Title: Emergency Service Identifiers
1Emergency Service Identifiers
- Presented by Henning Schulzrinne
- Columbia University
- hgs_at_cs.columbia.edu
2Service URN
- Idea Identifiers to denote emergency calls
- and other generic (communication) services
- Described in draft-ietf-ecrit-service-urn-05.txt
(passed WGLC sent to the IESG) - Document defines the following emergency service
identifiers - sos General emergency
services - sos.animal-control Animal control
- sos.fire Fire service
- sos.gas Gas leaks and gas
emergencies - sos.marine Maritime search and rescue
- sos.mountain Mountain rescue
- sos.physician Physician referral service
- sos.poison Poison control center
- sos.police Police, law enforcement
3counseling services
4Services under discussion
- 211 (social service referral), 311
(non-emergency government services) - Emergency services (first responders)
- used by PSAP, not civilians
- e.g., urnserviceespolice
- Non-emergency commercial services
- urnservicerestaurant.italian
- urnservicetransportation.taxi
5UA recognition UA resolution
location information
mapping may recurse
9-1-1 (dial string)
INVITE urnservicesos To urnservicesos Route
sipfire_at_leonianj.gov ltlocationgt
INVITE urnservicesos To urnservicesos Route
sippsap_at_leonianj.gov ltlocationgt
identification TBD
6UA recognition proxy resolution
(outbound proxy) provider.com
INVITE urnservicesos To urnservicesos ltlocat
INVITE urnservicesos To urnservicesos Route
sippsap_at_leonianj.gov ltlocationgt
7UA recognition proxy resolution(proxy location
INVITE sippsap_at_leonianj.gov To
urnservicesos Geolocation ltlocationgt
INVITE urnservicesos To urnservicesos
8Proxy recognition proxy resolution
INVITE urnservicesos To sip911_at_provider.comus
erphone Geolocation ltlocationgt Route
INVITE sip911_at_provider.comuserphone To
9Labeling requirements
- Needs to work even if UAC does not recognize
emergency call - Needs to survice multiple mappings
- e.g., country ? state ? county
- Needs to play nice with SIP routing architecture
- e.g., pre-loaded service routes
10Alternatives considered
- only trust Accept-Contact from same trust domain
- see P-Asserted-Identity model (RFC 3325) ?
brittle - or use Identity model ? signed by outbound proxy
- unfortunately, not covered by
- doesnt help with UA rec/res model!
- creating a new header likely to have similar
issues - re-do mapping and ensure that URL matches
- server can learn list of legal URLs after a
while - can fail if mapping is dynamic (advertisement
changes) - then just replaces URL
- forces each outbound proxy to do mapping
- check external source that URL is indeed a PSAP
- use draft-ietf-sipping-certs for destination URL,
but would need to have a role-based cert this is
a bona-fide PSAP - easy to posit, harder to deploy globally
- can incur significant delay
- but only needed when theres service
differentiation - new TLD for PSAPs only ?
11References and contact info
- IETF ECRIT Working Group
- http//www.ietf.org/html.charters/ecrit-charter.ht
ml - Service URN IETF Draft
- http//tools.ietf.org/wg/ecrit/draft-ietf-ecrit-se