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... first importers, and/or assemblers of non-branded products for sale and use in ... No data on non-municipal WEEE diversion. larger volumes than municipal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WorkshopWebcast

Workshop/Webcast 2 Waste Electronic and
ElectricalEquipment (WEEE) Program Plan
Development Process
  • October 12, 2007

Todays Agenda (1)
  • Consultation Process
  • Definition of Obligated Materials
  • Designated Stewards
  • Preliminary Projections Phase 1
  • Current WEEE Diversion Activities
  • Collection Diversion Options
  • Questions Answers
  • Break

Todays Agenda (2)
  • Recycling Vendor Qualification Requirements
  • Key Program Elements
  • Questions Answers
  • Summary
  • Adjourn

  • In person 70
  • Webcast audience 80
  • slides advance automatically
  • enlarge slide
  • email box for questions/comments on left-hand
    side of webcast console
  • use any time
  • please include name affiliation
  • Archived webcast available for 6 months

A Caution on Language
  • New product sales against which OES will assess
  • information technology equipment
  • audio-visual equipment
  • telecommunications
  • Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment
  • WEEE materials that will be managed under OES
    WEEE Program Plan
  • end-of-life (EOL) refers to recycling of WEEE
    with no reuse 
  • reuse refers to refurbished equipment for
    continued life

Consultation Process
WEEE Timelines (1)
  • WEEE designated under the Waste Diversion Act on
    December 14, 2004
  • Minister requested WDO Study state of WEEE
    management in Ontario
  • WEEE Study submitted to Minister July 8, 2005
  • June 11, 2007Minister provided Final WEEE
    Program Request letter directing WDO to
  • develop a WEEE Program in phases
  • beginning with Phase 1 materials
  • Phase 2 submitted one year after approval of
    Phase 1
  • establish IFO including industry stewards
    affected by WEEE Program
  • submit Phase 1 WEEE Program by February 1, 2008

WEEE Timelines (2)
  • June 26 Workshop 1 held by WDO
  • July Electronics Products Stewardship Canada
    Retail Council of Canada jointly propose to
    develop WEEE program plan through creation of new
    Industry Funding Organization (IFO)
  • Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
  • September 20 OES incorporated
  • September 28 CSR retained to support OES WEEE
    Program Plan development
  • Today Workshop 2

Where We Are in the Process
  • Series of meetings have taken place with
  • Ministry of the Environment
  • reuse organizations
  • potential EOL equipment processors
  • municipalities other potential collectors
  • OES Board of Directors
  • Agreement reached with Alberta Recycling
    Management Authority to provide EEE sales WEEE
    recovery data
  • Website

Request to the WDO for Extension
  • Completing OES incorporation establishing
    functional organization from scratch proved
  • Establishing solid foundation essential
  • Time remaining to complete extensive consultation
    program detailed program planning short
  • OES proposing WDO request extension to February 1
    plan submission date
  • Final decision rests with new Minister of the
  • Dates which follow are based upon February 1 date
  • these may change if Minister approves extension

Objectives of this Meeting
  • Update key stakeholders
  • Encourage your continued engagement in planning
  • Provide preliminary planning information
  • also identify gaps in our current knowledge
  • Your comments questions are welcome throughout
    plan development process

Next Steps (1)
  • Written comments can be submitted any time to
  • Post draft preliminary program plan for
    consultation November 8
  • Workshop 3 November 20
  • Written comments by November 30
  • Post revised program plan December 3

Next Steps (2)
  • Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) reviews draft
    preliminary plan December 12
  • Draft final program plan posted January 14
  • WDO reviews draft final plan January 23
  • WDO submits to Minister by February 1

Definition of Obligated Materials
EEE Products Designated
  • Ontario Regulation 393/04
  • 7 schedules
  • 202 products in total
  • some products actively recovered (e.g. white
  • Program Request letter specifies a two phased
  • Phase 1 addresses 20 products
  • Phase 2 addresses 24 products

Two Phased Program
  • Program plan for Phase 1 materials due February
    1, 2008
  • List of Phase 2 products in Program Request
  • Phase 2 proposal to be received within one year
    after approval of Phase 1
  • Remaining products will be addressed in future
    request letters
  • WDO encouraged to submit recommendations

Product Definitions for Development of Program
  • Key to legal authority of OES to require stewards
    to submit reports levy fees
  • Handout 1 provides draft definitions for
  • Products included excluded from program will be
    further detailed in program plan

How Product Definitions Developed
  • OES identified product definitions as critical
    first step
  • ensure definitions conform with regulation
    Minister letter
  • - initial drafts reviewed with MOE
  • ensure complex convergent technologies are
    adequately addressed in definitions
  • desire to harmonize with product definitions
    criteria used in existing programs in other
    provinces, recognizing unique Ontario
  • presented at workshop for public comment

Key Highlights Issues
  • Definitions similar to those used in other
  • computer peripherals defined/treated differently
    in other programs
  • Definitions organized into product groupings to
    address challenges in request letter
  • e.g. micro mini computer
  • Goal to have clear definitions to identify which
    products are included for which OES has
    authority to assess fees
  • and those for which it cannot

Designated Stewards
Ministers Program Request Letter
  • 6. Funding Rules, for phase 1 of phase one of
    the phased-in schedule
  • a) Consistent with WDA principles, the proposed
    funding rules should designate and define as
    stewards under the program, brand owners, first
    importers, and/or assemblers of non-branded
    products for sale and use in Ontario that result
    in WEEE. Such products shall be referred to as
    Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Waste Diversion Act, 2002 Addendum to the
Ministers Request for a waste diversion program
for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Issues Raised by Steward Designation
  • Assemblers new class of steward in Ontario
  • raises issues of notification, registration,
    tracking of white box producers
  • potential issues with reuse organizations who may
  • Internet sales are for use in Ontario
  • how to obligate enforce against producers who
    do not have a presence Ontario?

Rules Notification
  • Under WDA, steward must be
  • notified provided copy of Rules
  • OES if designated as IFO can make Rules to
  • designate steward
  • define EEE
  • establish fee rates
  • establish commencement date data year
  • establish reporting requirements deadlines

Phase 1 Preliminary Projections
Quantity Estimates
  • Data we have to date
  • unit sales by product from ARMA for 3 years
  • recovery data by product from ARMA for 3 years
  • average unit weights as reported by ARMA for each
  • Ontario municipal WEEE collection data

Projected Ontario Sales in Units
EEE Projected Sales (Millions of units)
Desktops and Portables
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Ontario projections are based on three years of
ARMA data, adjusted for population anticipated
changes in product sales
Projected Ontario Phase 1 WEEE Recovery in Kg
EEE Recovery (Millions of kilograms)
Ontario Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Ontario baseline from 2006 WDO Datacall Projection
s are based on three years of ARMA data, adjusted
for population
Limitations of Currently Available Data
  • No data on non-municipal WEEE diversion
  • larger volumes than municipal
  • REOI with processors will be used to estimate
  • No reliable data for peripheral products
  • options include purchase data survey stewards
  • Data does not distinguish by technology type for
    monitors televisions
  • Average unit weights provided

Current WEEE Diversion Activity
  • Joe Hall

  • 2005 WDO WEEE Study
  • 2006 WDO municipal datacall
  • 2007 AMRC WEEE Waste Composition Cost Study
  • Municipal infrastructure
  • Other WEEE collection
  • Current recycling infrastructure

2005 WDO WEEE Study
The 2005 study provided background information
for future WEEE IFO
  • Program funding
  • EEE Material Flow WEEE Infrastructure
  • quantities sold into Ontario market
  • discard quantities
  • reuse, collection processing infrastructure
  • EEE Industry in Ontario
  • flow from manufacturer to consumer end users

2006 WDO Municipal Datacall
  • 86 Ontario municipalities operate WEEE
    collection programs
  • 4,294 million households
  • primarily depot collected
  • Estimated 4,000 tonnes of Phase 1
  • How is WEEE program financed?
  • 19 programs require residents to pay drop-off fee
  • 33 programs provide free residential depot
    service (funded via general municipal revenue)
  • 31 programs do both provide free service for
    some items payment of a fee for others

2007 AMRC Study
  • WEEE Composition Cost Study
  • understand municipal costs for Phase 1
  • allocation of costs
  • composition snapshot for WEEE shipped to EOL
    processor or reuser
  • study to be complete in November

Municipal Infrastructure
  • Often in conjunction with MHSW program
  • Generally permanent depots at landfill sites or
    transfer stations
  • Some operators based on event days (with MHSW)
  • Mixed operations roll off bins, gaylords or
  • Sporadic locations across province

Other WEEE Collection
  • Voluntary Programs
  • municipal programs
  • ICI generators direct to reuse recycling
  • off lease, asset management, Crown assets
  • original equipment manufacturers
  • service equipment
  • take back programs
  • Voluntary retail Take Back programs
  • reuse organizations
  • not for profit for profit

Current Recycling Infrastructure
  • 2005 WEEE study identified
  • 2005 processing capacity of 179,000 tonnes for
    all materials
  • REOI process will update information
  • WEEE processing can be managed outside Ontario
  • growing WEEE processing capacity in North America
  • Processing downstream vendors recover
  • metals (ferrous, aluminum, copper, lead, etc.)
  • glass
  • plastics

  • OES will initiate Request for Expression of
    Interest (REOI) with potential end-of-life (EOL)
  • to determine total quantity of WEEE currently
    handled process capacity
  • Vendor qualification standard requirements will
  • assess environment, health safety practices of
    both primary downstream EEE processors to
    determine which processors will be considered for
    use under program
  • not all processors interested in handling
    material or capable of meeting qualification
    standard will be used

Collection Diversion OptionsConceptual Outline
Proposed WEEE Flow
Reuse Organization
Downstream Processors
WEEE Generators -Residential -ICI
Approved EOL Processor
Collection Agent
  • Include residential industrial, commercial
    institutional (ICI) sources of WEEE
  • Provincial PE to promote informed choices about
  • reuse or
  • approved collection agent/EOL processor
  • Privacy concerns critical for business
  • Special handling requirements for large volume
    ICI generators

Reuse Organizations
  • Reuse organizations to be OES service providers
    similar to recyclers
  • Reusers to work with OES to develop qualification
    standards for environment, health safety
    practices associated with reuse operations
  • Reusers to track, monitor report quantities
    reused / recycled under agreement with OES
  • Recycling of residual materials from reuse to be
    managed by approved EOL processors funded by OES

Collection Agents
  • Voluntary service provider to OES
  • Service WEEE generators
  • Operates to defined operational standards
  • Track, monitor report
  • Package WEEE for transport to approved
    consolidation or EOL processor
  • Agreement with OES for eligible costs

Transportation Consolidation
  • Contracted service providers to OES
  • Transports and/or possibly stores WEEE
  • Regional consolidation as necessary
  • Delivers WEEE to EOL processors
  • Operate to defined operational standards
  • Track, monitor report

Primary EOL Processors
  • Contracted service provider to OES selected via
  • REOI first step
  • RFQ second step
  • Vendor Qualification Audit third step
  • competitive selection process based on
    processing, environmental, economic other
  • One or more EOL primary processors may be
    selected to process program material
  • Subject to regular audits as part of Vendor
    Qualification Process must maintain conformance
    with standard
  • Must ensure downstream processors meet audit
    program requirements

Downstream Processors
  • Receive selected processed materials from Primary
  • metal, glass, plastic
  • other residuals that require proper handling
  • Subject to regular audits as part of Vendor
    Qualification Process must maintain conformance
    with standard

Non 3Rs Management Options Incineration,
Energy Recovery Landfill
  • WDA specifies programs shall not promote
    burning or landfill unless 3Rs options not
    available or not technically feasible
  • Some Phase 1 products currently being managed
    through burning landfilling
  • Challenges in moving from non-3Rs to 3Rs

Questions Answers
  • On webcast
  • use question/comment box, left of your screen

Recycling Vendor Qualification Requirements
Why a Recycling Vendor Qualification Program? (1)
  • Requirement of June 12/07 WEEE Program Request
    letter to WDO
  • item 7 in addendum
  • Ensure WEEE is recycled in a responsible
    environmentally sound manner

Why a Recycling Vendor Qualification Program? (2)
  • Proper recycling will be critical in
  • controlling unnecessary environmental, health
    safety risks
  • securing WDO Minister approval of plan
  • gaining public support for WEEE program
  • achieving environmental improvements
  • ensuring all applicable regulatory requirements
    are satisfied
  • reducing risk to all WEEE stewards environment

What are the Challenges? (1)
  • No clear operating standards for WEEE recycling
    industry in Canada
  • EPSC currently implementing standard in existing
    WEEE programs in Canada
  • Some WEEE recycling infrastructure still in early
    development stage
  • WEEE is being processed by wide variety of
    companies, from very small enterprises to large

What are the Challenges? (2)
  • Recyclers must be aware of in compliance with
    provincial, federal international requirements
    for occupational health safety, transportation
    export, environmental management
  • Need to design vendor standards to help
    processors operate in Canada -- avoiding need to
    export to developing countries

Recycling Standards EPSC Approach (1)
  • Established Electronics Recycling Standard to
    define environmentally-sound recycling criteria
    that recyclers audited against
  • developed in consultation with manufacturers,
    recyclers ENGOs
  • requirements for environmental management,
    occupational health safety downstream
    accountability of waste with prohibition on
    hazardous materials going to non-OECD countries

Recycling Standards EPSC Approach (2)
  • Guidance Document provides direction on key
    elements of environmentally-sound WEEE recycling
  • Recyclers downstream processors audited by
    third-party to determine conformance to standard
  • Process has been adopted in WEEE programs in BC,
    AB SK
  • Evergreen document will improve with operational
    feedback from Ontario other provincial programs
  • http//

Recycler Qualification Program
  • What the process is trying to prevent

Photos from Exporting Harm The High-Tech
Trashing of Asia. Prepared by Basel Action
Network Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition,
February 25, 2002.
Key Program Elements
Mandatory Requirements for Approvable Plan
  • Targets
  • accessibility, collection, diversion
  • Sound basis for calculating costs fee setting
  • promotion education (PE)
  • operating costs
  • incentives
  • tracking auditing
  • research development
  • enforcement
  • OES WDO administration
  • Plans for incorporation of Phase 2 materials

Diversion Targets
  • Ministers letter specified plan must include
    collection diversion targets for each Phase 1
    material for 5 years
  • take into account reduction of total quantity of
    WEEE available for collection as result of
  • Further clarification from MOE provided to WDO
    regarding targets for
  • reduction for each WEEE item for first 5 years
  • reuse for each WEEE item for first 5 years
  • recycling each WEEE item for first 5 years

Operating Costs
  • Designated stewards responsible for program costs
  • collecting, storing, transporting, processing
    marketing of all WEEE collected that is is not
    diverted (residual waste material)
  • research development activities
  • educational public awareness activities

Accessibility Targets (1)
  • Plan must include accessibility
  • methodology
  • targets
  • Urban, rural, northern considerations
  • Municipal accessibility infrastructure options
  • events
  • permanent depots
  • Non-municipal infrastructure options
  • large volume generators
  • third party collection agents such as not for
    profits, retailers, private sector

Accessibility Targets (2)
  • Shall consider capital costs to meet
    accessibility targets
  • OES approach to setting targets to follow similar
    approach used in MHSW program development
  • Meeting these targets will be key determinate in
    overall WEEE program success

Research Development (RD)
  • Ministers letter specified program will describe
    funding provisions for RD activities to support
    increase effectiveness efficiency of WEEE
    collection diversion
  • Examples
  • expanding processing capacity
  • developing end use markets for collected materials

Promotion Education (PE)
  • Ministers letter specified fees to be used for
    aggressive PE activities
  • Expectation WEEE program will include provincial
    communications plan
  • standardized PE material
  • posters, brochures, product stickers
  • distributed to point of purchase locations
  • website 1-800 number
  • residential ICI sources of WEEE

Incentives for Stewards
  • Program shall consider incentives encouraging
    stewards to initiate measures designed to
  • reduce waste resulting from their products
  • increase recyclability of products
  • increase use of recycled content of products
  • Fee setting methodology can be used to provide
    financial incentives for stewards

Fee Setting
  • Must meet all requirements of WDA Ministers
  • Calculation steps in fee setting methodology
  • determine operating costs to manage each WEEE
    product category
  • investments to reach accessibility targets (if
  • fees for research development
  • fees for PE
  • WDO WEEE program delivery admin
  • MOE enforcement
  • OES program delivery admin
  • Calculate total costs fee rates
  • Fee rates expressed as per EEE product sold
    will be set out in Program Rules

Phase 2 Materials (1)
  • Shall include all items in Phase 1 along with
  • Schedule 2 Information Technology Equipment
  • copier
  • personal computer (handheld)
  • personal digital assistant (PDA)
  • computer flatbed scanner
  • typewriter
  • Schedule 3 Telecommunications Equipment
  • modem
  • pagers
  • telephone (cellular, cordless, wire line)
  • telephone answering machine

Phase 2 Materials (2)
  • Schedule 4 Audio Visual Equipment
  • amplifier, preamplifier
  • audio player (tape, disk, digital)
  • audio recorder (tape, disk, digital)
  • camera (tape, disk, digital)
  • equalizer
  • radio, receiver
  • speaker
  • tuner, turntable
  • video player or projector (tape, disk, digital)
  • video recorder (tape, disk, digital)
  • Proposal for Phase 2 due within one year of
    approval of Phase 1 program plan

  • Submit plan to Minister
  • Post on Environmental Registry 30 - 90 days
  • Ministers approval by regulation for OES to
    continue as WEEE IFO
  • OES required under WDA to notify stewards of
    potential obligations
  • Minimum 90 days following notification to
    assemble report data
  • Reporting payment schedule TBD

Questions Answers
Consultation Process
  • We want your views!
  • Please email questions comments to

Meeting Adjourned
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