Title: Nasdaq Japan
1Nasdaq Japan
- Analysis based on Concepts in Chapter 1
2Use of Models
- Nasdaq Japan seen through
- Fig 1.2 Tech Business Evolution
- Fig 1.3 Value Chain
- Fig 1.4 Market Roles
- Table 1.1 Industrial vs. Network Economy
- Fig 1.5 Competitive Forces Model
- Fig 1.6 Strategic Grid
3Tech. Business Evolution
Agricultural Economy
Industrial Economy
Network Economy
Craft work Factory work
Knowledge work
The Nasdaq model worked in the US while the
economy was undergoing rapid change from
industrial to post-industrial to network models.
There were plenty of opportunities for a
Nasdaq-like entity to make money in the new
network economy. The technology was in place,
people welcomed mediated investing, and
technology use and familiarity was high
(referring to segment in Lecture A on
4Value Chain
Pro- cure- ment
Pro- duc- tion
Mar- keting Sales
Ser- vice
Facilities Equipment
There seemed to be opportunities for Nasdaq in
terms of production (actually running the
exchange), marketing and sales, servicing share
purchasers, procurement (membership) and even RD
(creating software-driven markets). Nasdaq
seemed to have a good grasp of facilities,
equipment, technology and market.
5Market Roles
Sup- pliers
Pro- ducers
Distri- butors
Custo- mers
Nasdaq Japan was to be a producer in the sense
of offering the market, but additional roles of
suppliers (the listed companies), distributors
(investor support services) and of course
customers (those wishing to buy and sell shares).
6Industrial vs. Network Economy
- Criteria for economic success
- Technological innovations
- Operating innovations
- Management innovations
- Social/regulatory innovations
- Length of time to achieve economies
- Dominant industry power
In the network economy, Nasdaq seemed like it
would be a winner all the innovations were in
place (in the US). But Nasdaq Japan fell victim
to a different social system and wanted changes
too quickly.
7Competitive Forces Model
Stock Exchange Industry in Japan/World
Nasdaq Japan could not lock in suppliers or
buyers. They couldnt build barriers to entry to
lock out new entrants and substitutes.
New Entrants