Title: Minivoids in the Local Volume
1Mini-voids in the Local Volume
- A.Tikhonov, St. Petersburg Univ.
I.Karachentsev, SAO RAS RUSSIA
- We consider a sphere of 7.5 Mpc radius, which
contains 355 galaxies with accurately measured
distances, to detect the nearest empty volumes.
Using a simple void detection algorithm, we found
six large (mini)voids in Aquila, Eridanus, Leo,
Vela, Cepheus and Octans, each of more than 30
Mpc3. Besides them, 24 middle-size "bubbles" of
more than 5 Mpc3 volume are detected, as well as
52 small "pores". - The six largest mini-voids occupy 58 of the
considered volume. Addition of the bubbles and
pores to them increases the total empty volume up
to 75 and 81, respectively.
3The detected local voids look like oblong
potatoes with typical axial ratios b/a 0.75 and
c/a 0.62 (in the triaxial ellipsoide
approximation). A correlation Gamma-function of
the Local Volume galaxies follows a power low
with a formally calculated fractal dimension D
1.5. We found that galaxies surrounding the
local minivoids do not differ significantly from
other nearby galaxies on their luminosity, but
have appreciably higher hydrogen
mass-to-luminosity ratio and also higher star
formation rate. We recognize an effect of local
expansion of typical minivoid to be ?H/H0 (25
4Distribution of 355 nearby galaxies within 7.5 Mpc
5 Illustration of action of the void-finding
algorithm in a case of 2D point-like
distribution. Seed spheres and voids growing from
them are shown. The numerals indicate the order
of detection of voids from large seed spheres to
smaller ones.
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9Distribution of six large mini-voids within the
sphere of radius 7.5 Mpc
10Distribution of two nearest bubbles (N 20 and
18) and four pores within 3 Mpc
11Directions of major axes of 30 voids
12The void volumes vs. their ranks (left), and the
correlation Gamma-function for 355 galaxies in
the Local Volume
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15Distribution of nearby galaxies (dots) and voids
(circles) within 25 Mpc
16The same distribution, but in the Galactic
173D distribution of galaxies (dots) and large
voids within 25 Mpc
18The Local (Tully) void
19Galaxies surrounding the Local (Tully) void