Title: Roni Linser
1Using Role-Play Simulations for teaching and
Learning - motivation and pedagogy
- Roni Linser
- Fablusi P/L
- Email ronil_at_simplay.net
- www.fablusi.com
- www.simplay.net
- Communication is in the true sense the
organizing process of a community (GH Mead
Mind, Self and Society, 1934) - Communication and ICT Revolution .
- Rule vs Role-play simulations
- Pedagogy Dynamic Goal Based Learning
- Examples?
- What worked , what did not and what do students
3ICT and the space of learning
- The rapid development of ICT over the last
decades of the 20th century and associated with
the globalisation phenomenon is having a profound
effect, indeed revolutionary, on the future of
education, even if it is not yet fully
appreciated. - One way educational institutions were effected by
these processes is in the transformation of
iSpaces (interaction spaces). - The separation of institutional spaces from
learning spaces on which educational institutions
depended for their survival has had substantial
effects on teaching and learning.
4ICT and the space of learning
- Educational institutions in Europe, like schools
and universities, have literally been the spaces
for learning at least since the 12th and 13th
centuries. - They have become a global model for education
both in terms of the content and learning space
since the 18th and 19th centuries though not
without challenge. - The library, the classroom, labs and lecture
halls, as well as paper, writing instruments, and
printing presses constituted a technology of
learning that is today being supplemented, some
would say replaced, by ICT. .
5Learning vs. Institutional Space
- The pedagogical structure of role-play
simulations - Dynamic goal based learning (vs. GBL - Roger
Schank) - Role-play
- Web mediated communication collaboration(see
www.simplay.net/research.html Pedagogical
foundations of web-based simulations) - The uniqueness of this structure
- It separates the learning space, where
participants learn from the experience - From
- the institutional and organizational environment
which provide the resources for learning
including moderators or educational facilitators
- A 'simulation' is an artificial environment in
which a particular set of conditions is created
in order to study or experience something that
exists or could exist in reality.
7Role based versus Rule based simulations
- The simulations we are discussing are not
computer simulations of physical systems.
Role-play simulations are for modelling social
interactions placed within a context. - The role of the technology (including its
computational power)is to facilitate
communication in environments that model some
social reality - The end result is that participants experience
the dilemmas and issues common to the
institutions which are being modeled.
8Role based versus Rule based simulations
- Rule based Games (eg. Chess, Football)
- abstract rules
- abstract roles (attached resources)
- specific objectives (win/loss)
- environment . (attached resources)
- Role based Games (eg. Murder Mystery)
- social rules
- specific roles (attached resources)
- abstract objectives
- environment (attached resources)
9Role based versus Rule based simulations
- ultimate abstract rules
- yes-no
- philosophers terminology negation
- Psychologist terminology presence/absence
- computer algorithms manipulate these into more
complex abstract rules
10Role based versus Rule based simulations
- computer algorithms vs human social rules
- playing a computer
- the out put is determined by predefined
algorithms - playing other people
- out put determined by human intelligence/emotions/
values which are more or less can be followed one
minute and not the next
11Playing a role
- In our simulations 'playing a role'is meant in 4
senses   1. playing a game to have fun   2.
playing a character in a theatre play   3.
playing with possibilities 4. playing a
musical instrument
12RPS Information System
13- Administrator
- Guardian Angel
- Manipulative Devil
- Resource resident educator/ learner
- Improvising story teller
- Pedagogical objectives
- Students/Participants
- goals
- Hierarchy
- Teacher centred
- Set time and space
- Interaction
- Resources
- Game objectives
- Roles
- goals
- Virtual social structure
- Learner centred
- Flexi time space
- interaction
- Just in time Resources
14Institutional Teaching Space
Learning Space
15Structure of some role-play games
- political science specific roles/open ended
objectives/rules/ - Nursing abstract - yet specific roles/specific
rules/ specific objectives - Literature constraints defined by the book -
characters/plot open ended objectives given a
social dilemma that deals with social mores and
rules - educational design more abstract roles yet
specific/ specific objectives/ flexible but
fairly structured rules of university discourse - marketing abstract roles/ specific objectives/
rules incl. industry standards - military - highly structured objective/ abstract
roles/ defined military standards of hierarchy
and cooperation - staff development purposes. sexual harassment -
abstract yet specific roles/open ended
objectives/open ended yet defined rules
16Why do Role play work as a learning strategy?
- Identity
- Anonymity,
- Do things you would not otherwise do
- Discovery
- Self-reflection
17What worked in certain online role-plays and what
did not?
- worked
- open ended objectives/negotiated
- structured rules
- specific roles
- did not work
- highly structured rules
- specific objectives/
- abstract roles
18Thank you !!!for different types of role-plays
and research paperswww.simplay.net