Title: Your Future Starts Now
1(No Transcript)
2- Your Future Starts Now
- Toni Brennan and Carolyn Hindmarsh
- Graduate Development Office
- Faculty of Law
- Graduate Development Office, Faculty of Law
- Specialist advice on legal careers
- Assistance with applications for clerkships/work
experience/graduate positions - Careers guidance and planning
- Law job postings
- Legal Careers Resource Room
- Legal Career related events
- Professional Relations
- Internships
4(No Transcript)
5Have you ever wanted to
- Get into politics
- Advise the Prime Minister and other well known
figures of authority - Represent the underprivileged
- Work on major real estate deals
- Earn good money
- Publish a book
- Become a High Court Judge
- Travel
- Be a solicitor or barrister
6- Your law degree could be your passport to work
just about anywhere in any of these areas plus
many more but you need to start planning NOW
7What are our graduates doing?
- To mention just a few career paths
- Associate to a High Court Judge
- UN Ambassador (working in Europe)
- Working as a Legal Advisor at DFAT
- Starting their own law firm
- Positions at top tier firms such as Clayton Utz,
Minter Ellison, and Blake Dawson
8How did they get there?
One thing in common is that they all studied Law
at Bond University and graduated equipped with a
versatile degree which has sublime industry
recognition. The skills that you will learn
through your Law Degree can take you just about
anywhere you would like to go. But most
importantly they had a career plan
9Career Planning
- Start NOW!
- Check emails law job postings, workshops,
career info etc - www.bondlsa.com
- Clerkship Guide
- Careers Corner in BondaFide
- Law Jobs
- Careerhub
- Make an appointment with us
- Resource Room
- Notice Board
- Attend Career related events
- Firm research
- Networking
10Be Proactive
- 50 of jobs are not advertised
- Cold calling
- Networking
- Volunteer
- Get involved on campus
- Talk to people
- Get to know the Law staff
- Utilise the support services available
11What employers want.
- Academic
- Academic achievement and your transcript are
important and will be looked out throughout your
career - Work Experience
- Legal
- Other
- Extracurricular
- Campus Involvement
- Volunteer/Community Involvement
- Highly regarded
- Employability Skills
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Flexibility/Adaptability
- Time Management
- Leadership
12Contact Details
If you have any questions, or would like to make
a personal appointment, please contact Toni
Brennan, Student Relations Officer Email
toni_brennan_at_bond.edu.au Phone 5595
5139 (Monday Wednesday) Carolyn
Hindmarsh, Professional and Student Relations
Coordinator Email carolyn_hindmarsh_at_bond.edu.au
Phone 5595 2217