Title: Welcome to Computer Basics
1Welcome to ComputerBasics
2Our Objectives Today
- Basic understanding of computer parts
- Basic use of the mouse
3Learning how to use a computer is like learning a
new language.
- It takes time dont get frustrated like all
new words and terms this will eventually make
4What is the Monitor?
- The monitor is like a television screen.
- If you keep your monitor on all the time, it will
get hot. It does not harm your computer if you
would like to turn it off
5CPU Central Processing Unit
- This is the computers brain.
6Parts of a computer - Desktop
CD/DVD Drive
A Drive
7Turning the Computer On Off
- Turning on your computer
- This is done by pressing the on button)
- Turn your monitor on
- Turn your printer on
- Turning your computer off
- Turn off printer
- Go to start
- Go to shut down
- Press ok
- Turn Monitor Off
8The Mouse
- The mouse is used on the mouse pad to keep the
mouse ball clean. If you have an optical mouse
no mouse pad is needed.
- Lets practice holding the mouse.
- A click is one quick, light touch on the left
mouse button. - A double click is two quick light touches on the
left mouse button.
Its time to practice using the mouse
10Computer Terms
Browser Software for bringing up and displaying
Web pages such as Internet Explorer and
Firefox Clicking Putting the pointer/mouse on
a certain object, then pressing and releasing the
left mouse button
PC The Computer Cursor No not the swear words
- The pointer on the computer screen, this is
activated by moving the mouse and then
clicking Cyberspace The electronic space that
computer users travel when moving around the
11More Terms
- Dragging Pointing to an object, pressing and
holding down the left mouse button and moving the
mouse to a new location. - E-mail (Electronic mail)