PROTIEN EXPLORER - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Compatibility with Netscape 7, Mozilla, Firefox browsers ... Non-covalent bonds ... (including non-covalently bonded atoms) to the asymmetric unit for any ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Sana Bashir

Protein Explorer
  • Protein Explorer is a protein visualization
    software. Strictly speaking, "molecular
    visualization" means looking at a structure
    without changing it.
  • The resulting "model" comes straight from the PDB

  • Protein Explorer is a RasMol-derivative software
    developed by Eric Martz
  • In 1989, Roger Sayle became interested in the
    problem of depth perception for computer
    representations of solid objects. His goal was to
    write a shadowing program (ray-tracing algorithm)
    fast enough to allow rotating the shadowed image.
    He managed to write the second fastest
    sphere-shadowing program in the world!
  • This algorithm was implemented in RasMol as well
    as Protein Explorer

Ray tracing
  • Ray tracing is a method of generating realistic
    images by computer, in which the paths of
    individual rays of light are followed from the
    viewer to their points of origin.
  • The algorithm begins by shooting a ray from the
    eye and through the screen, determining all the
    objects that intersect the ray, and finding the
    nearest of those intersections. It then recurses
    (or repeats itself) by shooting more rays from
    the point of intersection to see what objects are
    reflected at that point, what objects may be seen
    through the object at that point, which light
    sources are directly visible from that point, and
    so on.

Ray tracing (continued)
  • As the ray travels from the eye, it intersects A,
    is subsequently reflected to B, then reflected to
    C, and so on.
  • Ray tracer calculates the angle at which the ray
    should bounce off, and then create another ray
    that will travel from the point of intersection
    in the calculated direction. Once that ray
    figures what color it needs to be (by calculating
    all the intersecting objects, finding the nearest
    one, and determining the surface color at the
    point), the first ray is then given that color.
    This is then propagated back to the pixel through
    which the original ray was fired.
  • In this case, D is transparent, and the light is
    bent both on entering the sphere, and again on
    exiting it

Ray tracing (continued)
  • The ray travels from the eye to where it
    intersects with sphere A. In order to determine
    whether there is a shadow at that point, one
    shadow ray is fired at each light source. The
    shadow ray from A to the second light source
    travels uninterrupted, so light reaches the point
    from that light source. However, sphere B lies
    between sphere A and light source 1, so the
    point is in shadow with respect to that light
    source. The intensity of color at that point on
    sphere A would represent the fact that only one
    of the two light sources is shining directly on
    that point.

Why create Protein Explorer?
  • Need for a software more efficient than RasMol in
    the following
  • maximally informative
  • illustrated introductions to computer renderings
    such as clicking on any atom to identify it
  • More powerful rendering options
  • context-triggered help
  • user friendly interface for novice as well as
  • MDL's Chime - a visualizer in the form of a
    Netscape Navigator plug-in. Chime uses an
    adaptation of the rendering and command-language
    from RasMol. About 16,000 lines of RasMol source
    code were converted to C, made reentrant, and
    built into Chime

  • Older versions dealt with compatibility issues
    with Windows, Macintosh OS. As well as problems
    loading PDB files and running command script
  • Beta 1.98 included Protein Comparator,
    discontinued in later versions. Unable to load
    PDB files directly from the Protein Data Bank

Background (continued)
  • New Version
  • Can create MolSlides (molecular structures that
    user generates). MolSlides display in a web
    browser, without Protein Explorer, from your
    computer or from a server, on-line.
  • MolSlide Manager
  • Compatibility with Netscape 7, Mozilla, Firefox
  • You don't need to learn any hand-typed commands
    to achieve a very high level of visualization

Protein Structure Rendering
  • PE cannot show you a protein if all you have is
    the amino acid sequence, needs atomic coordinates
    from the PDB file.
  • Most macromolecular structures are determined
    experimentally by X-ray crystallography. However,
    if 3D structure is not available. A reasonably
    reliable structure can be predicted by homology
  • PE does not support homology modeling  

Protein Explorer Functionality
  • Protein Explorer enables you to see the relations
    of 3D molecular structure to function. The image
    can be simplified by hiding everything except the
    region of interest. A variety of one-click
    renderings and color schemes help to visualize
    the backbone, secondary structure, distributions
    of hydrophobic vs. hydrophilic residues,
    noncovalent bonding interactions, and protein

PE Comparator Function
  • A function of PE that provides side-by-side
    comparison of two molecules (PDB files) with all
    the same capabilities as the one-molecule
  • Currently working on implementing in new version
    directly via browser.

Same or Different?
Non-covalent bonds
  • In PDB files, you will not see the noncovalent
    bonds between neighboring molecules in a protein
  • At present, PE can display as rods connecting
    atoms only two subsets of hydrogen bonds protein
    backbone-to-backbone h-bonds within chains (but
    not between chains), and Watson-Crick h-bonds
    between DNA base pairs. PE presently has no
    built-in routines to show h-bonds between
    backbone and sidechain, backbone and water,
    sidechain and sidechain, sidechain and water,
    protein and ligand, protein and nucleic acid,
    non-canonical h-bonds in DNA or RNA, etc.
    However, manual methods are available to show
    arbitrary bonds.

How to use?
  • Go to
  • Install MDL Chime
  • Click on quick start button, it will
    automatically open up the software with a protein

Control Panel control to explore the structure
Molecular Image 3D view of protien
Message Frame identity of specific atom,chains,
amino acid residues
PE Feature Limitations
  • Visualize a molecule given only a sequence of
    amino acids and nucleotides
  • There is visualization but there are no modeling
    capabilities in PE.
  • Cannot generate new molecular structures or
    modify old ones
  • Build, mutate bonds in a structure
  • No Docking, It is not possible to load multiple
    PDB files into Chime, nor move molecules relative
    to each other in a single Chime image. Two
    molecules can be displayed side by side in
    Protein Comparator, and moved together in
    synchrony or independently. Two molecules can be
    aligned and displayed together, but cannot be
    moved relative to each other.
  • Saving the state of your PE session is
    problematic. You can save a command script to
    play back later, but this is technically
    challenging. A script recorder is under
    development to help this situation.

PE Limitations (continued)
  • The positions of covalent bonds may be shown
    incorrectly. Some strong bonds may not be shown
    as rods (especially involving metals, or between
    hetero atoms and protein or nucleic acid), or
    occasionally bond rods may be shown where only
    noncovalent bonds exist.
  • Only a very limited subset of hydrogen bonds can
    be shown easily.
  • There is no Undo capability yet.
  • Images are not always high enough quality.
  • Cylinders are not available as a cartoon
    rendering for alpha helices.

Technical Limitations
  • PE requires the free but closed-source MDL Chime
  • The Sequence and Seq3D displays show nonstandard
    residues as gaps
  • There are some rare PDB files that PE does not
    handle correctly.
  • When certain states are changed with manually
    issued commands, or from Chime's menu, related
    buttons may lose track of the status of the
  • Some records do not appear in MolSlides

Future Implementations
  • PE-Jmol? In the long term, attempts to port PE to
    use the Jmol java applet instead of MDL Chime.
    Jmol is free, has an open-source licence and
    development team, and operates on a wider range
    of platforms and browsers than does MDL Chime.
  • Plan to connect PE to a server that will provide
    a PDB file suitable for displaying all contacts
    (including non-covalently bonded atoms) to the
    asymmetric unit for any crystallographic PDB
  • A mechanism to locate and display all hydrogen
    bonds, including buttons to show categories such
    as backbone-backbone, backbone-sidechain,
    sidechain-sidechain, interchain, water bridges.

  • Protein Explorer 2.79 Beta
  • E. Martz, Protein Explorer Easy Yet Powerful
    Macromolecular Visualization, Trends in
    Biochemical Sciences 27 (2002) 107-109.
  • Protein Explorer (Chime) http//
  • RasMol Protein Explorer http//
  • Chime http//
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