Title: The [NII] Line Ratio
1Aurora over the South Pole August 22, 2005 (photo
by Stephen Parshley)
The SPIFI instrument mounted on the Nasmyth arm
of the AST/RO telescope.
- Discussion
- Prior ISO Results
- ISO/LWS mapped much of the same regions in the
OIII and NII 122 ?m lines (Mizutani, Onaka,
and Shibai, 2002) - O takes 35 eV to form so it traces gas
exposed to UV light from high mass stars. From
the OIII lines, they find the highly ionized
gas has two components - Relatively dense (ne 100 to 350 cm-3)
component associated with the Carina I and II HII
regions - Relatively diffuse (ne lt 100 cm-3) halo
component encompassing the entire complex with a
diameter of 30 pc
- The NII Line Ratio
- The ISO 122 ?m NII to SPIFI 205 ?m line ratio
yields the density of the low ionization gas
(Figure 5, blue line and circle) - The ratio is 1.2 ? ne 30 cm-3
- Even with a 50 calibration uncertainty, it is
clear that the NII lines (tracing low
ionization gas) arise from a very low density
medium 10 lt ne lt 100 cm-3 - Therefore, the halo of emission seen in the
OII lines also contains gas in lower ionization
states - This low ionization, diffuse gas is similar to
the warm ionized medium in the Galaxy as a whole
- NII and CII
- The CII line was mapped with ISO LWS and the
KAO, and is both bright and widespread over the
Carina Nebula (Mizutani, Onaka, and Shibai, 2004,
Brooks et al. 2003) - In galaxies the CII line emission
predominantly arises from the warm dense
photodissociation regions (PDRs) on the far-UV
exposed surfaces of molecular clouds (cf. Stacey
et al. 1991) - -- However, CII can also arise from low
density ionized gas - With an ionization potential of 14.5 eV, the
205 ?m NII line only arises from ionized gas
regions - Since the NII 205 ?m line has a nearly
identical critical density for thermalization as
CII in ionized regions ( 50 cm-3), the
CII/NII 205 ?m line intensity ratio yields
the fraction of the observed CII that arises
from the ionized medium subject to relative C
to N abundance estimates - Figure 5 displays the predicted CII/NII
line intensity ratio (red line) for ionized gas
as a function of gas density - The observed value (red dot) of 8 means that
4/8 50 of the observed CII line emission
arises from the ionized medium - This is a much larger fraction than the 10 to 25
commonly assumed in neutral gas studies of
external galaxies, and has implications for the
modeling of photodissociation regions including
gas density and temperature, and the strength of
stellar radiation fields in these studies
- Observations
- The Carina Nebula was observed in the 205.178 ?m
NII line with SPIFI (Bradford et al. 2002) on
the 1.7 m AST/RO telescope (Stark et al. 2001) at
the South Pole. The data presented here were
obtained on 23 to 25 August 2005, near the middle
of our 30 day run. We mapped the region outlined
in red in Figure 1 in weather that was unusually
poor for the South Pole site, with zenith
transmission 7.6. - SPIFI-AST/RO Parameters
- Beam size 54 (FWHM)
- Field of view 325 ? 325
- Resolving Power R ? ?/?? 5000, or ?v 60
km/sec - Sensitivity NEP 3.4 ? 10-15
W/Hz1/2 (front end) - ?Trec(DSB) 150 K
- Results
- The map of Figure 3 contains only about 20 of
our data - The NII line appears in emission over most of
the region - The observed line emission largely follows the
free-free radio contours (Retallack, 1983) - The line peaks at 0.51 K on the position of
the Carina II radio continuum peak (G287.57-0.59,
Figure 4) - The line velocity centroid well matches that of
the radio recombination lines (Brooks, Storey,
Whiteoak, 2001)
Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSF
grants OPP-0094605, OPP-0338149, and NASA grant
NNG05GK70H. We are indebted to the Cardiff group
under P. A. R. Ade for their excellent filters,
to the GSFC group (S.H. Moseley, D. J. Benford,
J. G. Staguhn) for their excellent bolometers,
and to J.W. Kooi who set up LOs for our
frequency calibration at the pole. We also thank
the many people who have contributed to the
success of SPIFI both at AST/RO and the JCMT
including, and especially C. M. Bradford, A. D.
Bolatto, J.A. Davidson, M. L. Savage
- References
- Bradford et al. Ap. Opt. 41, 2561 (2002)
- Brooks, K.J. et al. AA, 412, 751 (2003)
- Brooks, K.J., Storey, J.W.V., Whiteoak, J.B.
MNRAS 327, 46 (2001) - Mizutani, Onaka, Shibai AA 382, 610 (2002)
- Mizutani, Onaka, Shibai AA 423, 579 (2004)
- Retallack, D.S. MNRAS 204, 669 (1983)
- Stacey et al. ApJ 373, 423 (1991)
- Stark, A.A. et al., PASP, 115, 567 (2001)
- Wright, E.L. et al. ApJ 381, 200 (1991)