Chapter 2: Mathematics for Maintenance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2: Mathematics for Maintenance


Censoring data = incomplete remove/test stop failure ... Multiply censored data: test/operating times differ among censor units. 17 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 2: Mathematics for Maintenance

Chapter 2 Mathematics for Maintenance
  • Overview
  • Basic Statistics
  • Derivative and Integral Calculations
  • Laplace Transforms and Differential Equations
  • Basic Economics

Basic Statistics Probability and Distributions
  • Random events and probability
  • An event is a particular outcome or a set of
    outcomes, of a particular trial or experiment
  • A random event E will occur with some probability
    denoted by P(E) where 0 P(E) 1
  • The collection of all possible outcomes (events)
    relative a random process is called the sample
    space set S, where S E1,E2, En and P(S)1
  • If two or more classes of outcomes are all
    non-overlapping, then these events are mutually
  • Two or more classes of events are independent if
    the probabilities of occurrence of their outcomes
    do not depend on each other.

Probability and Distributions
  • Rules of probability
  • Every event A has associated with it
    complementary event and P(A) 1 P( )
  • Union probability P(A?B) P(A) P(B) P(A?B).
    If A and B are mutually exclusive then P(A?B)
    P(A) P(B)
  • Intersection probability P(A?B) P(A)P(BA). If
    A and B are independent then P(A?B)P(A)P(B)
  • Bayes Formula P(AB) P(A?B)/P(B)
  • Random variables and probability distributions
  • A random variable is a variable that takes on
    numerical values to represent the outcome of an
  • The probability distribution that assigns a
    probability to each value/ an interval values of
    a discrete/continuous random variable
  • Probability density function (PDF) f(x) and
    cumulative distribution function (CDF) F(x)

Probability and Distributions
  • Discrete Distributions
  • p(x) PXx 0 p(x) 1
  • F(x) P(X x)
  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Binomial distribution
  • E(X)np, Var(X)np(1-p), x number of successes
    in n independent trials
  • Poisson distribution
  • E(X) Var(X) ?, x number of occurrences in a
    specified time
  • Continuous distributions
  • 0 F(x) 1
  • F(x) P(X x)
  • f(x) dF(x)/dx
  • P a X b
  • E(X) µ
  • Var(X) s2

Probability and Distributions
  • Some popular continuous distributions
  • Exponential f(t) ?e-?t, ?gt0 F(t) 1 -
  • Weibull distribution

  • Where ? scale parameter
    ? shape parameter, ? 1
    exponential G is gamma function

Probability and Distributions
  • Gamma where ? scale parameter, ß
    shape parameter
  • Erlang when ß is a positive integer, G(ß)
    (ß-1)! And
  • Normal

Probability and Distributions
  • Lognormal
  • General distribution
  • Where ?,? are the scale parameters ,ß and s are
    the shape parameters
  • For m 1 weibull
  • m1,s2 Reyleigh
  • m1,s1 exponential
  • m0 and ß 1 Extreme value
  • s 1 and ß 1 Makeham
  • s 0.5 and ß 1 Bathtub

Identifying Failure and Repair Times Distributions
  • Identifying distributions
  • Empirical methods (nonparametric) derive
    directly distribution (no distribution fitting)
    READING 12.2 (E286)
  • Parametric methods fitting a theoretical
    distribution data collection, identifying
    candidate distributions, estimating parameters,
    Goodness-of-fit test
  • Collecting the data
  • Observation of failure (or repair) times t1, t2,
    , tn where ti represents the time of failure of
    the ith unit? simple sample
  • Failure data operational vs. test generated
    failures, Complete vs censored data, grouped vs
    ungrouped data, large samples vs small samples,
  • Censoring data incomplete ? remove/test stoplt
  • Singly censored data same test time, test is
    concluded before all units have failed?left(some
    tilttc)/right censored data (some tigttct or
  • Multiply censored data test/operating times
    differ among censor units

Identifying Failure and Repair Times Distributions
  • Identifying candidate distributions
  • Construct a histogram of the failure or repair
    times number of classes of failure/repair times
  • k int13.3log10n n sample size
  • Compute descriptive statistics
  • MTTFsampleMedianTTFsampl? normal or weilbull ?
  • MTTFsamplegtMedianTTFsampl? exponential,
    lognormal, weilbull
  • Exponential sample mean sample standard
  • Analyze the empirical failure rate ?(t)
  • ?(t) const. ? exponential
  • ?(t) decrease ? weibull
  • ?(t) increase ? weibull, normal, lognormal
  • Use prior knowledge of failure process
  • Use properties of the theoretical distribution
  • Construct a probability plot plot the points
    (ti,F(ti)), i1,2..n, on appropriate graph
    paper, a proper fir to the distribution would
    graph as an approximate straight line use the
    rank adjustment method with F(ti)(i-0.3)/(n0.4)
    ? initial estimate parameters, small sample
    size, censored data ? least squares fit is
    recommended over a manual plot on the
    probability paper

Identifying Failure and Repair Times Distributions
  • Estimating parameters
  • The join of n iid distributions is
    fx1,,xn(x1,,xn)f(x1)f(x2)f(xn), xia sample
    of size n this is the likelihood function
    probability of obtaining the observed sample
    containing the unknown parameter
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLE) with complete
    data Max L(?1,,?k)?f(xi?1,,?k) ?j unknown
    parameters ? logarithm ? set partial derivative
    ?j 0
  • MLE for Censored data where ? unknown
    parameter, F set of indices for the failure
    times, C set of the indices for the censored
    times, ti censored time for multiply censored
    data, for singly censored data, ti t (type I)
    or tr (Type II)

Identifying Failure and Repair Times Distributions
  • Goodness-of-fit tests
  • Hypothesis tests
  • H0 the failure times came from the specified
  • H1 the failure times did not come from the
    specified dist.
  • General tests Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test
  • Where k number of classes Oi observed number
    of failures in the ith class Ei npi5
    expected number of failures in the ith class n
    sample size pi F(ai)-F(ai-1) probability of
    a failure occurring in the ith class if H0 is
    true. ith class ai-1,ai) where a00 ak t,
    tr, 8
  • Specific test Bartletts test for exponential
    distribution (E399)
  • Specific test Manns test for Weibull
    distribution (E400)
  • Specific test Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normal
    and lognormal distributions (E402)

Experimental Design
  • Experimental design collect and analyze data ?
    critical factors significantly affect failures or
    repair times
  • Factorial Design collect data at all
    combinations of the levels of the factors ?
    simultaneous evaluation of the factors ? number
    of experiments mk, k factors each at m levels
  • Two-factor factorial experiment model
  • Yijk µai ßj (aß)ij eijk where
    µ overall mean effect ai the main
    effect of factor A at level i
  • ßj the main effect for factor B at level
    (aß)ij the interaction effect
    with factor A at level i and factor B at level
    j eijk random error of the kth
    replication with factor A at level i and factor B
    at level j Yijk the value of the
    response variable at the kth replication with
    factor A at level i and factor B at level j

Experimental Design
  • The statistical hypotheses of interest
  • H0 ai 0 for all i
  • H0 ßj 0 for all j
  • H0 (aß)ij 0 for all i,j
  • H1 ai ? 0 for at least one i
  • H1 ßj ? 0 for at least one j
  • H1 (aß)ij ? for at least one i,j
  • Test hypotheses ANOVA

Experimental Design
  • Where
  • a the number of levels of factor A
  • b the number of level of factor B
  • n the number of replications

Derivative Integral Calculations
  • Derivative and indefinite integral calculations
  • Definite integrals

Laplace Transform and Differential Equations
  • Laplace transforms
  • The first order differential equations
  • Basic conversion

Markov Model
  • Transition Model consider state i
  • Pi(t ?t) Pi(t) (1 outgoing transition rate
    ?t) incoming transition ?t
  • ratePj(t)
  • Transition rate ?t prob. That the system is at
    result state in time ?t
  • Steady state model dPi(t)/dt 0 when t ??? then
  • ?j(rate into state i from state j)Pj
    (rate out of state i) Pi

Basic Economics
  • Present value of single amount
  • Present value of multiple equal-payments

  • Example 1 the following 35 failure times (in
    operating hours) were obtained from field data
    over a 6-month period. Identify the failure times
  • 1476 300 98 221 157 182
    499 552 1563 36
  • 246 442 20 796 31 47 438 400 279 247
  • 210 284 553 767 1297 214 248 597 2025
  • 467 401 210 289 1204
  • Example 2an aircraft manufacturer is concerned
    with the large number of failures of the use of
    the auxiliary power unit (APU) a particular model
    of its aircraft. The APU is a gas turbine engine
    mounted internally in the lower rear of the
    fuselage. It provides the aircraft with a source
    of power, independent of the main engines, for
    ground operations, main engine starting, and
    in-flight emergencies. Its reliability is
    measured by the number of unscheduled removals
    from the air craft. The manufacturer is
    interested in establishing whether there are
    significant differences in the removal rate that
    depend on carrier type (factor A) and fleet size
    (factor B). Carrier type was defined to be either
    domestic or foreign, and fleet size was
    categorized as small, medium, and large. The
    companys maintenance data collection system
    provided the following information over a
    three-year period. Each years worth of data
    constitutes a single replication. The response
    variable is the number of removals per 100 flying
  • Factor A (type) Factor B (fleet size)
  • Small (1-10) Medium (11-22) Large (over 22)
  • Domestic 0.82/1.267/0.9 0.8/0/56/0.7867 0.74/0.7
  • Foreign 0.7865/0.57/0.74 0.545/0.41/0.63 0.63/0
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