Title: Cheap VR Lime Recs
1Cheap VR Lime Recs
- Scheufler Farms, Inc.
- Lee Scheufler
2Problem (01 Funded Grant)
- Application of lime to adjust soil pH is a major
farm expense. - The need to apply at variable rates is already
documented. (John Schmidt) - Intensive grid sampling for variable lime
recommendations is expensive.
3Purpose (01 study)
- We demonstrated that intensive sampling with
handheld device is cost effective and accurate
4Project Objectives (03 Grant)
- Develop an algorithm (possibly field specific) to
derive variable rate lime recommendation maps
5Methodology (01 Grant)
- 1. Collected pH measurements in-field with a
handheld pH meter on 1 acre systematic unaligned
grids in 2001. - 2. Compared to lab results and demonstrated
effectiveness of handheld device and intense
6Methodology (01 Grant)
- Since we were unable to develop a variable
recommendation from our work in 2001, we
arbitrarily decided to uniformly apply 1 Ton of
65 ECC Lime in 2001
7Methodology (03 Grant)
- 3. Resample at same locations in 2003.
- 4. Analyze data. Develop field specific lime
8Methodology (05 Grant)
- 5. Apply VR lime using recommendation developed.
- 6. Retest in 2005 to monitor success/failure of
9Established grid in 2001
We used Red Hen Systems' FarmGPS software to
derive the grid pattern and select the target
points. We also used it to navigate to the
points when we pulled our soil samples.
102001 Systematic, Unaligned Grid
These are the systematic, unaligned target points
shown on a 1/4 acre grid with the field boundary
11Handheld pH meter used
12(No Transcript)
13Show relationship - pH of field tested points
with lab tested samples.
250 vs. 17
01 pH w/250 points
01 pH w/17 points
Relate 76
14Variogram 01 data 250 points
Good Variogram
Variogram 01 data 17 points
We can make a pretty Map, but is it garbage?
15Resampled 250 points in 2003
16We simply recorded our results on a sheet of
paper when we did the testing with the portable
pH meter. These were later added to the MapInfo
file containing the sample point locations.
17Our previous MapInfo file was updated to include
the 2003 sample results.
18Brought data into Excel response to lime, mean
changes from 5.5 to 6.3
192001 2003 comparisons in Excel response to
Scatter plot 03 pH over 01 pH
H Scatter plot ???
pH 03
pH 01
20Variogram shows that data is spatially related,
and therefore can be mapped.
Variogram 01 pH data
21Variogram shows that data is spatially related,
and therefore can be mapped.
Variogram 03 pH data
22The maps in 3D, same color scheme
01 pH data
03 pH data
232001 2003 pH maps showing improvement from lime
mean 5.4 to 6.3
24Histogram of pH data
252001 2003 pH maps showing improvement from mean
5.4 to 6.3 difference map
Change in pH
01 pH data
03 pH data
(03 minus 01)
262003 pH minus 2001 pH and change negative
responses to zero response
We need to do this so we wont be dividing by a
negative number or zero
27To calculate the amount of lime, we will use the
response to the previous application to guide us
in making the next application.
Since the application in 2001 was a uniform 1 ton
per acre of 65 ECC, then we can use the
following formula
Response to lime
0.65 tons ECC / Change in pH
28Response to lime
0.65 tons ECC / Change in pH
29Response to lime
0.65 tons ECC / Change in pH
30Response to lime
chopped off extremely high numbers
31Response to lime
Same data, different perspective
32Scatter graph of 03 pH with response to lime
(adjusted) NOTE It looks like this would be a
great place to use boundary analysis!!!
Tons ECC per unit change in pH
pH in 2003
Regression equation y 7.9 1.1x (R2 33)
336.5 (pH desired) minus pH observed in 2003
Amount of change in pH to bring all points to pH
34Adjusted change needed map
(renumber negatives as zero)
35Response rate map (Tons ECC/change in pH)
Change in pH needed to get to pH 6.5
Application rate
36We will let the computer figure lime requirement
for each 50 foot grid by multiplying
response_adjusted by pH change (no negative
37Application map to give to Applicator (in Tons
ECC per Acre)
38Comparing our data to Veris
pH map derived from sampling
pH from Veris data
39Comparing our data to Veris
40(No Transcript)
41Cheap VR Lime Recs
- Scheufler Farms, Inc.
- Lee Scheufler
42Thank you