Title: Why You Need the Truth in Your Life
1Why You Need the Truth in Your Life
2What is Truth?
John 1838
- Opposite of falsehood, Prov 12 17, 19 (Eph
425) - Fidelity, Jer 728 (Isa 5912-13)
- Doctrine of Christ, Gal 25, 14
3What is Truth?
John 1838
- Some never come to the knowledge of truth, 2 Tim
37 - Some will turn away from the truth, 2 Tim 44
4The truth of the gospel is in Jesus
Jno 146 Eph 421
5Because you need Jesus in your life
- Truth reveals Jesus and makes Him available to
you, Jno 668 Acts 520 - Fellowship by following His word, Jno 1421-23 2
Jno 9
6Because you need Jesus in your life
- Who do you go to for help?
- Worldly friends? 1 Cor 1533-34
- Worlds wisdom? 1 Cor 121
- Self-help? Jer 1023
- Theologians? Matt 157-9
- Gospel? Jno 668 2 Tim 224-26
7Because you need to be saved from your sins 1 Tim
23-4 Jas 121
- Truth reveals salvation to sinners, Titus
211-12 Eph 113 - Freedom from sin, Jno 832
- Basis for faith, Jno 1935 2031
- Hear know Gods grace, Col 16
- Purifies your soul, 1 Peter 122
8Because you need to be saved from your sins 1 Tim
23-4 Jas 121
- Jesus is the only way to the Father, John 146
- Because truth is in Jesus, Eph 4 21 Jno 117
- Revealed by apostles, Rom 91 2 Cor 1110
9Because you can only serve God in truth 2 Jn
4 3 Jn 3-4 1 Jn 15-9
- Truth sanctifies us unto God, 1 Ths 42-3
- -Apostles, Jno 1717-19
- -Church, Eph 525-27 1 Pet 29
- -Set apart for service, 1 Cor 12
10Because you can only serve God in truth 2 Jn
4 3 Jn 3-4 1 Jn 15-9
- What are you doing to be sure you are set apart
to serve God? - -Learning and living the truth?
- -Attentive during class sermon?
- -Taking time to be holy with Bible reading?
11Because you can only serve God in truth 2 Jn
4 3 Jn 3-4 1 Jn 15-9
- Must worship God in truth, Jno 423-24 Eph
517-20 - -What defines and arranges worship for you
- -The word of truth?
- -Feelings? Traditions?
12Because you can only serve God in truth 2 Jn
4 3 Jn 3-4 1 Jn 15-9
- In order to grow to maturity, Eph 414-16
(Heb 511-63) 2 Pet 13-8 - -Christ is truly food and drink, John 655
- -Is truth your favorite food?
13Because you can only serve God in truth 2 Jn
4 3 Jn 3-4 1 Jn 15-9
- To be protected from sin, Eph 613-17
- -The battle rages be strong in the Lord, Eph
610-12 - -Can you identify the victories of truth in your
14Truth is the essence of God Deut 324
Do not exchange the truth of God for the lie of
false gods and false teachings, Romans 125
15Christians must always be people of truth 2
John 1-2
- Love the truth, 2 Ths 210
- Obey the truth, 1 Peter 122
- Live the truth, 1 John 23-6
- Be saved through a knowledge of the truth, 1 Tim