Title: Making Disciples
1(No Transcript)
2The mission of the Nebraska United Methodist
Conference is
Making Disciples
Making a Difference
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
The People of the Nebraska United Methodist Church
3The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist
Church, 2004 (120) says, The mission of the
Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Local churches provide the most significant arena
through which disciple-making occurs. (Also see
4Our Vision
Our vision is to be a conference full of dynamic
churches sharing and proclaiming the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, marked by signs of vital
5Our Vision
This vision for the Nebraska Annual Conference
sees local churches of all sizes moving toward
vitality, growth and faithfulness to Jesus
6Core Values
We value every person. Every person is of
sacred worth, created and made in the image of
God. We value the centrality of faith in Jesus
Christ, the true Son of God, sent to bring
redemption and salvation to the world.
7Core Values
We value the Holy Spirit that dwells within and
among us to empower us for ministry. . We value
ministry in all parts of our conferencerural and
urban. We value the heritage and potential of
small membership churches.
8Core Values
We believe the Word of God is made flesh and
dwells among us in Jesus the Christ, and is
revealed to us through Scripture, reason,
experience and tradition. We value the calling
of each person to share the good news of Jesus
Christ and to make disciples in his name.
9Core Values
We value our Wesleyan heritage as a covenant
community that lives out both social holiness and
personal piety. We value the ministry of all
believers, lay and clergy, as we serve together
to transform the world.
10Core Values
We value differences as we seek richness in
diversity and integrity in inclusivity.
The development of effective clergy leaders. The
development of effective lay leaders. Implementin
g an effective Certified Lay Minister
program. Implementing new models of mutual
accountability for congregations and clergy.
14Making Disciples
15The People of the Nebraska United Methodist Church
Signs of
161. Radical Hospitality Luke 147-14 When you
give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the
lame and the blind you will be blessed
17- Radical Hospitality
- Whatever it takes
- Operation Andrew
- Bring a Friend Sunday
- Open seating
- Honor and follow-up on visitors
- Everyone is welcomethe impoverished, those
speaking a language other than English
182. Heart-warming Worship Mark 135-39 We must
go to other villages around here. I have to
preach in them also, because that is why I have
19- Heart-warming Worship
- Music that touches the soul
- Vigorous singing
- Well-prepared musician and preacher
- Well-prepared lay participation
- Music and sermon that meets people where they
live - Multiple worship choices
203. Systematic Faith Development Mark
410-12 You have been given the secret of the
Reign of God They may look and look, yet not
see they may listen and listen, yet not
understand. For if they did, they would turn to
God, and God would forgive them.
21- Systematic Faith Development
- Intentional childrens and youth ministries
- Confirmation and new member class New Beginnings
- Sunday school for all ages
- Mid-week classes for all ages
- Youth group
- Disciple Bible Study
224. Passionate, Risk-taking Mission and Justice
Work Matthew 2531-46 I was hungry and you fed
me, thirsty and you gave me drink
23- Passionate, Risk-taking Mission and Justice Work
- Volunteers in Mission or Partners in Mission
- Compassion ministries
- Justice ministries
- Institutions District Mission and Ministry
- Two Hospitals/Methodist College Epworth Village
- Wesley House Nebraska Wesleyan University
- Peace with Justice Restorative Justice
245. Gracious Generosity Luke 211-4 For the
others offered their gifts from what they had to
spare of their riches but she, poor as she is,
gave all she had to live on.
25- Gracious Generosity
- Tithers
- Gifts
- Local mission involvement
- Give until it feels good
- Heart sometimes follows money
266. Connectional Joy and Commitment Acts
243-47 Day after day they met as a group in
the Temple, and they had their meals together in
their homes And every day the Lord added to
their group those who were being saved.
27- Connectional Joy and Commitment
- What must be done together?
- Priority one new churches
- Apportionments
- Advance Specials
28The People of the Nebraska United Methodist Church
Signs of
- Radical Hospitality
- Heart-warming Worship
- Systematic Faith Development
- Passionate, Risk-taking Mission
- Gracious Generosity
- Connectional Joy and Commitment