Title: Color Template Lt Gray
1 The FHWA Road Weather Management Program
Background, Achievements and Prospects for
Integrated Road-Weather Management
To the National Symposium on Mitigating Severe
Weather Impacts Tulsa, OK April 3, 2001
Gary G. Nelson Mitretek Systems
Inc. gnelson_at_mitretek.org 202 488 5718
2On behalf of...
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Operations Core Business Unit Christine Johnson
ITS Joint Program Office Jeff Paniati
Office of Transportation Operations Shelley Row
Highway Research Gary Larsen
Many other Public and Private Agencies
Road Weather Management Program Paul Pisano
Highway Research--Operations Rudy Persaud
Road Weather Program
- A surface transportation approach to severe (and
not so severe) weather threats - Some achievements since 1997
- Prospects and gaps in
- Research
- Planning
- Coordination
- Deployment
- Funding
4On any day of the yearon every roadweather
affects operations
5- There has to be an operational continuum from the
mundane to the severe.
- Our physical infrastructure may not survive the
most severe threats.
- Our information systems should survive the most
severe threats.
6Infrastructure Damage
Means disruption of evacuations and emergency
7Everyone talks about the Weather, but...
Transportation Impact
Decision Support
8Surface Transportation Weather Decision Support
Requirements (STWDSR)
Operational Techniques
National Highway System Infostructure
9What is the ITS?
- The application of information systems to
achieve the goals of surface transportation. - The processes and data defined by the National
ITS Architecture - An infostructure to monitor the state of the
surface transportation system. - An open system to facilitate decision support
applications and coordination.
10(No Transcript)
11Maintenance Decision Support System
(MDSS) Prototype Development and Operational Test
12Prospects and Gaps
13Program Prospects
- Road Weather Management
- development tracks for traffic/emergency
management - further programs with meteorological agencies,
incl. common observational assimilation - Operations Business Unit
- operational test for hurricane disaster
management coordination - operational test for traffic management under
weather threats
14Prospects, concluded
- ITS as part of the environmental surveillance
infrastructure - NHS Infostructure
- Fixed and mobile environmental sensing
- Differential GPS/integrated water vapor
- ITS Architecturegt environmental information
- ITS as severe weather info dissemination tool
- National 511 information number
- Various pre-trip and en route information
services (DSRC, HAR, DMS, Internet services)
15The Gaps
The Transportation Community
The Geophysical Community
The Federal Level
The Local Level
The Public Sector
The Private Sector
Transportation Management
Traveler Behavior
Current Funding
Needed Funding
What we know
What we need to know about ITS and
other benefits
16Funding Gaps
Surface Transportation
- FAA staff on weather requirements 50
- National aviation weather research budget
gt20M/yr. - Joint deployments billions
- National staff on road weather 4
- National budget 2M/yr.
- Local public deployments Millions/yr.
At risk
GDP in surface transportation 600B/yr.
GDP in air transportation 100B/yr.
300 fatal crashes/yr
37,000 fatal crashes/yr
17A Funding Initiative
- Transportation-Weather Applications for National
Deployment (T-WAND) - fair share 20M/yr. (?) aimed at surface
transportation re-authorization in 2004 - ITS-America/Weather Information Applications
Task Force proposal (special session at ITS
America Conference, June 5, Miami Beach) - Local agencies can use federal aid transportation
funds. - Local agencies can use the ITS Discretionary
Deployment grants Deployment Projects - (TEA-21, Sec. 5208, 120 M for FY 02)
18What could all this do for severe weather
- Direct mitigation of crashes 10 of 6,000 fatal
and 400,000 injury crashes/year in adverse
weather? - Direct mitigation of transportation damage
costs 10 of 5 billion per year? - Direct reduction of transportation treatment
costs 10 of 2 billion/year? - A further contribution to fine-scale surface
weather observation and prediction. - Improving operations of surface transportation
under severe weather as fundamental to all
response/mitigation strategies.
19For Further Information...
- Documents
- Road Weather Program Website
- Contact gnelson_at_mitretek.org paul.pisano_at_fhwa.do