Title: FOAMAF Biosecurity Workshop
1Whats Been Achieved?
A Review of 2004 Workshop Outcomes and Other
Bill Dyck
FOA/MAF Biosecurity Workshop Rotorua 28 Feb/1
Mar 2005
- What we said we would do from last year
- What we actually did
- Our score for the year!
3Last years workshop
FOA/MAF 3rd Annual Forest Health Workshop
Protecting Our Forests The Heritage,
Rotorua, 4.00pm 7.30pm, Tuesday 24th February
2004 Forest Research 8.00am 3.00pm Wednesday
25th February 2004
4What we said we would do
- Post workshop presentations to FOA website (FOA)
- Prepare and circulate workshop report to
participants identify action items (FOA) - Include Action Items on FHRG agenda (FOA)
- FHC to develop a strategy to address nectria
problem (JF) and to address issues raised in DA
presentation (FHC) - MAF to publish draft surveillance review document
(MAF) - FOA to establish commitment to national forest
condition monitoring scheme (FOA) - FHRG to establish a contingency mechanism to
support unexpected research needs. (FOA) - Update economic analysis and environmental impact
for pitch canker (MAF) - Source funding for pitch canker research gaps
(FHRG) (and other gaps) - Design a vector trapping/surveillance programme
for pitch canker response (FR)
5What we said we would do (2)
- Conduct a simulation exercise on PC in the next
12 months (MAF). - Update the pitch canker contingency plan! (MAF)
- Operationalise the plan. (MAF)
- Develop an FHRG Strategy based on feedback
(FHRG) - Formally establish FHRG (FOA)
- Formalise relationship with FHRC (FOA) and FHC
(FOA) - Communicate FHRG to stakeholders
- Identify trained forest biosecurity resource and
training needs (FHC?) for website for action
plans - Communicate current projects to stakeholders (FR,
CORE) - Investigate the development or customisation of
an e-learning training system for forest health
6What we actually did
- Post workshop presentations to FOA website (FOA)
? - Prepare and circulate workshop report to
participants identify action items (FOA)? - Include Action Items on FHRG agenda (FOA)? -
generally yes - FHC to develop a strategy to address nectria
problem (JF) and to address issues raised in DA
presentation (FHC)? - MAF to publish draft surveillance review document
(MAF)? - FOA to establish commitment to national forest
condition monitoring scheme (FOA)? - FHRG to establish a contingency mechanism to
support unexpected research needs. (FOA) not
officially but - Update economic analysis and environmental impact
for pitch canker (MAF)? - Source funding for pitch canker research gaps
(FHRG) (and other gaps)? post-doc on PC, other
gaps being filled - Design a vector trapping/surveillance programme
for pitch canker response - not done insects
no longer sent to FR for identification
7What we actually did (2)
- Conduct a simulation exercise on PC in the next
12 months (MAF). planned for May - Update the pitch canker contingency plan! (MAF)?-
in progress - Operationalise the plan. (MAF) in progress
- Develop an FHRG Strategy based on feedback
(FHRG)? - Formally establish FHRG (FOA)?
- Formalise relationship with FHRC (FOA) and FHC
(FOA)? - Communicate FHRG to stakeholders ?
- Identify trained forest biosecurity resource and
training needs (FHC?) for website for action
plans ? - Communicate current projects to stakeholders (FR,
CORE) ? - progressed - Investigate the development or customisation of
an e-learning training system for forest health
(BD) ? - progressed
8Where we really made progress
- FBRC up and running
- Nectria problem being tackled - from FBRC
- Post-doc on Nectria
- MAF surveillance review
- New FHS scheme accepted by FOA Exec
- Expansion of molecular diagnostic capability
- New capability FR, Lincoln CORE
9Where we really made progress
- New facilities - CORE
- Improved quarantine facilities NZFRI, Lincoln,
The Tree Lab
10Where we really made progress
- MAF incursion responses AGM, PAM etc
11Where we really made progress
- Post-doc on PC
- Improved understanding and preparedness - pitch
12Where we really made progress
- Perfecting screening methods for safe commercial
importation of radiata pine and other species
13So how did we do overall?
- Last year we made a C average and we thought
that was pretty good. - This years score.
14Scorecard for 2004/05
- Improved awareness B
- Collaboration A
- Tackling key issues A
- Filling gaps in biosecurity B
- Improving surveillance B
- Strategic approach to research A-
- Effective research A-
- Incursion response A-
15Thank you
Great effort!