Title: Does wine retailing have a future on the internet
1Does wine retailing have a future on the internet?
2The table of contents
- Briefing Case-Study
- Use the competitive forces and value chain models
to analyze wine retailing as an internet business
model. - Compare the business models and strategies for
internet wine retailing used by Wineshopper,
eVineyard, and Virtual Vineyards. Discuss the
flaws and strengths of each company - Do you think WineShpper.coms business model was
a difficult model to work with, and why? What
management, organization, and technology issues
contributed to this companys failure? - How important to eVineyards success to datewere
the tim-ing, management, and the strategy? How
important was the role of technology? In your
opinion, why was evineyard the eventual winner in
the race for online wine sales? - Do you think wine retailing can succeed on the
internet? Explain your answer.
31. Use the competitive forces and value chain
models to analyze wine retailing as an internet
business model.
Internet-base wine industry
Early Stage
Middle Stage
Final Stage
NEW Entrants
Wine Shopper .com
Virtual Vineyard
Virtual Vineyard
Sonoma and Napa wineries
Wine Shopper .com
Wine .com
eVineyard (now called wine.com)
Stiff com-petition
V-Vineyard Changed name to Wine.com
Wine Shopper .com
Other competitors
Other competitors
Other competitors
41. Use the competitive forces and value chain
models to analyze wine retailing as an internet
business model.
Value Chain
IT infrastructure
Human Resources ERP
Technology Internet based
Procurement to-order and web-page
Sales and Marketing WebOrderingSystem
InboundLogistic Support bywholesaler
Operation Web- management
Service Provideexpertisewine-information
Outbound Logistics Express delivery
52. Compare the business models and strategies for
internet wine retailing used by Wineshopper,
eVineyard, and Virtual Vineyards. Discuss the
flaws and strengths of each company
- Three-major wine retailers Biz-model and
63. Do you think WineShpper.coms business model
was a difficult model to work with, and why? What
management, organization, and technology issues
contributed to this companys failure?
- Why they biz-model was a difficult to work? The
excess competition charge from wrong positioning
Excessive hire of the employee
decentralization of main center
A technique standardization between
wholesalers and the company
74. How important to eVineyards success to date
were the tim-ing, management, and the strategy?
How important was the role of technology? In your
opinion, why was evineyard the eventual winner in
the race for online wine sales?
- eVineyard apply to their fundamental business
when other competitor were in stiff competition.
on the other hand, if their competitor was
bankruptcy, the absorb it. - the consumer of various area and many amount can
do transaction through web-based system. - know yourself
- eVineyard well knew about self-position and their
work - they could be the eventual winner because of
maintain their size.
85. Do you think wine retailing can succeed on the
internet? Explain your answer
- To give wine shoppers direct access to
limited-production wines that are often not
available through most wine retail superstores - the complex law and regulation for interstate
shipping of wine, so increase alternative's needs - Internet's high accessibility and flexibility
about the firm's environment