Title: State of CTE in California
1State of CTE in California
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
Business/CIS Education Curriculum
Conference Asilomar, CA March 2007
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Secondary CTE is the buzz
- Status of CTE in California
- Strategic Issues
- Legislative/Budgetary Successes
- CTE Standards/Frameworks
- Answer Questions
3 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
California Education Code
- The governing Board shall prescribe separate
courses of study including, but not limited to, a
course of study to prepare prospective pupils for
admission to state colleges and universities, and
a course of study for career technical training.
(Section 51224, 1977)
4 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
California Education Code
- Each school district shall offer
- a course of study fulfilling the requirements
for admission to the California public
institutions of postsecondary education - a course of study that provides the opportunity
for those pupils to attain entry-level employment
skills in business and industry (Section 51228,
5California Education Code
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- The Governing Board shall adopt alternative means
for pupils to complete the prescribed course of
study, which may include practical demonstration
of skills and competencies, supervised work
experience, high school CTE, ROCP courses and
credit earned at a postsecondary institution. - (Section 51225.3 b, 1985)
6California Education Code
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Districts are encouraged to provide all students
with a rigorous academic curriculum that
integrates academic and career skills,
incorporates applied learning in all disciplines,
and prepares all pupils for high school
graduation and career entry. (Section 51228)
7 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
8 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
Current Funding
- ROCP 458 million
- Adult Ed CTE 102 million
- Partnership Academies 23 million
- SB 70 20 million
- Apprenticeship 18 million
- CalWORKs 10 million
- Ag Incentive Grants 5 million
- Workforce Investment 0.5 million
- AB 8 Student Org. 0.5 million
- CTE Facilities 500 million
9 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
Current Status
- 1987 76 of high school students enrolled in
district-provided, CTE coursework. - 2005 33 of students enrolled in CTE.
- 85 of Career Technical Education students taking
a sequence of courses graduated. - Highest enrollment areas include Business and
Administrative Services, Information Technology,
and Industrial Technology. - 4,705 A-G approved CTE courses but nearly
half of these are fine art classes.
10Historical DilemmaSTIGMA
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Education in the United States was designed to
separate - Academic and Vocational
- Head from hand
- Knowing from doing
- Applied from the abstract
- Education from training
- Berryman, Sue E., and Thomas R. Bailey. 1992
11Issues and ChallengesSqueeze Out
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- CAHSEE (no CTE component)
- College Prep (A-G) One Way Tracking
- Assessments API Scores
- Core Remediation
- Perceived Funding Constraints
12Issues and ChallengesSad Reality
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Nearly half of our high school graduates enter
the work-force with little career or skill
training - 30 dropout before ever graduating high school
- Churning in low end service jobs of 18-29 year
olds costs the economy billions - Innovation/Concept Economy will be dominated by
small nimble businesses, and individuals will be
challenged to manage their own careers - Employers report huge difficulty in finding
competent workers with real-world abilities
13Real Enrollment NumbersFrom High School Through
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
14California High School Class of 2003Enrollment
in 4-Year Higher Education
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- 40,700 or 8 of the High School Class of 2003
enrolled in the California State University
system in the Fall of 2003 - 30,349 or 6 of the High School Class of 2003
enrolled in the University of California system
in the Fall of 2003 - (Calculations are based upon number of 9th
graders in 1999-00 not including statewide annual
population growth factors)
15CTE Decline
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
16 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
17Strengths of CTEOther Ways to Win
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Dr. Ken Gray, PSU, gty_at_psu.edu
- A combination of 60 academic courses and 40 CTE
is the most effective method of preventing
dropouts - CTE vs Academics is about class/race distinction
- 83 of Associate degree holders have same or
greater annual earnings as 4-year college grads
18Rigor/Relevance Framework
3 Apply knowledge across disciplines
4 Apply knowledge to real-world predictable
5 Apply knowledge to real-world unpredictable
1 Knowledge in one discipline
2 Apply knowledge in one discipline
International Center for Leadership in Education
19Strategic Questions
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Is academic rigor and industry relevance
supported in our programs and courses? - Is Career Technical Education courses available
for all students? - Is application of learning integral to all
disciplinary curricula? - Are CTE instructors given opportunities for
sustained professional learning? - Are Industry Advisory Committees active and
involved in supporting and shaping our programs
and curriculum? - Does state and district offices provide technical
assistance to instructors?
20Strategic Questions
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Are CTE courses aligned with recently adopted
state CTE standards? - Are there defined course sequences?
- Are partnerships established between
postsecondary and K-12 CTE programs? - Are Industry Partnerships firmly established?
- Is Perkins funding being used to foster
innovation and improvement, or being diverted to
non-CTE? - Are counselors skilled in career guidance?
- How are ROCP and concurrent enrollment courses
used to increase student options?
21Sacramento Accomplishments
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Articulation Ensuring better CTE articulation
between all levels of education (middle through
postsecondary) SB 70 . - A-G Mandate Killed all efforts to mandate A-G
at the state level, and have in fact forced the
hand of UC/CSU to begin accepting CTE courses
(secondary and Community College courses) - Standards/Frameworks Finally on equal footing
with core disciplines in grades 7 - 12 - Investment in CTE In the current Budget, there
is 52M set aside solely for CTE (208M over the
next 4 years). - Bond (Prop 1D) 500M set aside just for K-12 CTE
and over 1.5B for Community Colleges (facilities
10-year equipment) - Accountability Perkins funding of only bona
fide CTE programs with true career pathways
holding districts accountable to providing CTE
programs to all interested students (potential
litigation). - ROPCs Adult enrollment limits linking them
with high school and community college programs.
Double-edged sword (focus on high school aged
students, but jeopardize programs existence)
22CTE Standards and Frameworks
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- AB 1412 Wright - Mandated the establishment of
CTE standards - SB 1934 McPherson - Mandated the development and
adoption of a CTE curriculum framework - Recognized the importance of CTE within K-12
system - Requires that CTE programs are linked to current
and future economy - Standards adopted December 2005 (most
academically rigorous in nation!) - Frameworks adopted January 2007
23Structure of CTE Standards
- Developed for use for grades 7 12
- Organized in
- 15 Industry Sectors
24The 15 Industry Sectors
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
- Agriculture Natural Resources
- Arts, Media Entertainment
- Building Trades Construction
- Education, Child Development, Family Services
- Energy Utilities
- Engineering Design
- Fashion Interior Design
- Finance Business
- Health Science Medical Technology
- Hospitality, Tourism, Recreation
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing Product Development
- Marketing, Sales, Service
- Public Services
- Transportation
252 Types of Standards
- -Foundation Standards
- -Pathway Standards
26 Require two CTE courses for high school
graduation Increase per pupil funding for CTE
courses Measure CTE as part of school
performance Increase the number of CTE
teachers Invest in CTE facilities Enhance
career counseling and align education with
economy Require technical skills and
knowledge for admission to college Return
subject-matter CTE consultants to
CDE/Chancellors Office
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
Whats Next? Policy Initiatives
27 Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA
Other Resources For Policy Ammunition
The 2010 Meltdown Solving the Impending Jobs
Crisis by Edward E. Gordon Other Ways to
Win, 3rd Edition Creating Alternatives for High
School Graduates by Dr. Kenneth
Gray Achieving Academic Excellence Through Rigor
and Relevance. by Dr. Willard
Daggett Preparing Students for a
Technological-Information Based Economy by
Dr. Willard Daggett
28Questions?Thank You
Law Offices of Fred Jones 12120 Herdal
Drive Auburn, CA 95603 Tel (530) 887-9944 Fax
(530) 889-8000 fredjones_at_jps.net CBEA