery is a business simulation used
to create a long range strategic plan. - The system provides for both US and metric
measurement. - The plan encompasses sales, cost and production
forecasts with a capital budget and a flexible
debt/equity structure. - Generates sales and margin forecasts (by product
and product line), balance sheets, operating and
cash flow statements for 10 years.
3the VIRTUAL Winery Accounting Flow
This chart reflects the accounting schema used to
build the Virtual Winery V3 System. This flow
chart, a multi-level chart of accounts and sample
financial reports for a winery operation are
included with your VIRTUAL Winery download.
4the VIRTUAL Winery
- The VWS V3 is written in Visual Basic and uses
Microsoft Excel to perform calculations, maintain
the production and sales databases, and generate
graphs, analysis and reports. - The forecast footnotes are in Microsoft Word and
are linked to the Excel based financial forecast. - The program can maintain and recall any number of
scenarios. Scenarios can be easily emailed to
facilitate support and collaboration. - The programs design includes two parts
- Production and Sales Forecast Component
- Financial Forecast Component
5the VIRTUAL WineryProduction Component Flowchart
6the VIRTUAL WineryProduct Entry
The first step is to enter your wine products.
Use this menu choice to go to the Product Entry
Workbook. You can delete the sample product
sheets, then Add your own product sheets. Each
product sheet will post up to 15 years of data (4
Inventory, 1 Crop and 10 Forecast years) to the
product database.
7the VIRTUAL WineryWorkbook Data Flow
8the VIRTUAL WineryProduct Entry Workbook
Above is the Splash Screen for the Product Entry
Workbook. The next three slides show a typical
product entry sheet.
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12the VIRTUAL WineryPost a Product to the Scenario
13the VIRTUAL WineryRecall the Posted Scenario
to the Database
14the VIRTUAL Winery Product Database Sheet Posted
from Product Entry Workbook
15the VIRTUAL WineryProduct Rollup
Whenever changes are made to the database, you
need to perform a Roll-up.
The product rollup will insert each product line
of the database into the product template,
calculate and then add the results to the
Production and Sales forecast.
You can also choose to rollup only a group of
products so you can analyze the results from a
single wine program.
16the VIRTUAL WineryProduction Forecast
You can go to most of the analysis and reports
from the Preview/Print Reports menu selection.
From this menu you can also access the database
sheets and make changes to fine tune the
forecast. The next two slides show the Production
and Sales Forecast analysis built from processing
the Product Roll-up
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19the VIRTUAL Winery
In addition to the Sales and Forecast Analysis,
here are some samples of other reports and graphs
generated by executing a Product-Roll-up.
- Sales and margins are chartered for 10 years
- Monthly production is chartered for the first 60
months. - Verification report - This analysis will give you
a quick overview of each product so you can spot
modeling errors and anomalies.
20the VIRTUAL Winery 10 Year Sales Analysis
The sales analysis is a 10 year annual report of
sales, margins and case sales by product, sub
product and sales channel. It also includes
graphs of annual sales, margins and case sales by
sales channel. These analysis are Excel Pivot
Tables generated from the sales database. The
sales database is re-built each time that there
is a product roll-up. The next two slides
include samples of these reports and graphs.
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23the VIRTUAL Winery60 Month Production Sales
The graphs menu choice will display the
production and sales graphs for the first 60
months. These graphs are very useful for
spotting modeling errors and data anomalies. The
next two slides show some samples of these
24the VIRTUAL Winery
Do I have the necessary working capital to
support these inventory levels?
That is a lot of barrels Where am I going to
store them all?
25the VIRTUAL Winery
Will my cellar operations support 78,000 gallons
in process?
Oh! Now I understand Those peeks are the wine
club shipments.
26the VIRTUAL Winery Verification (Summary) Report
To go to the Verification report, click on the
Product Summary sheet tab. This sheet also
includes a drill-down analysis (the Audit Cube)
so you can inspect each product by month by
individual line item (e.g. Opening Inventory).
27the VIRTUAL WineryDocuments
- The Documents menu selection provides access to
the various MSWord documents and Excel workbooks
that support and document the program including - Report cover, Accountants Report and Forecast
Footnotes. - Chart of accounts including an accounting
system schema (see Slide 2).
- Systems flowcharts (See Slides 5, 7 and 28)
- Program documentation a 55 page MSWord
document. - Menu report listing all the menu selections with
28the VIRTUAL WineryUpdate the System
29the VIRTUAL WinerySystems Setup
The System selection provides access to systems
setup and maintenance functions. Notice, the
measurement can be either metric or U.S. method.
30the VIRTUAL WineryAbout Screen
31the VIRTUAL WineryFinancial Component Flowchart
32the VIRTUAL Winery Transfer to Financial
When you are ready to transfer the Production and
Sales Forecast to the financial component of the
program, you must select which years that you
want to show monthly and which years where you
want to show only the annual totals.
33the VIRTUAL Winery Go to Financial
When you are ready to tackle the Financial part
of the forecast, select Go To Financial from the
menu. The next slide shows the opening Index
sheet of the financial component workbook. You
can navigate the entire Financial component from
this sheet.
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35the VIRTUAL Winery Forecasted Balance Sheet
36the VIRTUAL Winery Forecasted Operating
37the VIRTUAL WineryForecasted Cash Flow Statement
38the VIRTUAL WineryAdditional Data Required for
the Financial Model
- Labor and Benefits
- Capital Budget
- Credit Line, Term Loans (principal Interest),
Receivables and Payables information - Production, Sales Admin. and Production Cost
Budgets. The automated budgeting system makes
this easy! - Opening Balances Balance Sheet required the
cash flow and operating comparative balances are
useful but optional. - Additional Equity contributions, as required
(UGH!) -
The following four slides show the Labor
Benefits entry and the Automated Budgeting system.
39the VIRTUAL Winery Entering your Labor Costs
40the VIRTUAL WineryAutomated Budgeting System -
Budget Type Parameters
41the VIRTUAL WineryAutomated Budgeting System
Period Allocations
Expenses can be allocated to monthly periods
using any one of 20 Period Allocation Base
Options, or you can enter your own monthly
42the VIRTUAL WineryAutomated Budgeting System
Budget Data Report