Title: New Chart of Account Information Seminar
1New Chart of Account Information Seminar
- Whats all the fuss about?
2New Chart of Accounts Information Seminar
- Why the change
- Summary of Chart of Account Changes
- How to use the new Chart of Account
- What are Activity, Time and Location Codes
- What to do to prepare for the change
- What to do if you want a new code
- Resources
3Why the Change?
- Process to develop a new Chart of Accounts
- Extensive consultation with community in Spring
of 2003. - Meetings with Executive Officers, Financial
Officers, and other stakeholders. - Meetings with Faculties, CSBO, Facilities,
Student Accounts, Library, etc.
4Why the Change?
- Results of Review
- Foundation of current Chart of Accounts
(account-fund-org/project) has served the
University well. - Current Chart of Accounts is reasonably
understood by the community. - Any changes to the Chart of Accounts should add
functionality and should not reduce existing
5Why the Change?
- Results of Review
- Existing Chart of Accounts encourages the
proliferation of projects and orgs. The
university currently has some 5,000 projects and
orgs. There was a need to consolidate. - Consensus among the community that projects/orgs
should have additional granularity. That is,
various transactions within projects and orgs
should be coded beyond the account level.
6Why the Change?
- Results of Review
- Concern that the University requires more than
the 10 funds available through the use of a
single digit fund code. - Where possible, any changes to Chart of Accounts
should be optional, at the users discretion. - Simplicity to reduce keying and inconvenience to
the community.
7Why the Change?
- Results of Review
- Regulatory authorities are becoming increasingly
demanding in the quality of reporting they
require. - Users of the Chart of Accounts are also becoming
increasingly sophisticated and require more
sophisticated data from the universitys
financial system.
8Why the Change?
- Results of Review
- Additional Chart of Account codes need to be
adaptable to user needs and should allow users of
the finance system creativity. - Existing Chart of Accounts required modification
to drive IT security needs.
9Why the Change?
- Solution
- Retain the existing base of account-fund-org/proje
ct. - Recognize the diverse needs of users in the
community and allow the community the options and
flexibility in selecting what additional Chart of
Account codes that they require to properly
manage their units. - Introduce three new optional codes
10Why the Change?
- In Summary
- We retained what the community knows and what has
worked. - We have created additional optional fields, which
are designed to give the community additional
choices to manage their units.
11Effective May 1, 2004 COA goes from three up to
six codes
12Funds expandable from 10 to 999Org/Project
combined into Cost Centre
13More codes available to describe transactions
14Summary of COA changes
Account Code
No changes
Fund Code
- Fund Code changes from one to three digits
- Simple rule add two zeros to existing fund
Examples Fund 1 becomes Fund 100 Fund 2 becomes
Fund 200
15Summary of COA changes
Fund Exceptions
- Fund 3 moves to Fund 2
- Schulich Executive Development
- Osgoode PDP
- Atkinson Continuing Education
- Misc. Faculty Projects
16Summary of COA changes
Fund Exceptions
- Fund 3 moves to Fund 1
- Special Academic Projects with restricted funding
- Fund 3 to Fund 2
- Special Academic Projects with unrestricted
17Summary of COA changes
Cost Centre For vast majority of users, the
current org/project/grant number becomes a Cost
Centre with the same number
Examples Old New Org 123456 . Cost
Centre 123456 Project 599999 . Cost Centre
18Summary of COA changes
Cost Centre Exceptions
Fund 4 and 5 multi funded grants (CFI and
PREA) Consolidated under cost centre number
beginning with 5xxxxx
19Summary of COA changes
Cost Centre More Exceptions
Fund 1 special purpose projects with 25xxxx
numbers Renumbered in 180000 to 190999 range for
Old New Project 250251 .. Cost centre
20Summary of COA changes
Cost Centre More Exceptions
Non Credit programs Schulich Executive
Development Osgoode PDP Atkinson Continuing
21Summary of COA changes
- Example
- Existing Orgs in Fund 3 Non Credit program
- 351111 Project Management Program, Course
English, held in fiscal 2003 in Toronto - 352222 Project Management Program, Course Math,
held in fiscal 2003 in Toronto - 353333 Project Management Program, Course
Accounting held in fiscal 2004, in Halifax
22Summary of COA changes
- Org 351111 - Proj Mgmt Program, Course English,
Fiscal 2003 in Toronto - Cost Centre Activity Time Location
- 359999 120001 F2003 00001
- Org 352222 - Proj Mgmt Program, Course Math,
Fiscal 2003 in Toronto - Cost Centre Activity Time Location
- 359999 120002 F2003 00001
- Org 353333- Proj Mgmt Program, Course Accting,
Fiscal 2004 in Halifax - Cost Centre Activity Time Location
- 359999 120003 F2004 00002
23- Summary of COA changesActivity, Time and
Location (ATL) - Three new Codes have been introduced - Activity,
Time, and Location. These new fields will allow
the Community additional flexibility in tracking
transactions - Code use is optional.
24How to use new Chart of Accounts Line Fund
Acct CC Activity Time
Location 1 X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X X 5 X X X
6 X X X 7 X X X 8 X X X X
25What are Activity, Time and Location Codes
Activity DefinitionUsed to track
courses/seminars/projects/ scholarships/conference
s And/or to identify specific transactions
within a Cost Centre or an Account.
26How to use new Chart of Accounts Activity code
combinations Line Fund Acct CC Activity
Time Location 2 X X 5 X X X 8 X X X X
27- Activities
- Examples of where Activities could be used
- Your department has been given a new project to
manage. - You can create a new cost centre or manage the
project within your existing cost centre using an
activity code. Your decision will depend upon how
you want to maintain and delegate signing
authority, carryforwards, budget for the project
and provide eReport access to users.
28- Activities
- Example
- I.T.S. is assigned a new project - Finance
Upgrade project to run. - Option 1
- Set up a new cost centre for the Finance Upgrade
project assign responsibility, signing
authority, eReport access and prepare a budget.
Charge all expenses to that cost centre. - Option 2
- Set up an Activity called Finance Upgrade. Charge
the expenses to I.T.S.s existing cost centre and
use the new Activity code
29- Activities
- Example II of where Activities could be used
- Various departments within your faculty/unit will
be incurring expenses for a shared program that
you want to track. - You can create a new cost centre and have the
departments charge to it or you can have them
charge the expenses to their own cost centre and
use the activity code to track the program
30- Activities
- Example
- Finance has launched an In-house training
program. - Option 1
- Set up a new cost centre for the In-house
training program Assign responsibility, signing
authority, eReport access and prepare a budget.
Charge all expenses to that cost centre. - Option 2
- Set up an Activity called In-house training
program. Charge the expenses to each departments
existing cost centre and use the new Activity
31- Activities
- Example III of where Activities could be used
- You want to track expenses or revenues where no
account code exists. - Since no account exists, Activity, Time and/or
Location could be used. The code(s) you would
select would be dependent on how many levels you
want to break down the transaction.
32- Activities
- Example
- I have advertising expenses for placement in
newspapers and magazines (account 335100) and you
want to identify which newspapers and magazines
the costs pertain to. - You could create several Miscellaneous Activity
codes called Macleans, Globe and Mail, The
National Post, etc., to use with account 335100.
33- Activity
- The code has been developed as a smartcode
which means that each character in the field has
a meaning. - Six-character field definition
- 1xxxxx defines the activity type
- x23xxx defines the domain
- xxx456 describes the activity
34- Activity
- Activity Type
- The first character of the Activity code - Yxxxxx
defines the activity type. So far eight types
have been created. -
- 0xxxxx Research item codes (Research Accounting
use only) - 1xxxxx Courses (Non credit courses more than
several days in duration) - 2xxxxx Scholarships (Used with account code
8xxxxx) - 3xxxxx Courses/Seminars (No more than several
days in duration) - 4xxxxx Projects (Limited term)
- 5xxxxx Miscellaneous/Conferences (Not otherwise
described) - 6xxxxx Activity (Events held by Cost centres)
- 7xxxxx Account (A further breakdown of the
account )
35- Activity
- Domain
- The next two characters - xYYxxx serve to define
whether the activity has been created
specifically for one units use or available for
all users of the Finance system.
36- Activity - Domain
- The codes developed to date are as follows
- Code Responsibility
- X00xxx Research Accounting
- X10xxx Presidents Division
- X11xxx Advancement Services
- X15xxx CNS
- X17xxx Telecommunications
- X20xxx Finance Division
- X23xxx Campus Services and Business Operations
37- Activity - Domain
- The codes developed to date are as follows
- Code Responsibility
- x40xxx x59xxx Academic Division
- x80xxx - x89xxx Academic Division
- X40xxx Faculty of Education
- x41xxx Atkinson
- X42xxx Faculty of Arts
- X43xxx Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
- X44xxx Osgoode Law School
- x45xxx Glendon College
38- Activity - Domain
- The codes developed to date are as follows
- Code Responsibility
- X60xxx Students Division
- X65xxx Student Financial Services
- X66xxx School of Kinesiology and Health
- x70xxx x79xxx Unassigned
- x90xxx x99xxx Used by all areas within
39- Activities
- Activity Description
- The last three digits - xxxYYY describe the
particular activity. The description is defined
by the user and the number is assigned by Finance
based on the next available number in the Finance
40- Activities
- Research items
- Code Description
- Research Accounting
- 000001 Research Account Item 1
- 000002 Research Account Item 2
- Courses
- Code Description
- Atkinson
- 141001 Trauma Respnse Prog-Prov Dev
- 141007 CiiAN Dispute Resolution
41- Activities
- Miscellaneous
- Code Description
- Osgoode Law School
- 544000 LLM General
- 544100 CLE General
- Activities
- Code Description
- Atkinson
- 641200 CADE Conference
- 641201 CADE Pre Conference
42What are Activity, Time and Location Codes Time
DefinitionA period of time. It will describe
when an activity is held or revenue or expense
was incurred. It can be a day, month, session,
calendar year or fiscal year.
43How to use new Chart of Accounts Time code
combination Line Fund Acct CC Activity
Time Location 3 X X 7 X X X 8 X X X X
44What are Activity, Time and Location CodesTime -
Examples You want to track fees and expenses by
calendar year.Coding - Account/Fund/Cost
Centre/TimeYou want to track in an existing
cost centre, conference costs by fiscal
year.Coding - Account/Fund/Cost
Centre/Activity/TimeYou want to breakdown
assets by year acquired.Coding -
Account/Fund/Cost Centre/Time
45What are Activity, Time and Location CodesTime
The code is optional.The five digit code can
be an alpha or number code or it can be a
combination of both.
46What are Activity, Time and Location Codes Time
Codes Already CreatedCode DescriptionB1203 Be
ginning December 2003FALLL FallSPRNG SpringFA
L04 Fall 2004WIN04 Winter 2004M0007 Month of
JulyF2004 Fiscal Year 2004
47What are Activity, Time and Location Codes
Location Definition A place either internal
to the University or its satellites or an
external location. It will describe where an
activity is held or revenue or expense was
48How to use new Chart of Accounts Location code
combinations Line Fund Acct CC Activity
Time Location 4 X X 5 X X X 8 X X X X
49What are Activity, Time and Location
CodesLocation The code is optionalCode is a
numeric five digit number Internal and
satellite locations are based on
building/location codes created by Facilities
Planning FPCFPCs three digit code translates
into Finances five digit code by adding two
50What are Activity, Time and Location
CodesLocation - Examples You want to track
repair and maintenance costs associated with a
building.Coding - Account/Fund/Cost
Centre/LocationYou want to group a programs
course revenue and expenses held at a certain
location.Coding - Account/Fund/Cost
51What are Activity, Time and Location
CodesLocation - Examples You want to track
book returns during Fiscal 2004 at both the
Glendon and Keele bookstores.Coding -
Account/Fund/Cost Centre/Time/LocationYou want
to breakdown assets by location.Coding -
Account/Fund/Cost Centre/Location
52What are Activity, Time and Location
- Internal and satellite location codes range
between of 00200 to 00599. - External location codes range is 00600 to 000999.
- If you require a new location
- Internal codes - Lynda Staples in Facilities
Planning - External codes Steve Dewar in Finance
53What to do to prepare for change
- Understand impact of the new Chart of Account on
your operations. - Determine if the three additional codes,
Activity, Time and Location would benefit your
transaction codes. - Ensure all forms provided by you to the Community
accommodate the new Chart of Accounts.
54- What to do to prepare for change
- Use the redesigned Finance forms for payments,
journals and deposits dated May 1st and onwards.
The forms are available on Finances website, - All units who utilize the electronic journal
upload facility will need to use the redesigned
Excel spreadsheet for transactions dated May 1st
and onwards, and - Payroll changes provided to HR prior to April 30,
effective after May 1st do not need to be updated
for the COA change. Payroll changes received
after May 1st must be in the new Chart of
55Where can I find the ATL codes?The listing
posted on Finance Website (updated daily)What
if you want a new code?Between now and May 1,
2004 contactSteve Dewar, Mgr Finance Reporting
x55877 or dewars_at_yorku.ca