Title: Online Induction and Process Review
1Online Induction and Process Review
- AssignIT/Moderation/Grade Entry Changes to
processes Student access Marker access
Downloading assignments Grades Spreadsheet
Results Entry - Electronic Marking Resources
- Turnitin Originality testing
- Program and Course Websites Responsibilities
- Library Resources Online training support
- myUniSA student and staff portals
3AssignIT / Moderation/Grade Entry
4New Processes
- TSS materials review process re-engineering
http//www.unisa.edu.au/tss - All courses must use AssignIT unless the school
has granted an exemption - Taylors CC mark the paper and send the moderator
the grades spreadsheet - Moderators will select and download the samples
from AssignIT - Exempt assessment and Exams Taylors CC to send
the moderator the grade spreadsheet.
Moderator will select the sample they are to
review and will request the Taylors CC send
those papers only. Moderator will return samples
to the Taylors CC and email the approved
moderation report and grade spreadsheet. - Exempt Assessment Taylors CC to make amendments
to grades as recommended by moderation and
provide feedback to students.
5AssignIT exemptions
- AssignIT exemptions will be granted on the
following grounds - Software does not support format e.g. discussion
board contributions, journals, embedded
hand-drawn graphs etc - Medical condition
- If Assignment is exempt from online submission
every effort will still be made to provide
feedback electronically via AssignIT - Hardcopy assignments will not be returned to
students by UniSA unless the student is at
risk (e.g. failed the assignment) or if the
assignment is exempted.
6Student issues / access
- All enrolled students will have access to
AssignIT unless a set up error has occurred.
Students should check myUniSA to see that they
are correctly enrolled in the course and
contact their Administrator if they are not. - UniSA Course Coordinators are responsible for
setting up AssignIT, they should be the first
point of contact if it is not an enrolment
7AssignIT contingency plan
- Posted to Program Home Noticeboard
- Available under assessment and grade entry on TSS
8Marker issues / access
- Course Coordinators are responsible for setting
up AssignIT and adding Taylors CC as markers.
UniSA Course Coordinators should be the first
point of contact if you have access issues.
They will contact me if they cannot resolve
the problem. - If you do not have a UniSA network username and
password you should contact Lianne Gore
9AssignIT demonstration, downloading assignments
- http//www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/assignit
10Grades Spreadsheet
The SSA in TSS will email you the grades
spreadsheet/ marksheet for your course
approximately 2 weeks into the semester when
enrolments have been finalised. If you have
students in class who are not on this list you
should add them and advise your administrator.
11Grade Roster Electronic Results Entry
- After marking the final assessment the local
lecturer should enter ready for review grades
into the grade roster. - Grade entry manual is available on the TSS
website http//www.unisa.edu.au/tss - Access to the grade entry website is separate to
UniSA network access. Contact Lianne Gore
lianne.gore_at_unisa.edu.au if you have any access
12Grade Roster The X notation
- The X notation is added by Student Service
Advisors on the Medici Student System if the
student has been granted a deferred exam - Do not remove the X and do not just leave the X
without the grade. Please complete with the
mark the student has accrued by typing it in
front of the X e.g. 41X
13Electronic Marking
14Electronic Marking - Resources
- Two options
- Using in context changes in the body of the work
via comments or track changes - Using a feedback proforma developed in
collaboration with the Course Coordinator and
the Moderator. - Resources
- 5 minute online tutorialhttp//breeze.unisa.edu.a
u/electronicmarking/ - Marking strategieshttp//www.unisanet.unisa.edu.a
15Turnitin Online originality testing
Turnitin is an electronic tool used to promote
academic integrity at UniSA. http//turnitin.com/
static/home.html Turnitin accepts MS Word,
WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, and
plain text up to 10 mb in size Access is
available to all UniSA staff but must be applied
for. Contact Lianne Gore lianne.gore_at_unisa.edu.a
16Program and Course Websites
17Program and Course Websites
- Taylor's Business School/UniSA program website
- http//www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/ubpm
18Library Resources
Online tutorial How to navigate the
library http//www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/learn/Lib
ltNavigatingtheLibrarywebsite.htm This link
has been added to the Program website
19myUniSA Portal
Student Portal Demonstration http//www.unisa.edu.
au/sas/systems/MyUniSA/StudentPortal.asp Staff
Portal http//www.unisa.edu.au/
20Thanks for your time