Title: Locating Social Sciences Resources
1Locating Social Sciences Resources
- http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/classes/2007/spring/p
owerpoint/ - Feb 2007
2Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Outline
- Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources
- Understand your course reading list
- Finding materials from different sources
- Library catalogue
- Electronic databases
- Internet resources
- Demonstrations
3Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources
- Primary Sources A first-hand or eye witness
account of an event. - Newspaper stories , speeches and other papers
that individuals describe events in which they
were participants or observers - Statistical data
- Materials that document the attitudes and popular
thought of a historical time period. e.g. public
opinion surveys. - Records of organizations. e.g. minutes,
correspondences, annual reports, etc. - Personal letters, diary, etc.
4Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Secondary Sources are ones that interpret or
analyzes primary sources. - Examples dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks,
books and articles that interpret or review
research works.
5Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Primary Sources
- Labour Union documents
- Speeches
- Personal letters
- Secondary Sources
- Research papers on evaluating and analyzing the
relationship between feminist movement and labor
movement in turn-of-the-century England
6Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Understand your course reading list
- Example 1
A Book
Chun, Russell (2002). Macromedia Flash MX
advanced for Windows and Macintosh, Berkeley,
Calif. Peachpit Press
Chun, Russell (2002). Macromedia Flash MX
advanced for Windows and Macintosh, Berkeley,
Calif. Peachpit Press
7Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Understand your course reading list
- Example 2
A Chapter in a Book
Ginsberg, Leon (2000) "Conservative Approaches to
Social Policy" pp. 377-92 in James Midgley,
Martin B, Tracy and Michelle Livermore (eds.) The
Handbook of Social Policy. Thousand Oaks, CA
Sage Publications, Inc.
8Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Understand your course reading list
- Example 3
A Journal Article
Pun, Kit-fai (2001)"Cultural influences on total
quality management adoption in Chinese
enterprises An empirical study", Total Quality
Management, May 2001, Vol. 12 Issue 3 323- 342.
9Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Understand your course reading list
- Example 4
A Newspaper Article
Blow to Confidence," South China Morning Post,
April 16, 1994
10Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Search Strategies (1)
- Use appropriate resources
- Library catalogue various books, journals,
video programs, etc. available at the Library - Electronic databases e-books, book chapters,
academic journal articles, news articles,
statistics, glossaries and definitions, etc. - Full-text Databases - contains the partial or
complete text of works, such as articles, books,
etc - Bibliographic Databases - contains descriptive
information (citation and subject headings) for
publications, such as books, and periodical
articles, etc. - Internet resources facts, news, organizational
information, statistics
11Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Search Strategies (2)
- Identify main concepts
- E.g. I want to study about the Arabs being
portrayed as bad guys in the movies. - Arabs, Arabians, Muslims, etc.
- Stereotypes
- Movies, films, media, etc.
- Choice of search words (related key
12Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Search Strategies (3)
- Use appropriate operators (AND / OR / NOT) and
wildcards (e.g. , !) - AND searches records that mention both search
terms, this narrows the search - e.g. media and hong kong (??????)
- OR finds records in which one or both search
terms appear, this broadens the search - e.g. media or journalism (????????)
13Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Search Strategies (4)
- Wildcards / Truncation retrieves all variant
endings of that word - EBSCOhost
- ProQuest
- Factiva
- LexisNexis Academic !
- e.g. journali -- retrieves all words that
start with JOURNALI such as journalist,
journalism, journalistic, etc.
14Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Search Strategies (5)
- ( )Parentheses gives priority and order in the
search statement - e.g. (media or journalism) and hong kong
- Be prepared to narrow / expand your search
results by using database-specific features /
changing your keywords
15Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Demonstrations
- ProQuest / EbscoHost
- Muslims and stereotype and media
- (arab or muslim or islam) and stereotype and
(media or journali or movie)
16Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Demonstrations
- Sociological Abstract, AgeLine (CSA)
- Muslims and stereotype and media
- (arab or muslim or islam) and stereotype and
(media or journali or movie) - older adults and voting
- ((older adult or older people) or elderly) and
vot - CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)
- Subject terrorism keyword china
17Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Demonstrations
- WiseNews / WiseSearch
- ?? and ?? and ?? and ??
- ?? and (?? or ??) and (?? or ??) and ??
- ?? and (?? or ?? or heritage) and (?? or ?? or
protect) and ?? - LexisNexis Academic
- hong kong and heritage and protect
- hong kong and (heritage or queen or star ferry)
and protect! - Factiva
- (hong kong institute of education or ????) and
(academic freedom or interfer or ???? or ??)
18Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Demonstrations
- ??????????
- ???? ??
- ???? ?? ??
- suicide (in title / sort by oldest articles
19Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Internet Resources
- http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/links/pages/Social_Sc
iences/ - http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/links/pages/Arts_and_
Humanities/Cultural_Studies/ - Statistics
- HK Census Statistics Dept publications (print
version or electronic version e.g. HK Annual
Digest of Statistics, census reports, etc.),
Datastream, IMF International Financial
Statistics, UN Statistical Yearbook, China
InfoBank - http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/usrguide/subguide/sta
20Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Citation Management / Bibliography Generation
Tools - RefWorks
- http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/cgi-bin/luaccess?dbna
merefworks - Citation Builder
- http//www.lib.ncsu.edu/lobo2/citationbuilder/cita
21Locating Social Sciences Resources
- Need Helps?
- Ask A Librarian
- http//www.library.ln.edu.hk/eref/
- Integrated Helpdesk
- refstaff_at_ln.edu.hk
- 2616-8571
22Locating Social Sciences Resources