Title: Bridging the Waste Gap
1Bridging the Waste Gap
- Reducing the environmental impacts
- of French waste management practises
- Study Results
Prague 15th April 2004
2The three steps of the study
- 1) Tool and methodology that covers best
practises in LCA and process modeling - 2) Theorical analysis covering the variety of
scenarii completed by practical experience - 3) Outputs and results that give practical
guidelines for operators and decision makers
31) Tool and methodology
- Study based on LCA methodology (ISO 14040)
- WISARD software developped by Ecobilan
- Peer review in 1999/2000
- 8 consulting groups trained
- Developing know-how
- Involvement of lADEME (French Environmental
Agency) - Involvment of stakeholders at national and
regional levels (2000/2001) - Steering committee for major orientations
- Technical committee for data and hypothesis
4Integrated Waste Management system studied
5Environmental impacts indicators
- Air
- Greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O)
- Acidification
- Metal emissions (Cd and Hg)
- Water
- Water consumption
- Metal discharge
- Eutrophication (DCO, phosphates, nitrates)
- Soil
- Production of solid and hazardous wastes
- Other
- Energie consumption
- ressources consumption (oil, coal, uranium)
6Communicating indicators normalising in eq.
Equivalent inhabitants number of inhabitants
that would cause equivalent consumptions and
emissions to the one evaluated (based on a
national average)
72) Theoritical and practical analysis
- Theoritical study based on 25 scenarii cases
- Mono, Multi collection and recovery schemes
- Different recycling and recovery performances
- Different technical parameters of waste
treatment processes (transports, energy recovery,
biogaz) - Practical experience with 6 local authorities
- Different sizes (40 000 to 1 200 000
inhabitants) - Different waste management strategies
compared (past, present, project and optimised
project) - Adapting to the community concerns
- Involving decision makers
83) Results and practical guidelines
- Clarifying the impacts of different processes
- Assessing leverages for improvement
- Providing quantified basis for dialogue
9Landfilling of residual wastes effect of
different measures on greenhouse gases emissions
10Ranging improvement measures based on their
effectiveness to reduce environmental impacts
- Optimizing residual waste treatment
- Recycling packaging waste
- Composting biowaste
- Optimising logistics
(incinerator or landfill)
There is a hierarchy in the ways to reduce
efficiently the environmental impacts of
integrated waste management
- Using the results of the study
- Global approach to consider waste management
optimization policy (e.g. energy recovery) - Quantified environmental data to be integrated
in local discussions and decision making
processes - Theoritical and practical results consistent
(database) - Going further
- Accompanying more local authorities in the
process - Developping communication at global / local
level - Some knowledge gaps remain (emissions in water
and soil) - Publication of technical guidelines for
decision-makers (year 2004 ?) - A soft version of Wisard ?
- Zero Waste policy in France ?