Title: NextGeneration InternetScale Systems NinjaMillennium Projects
1Next-Generation Internet-Scale SystemsNinja/Mill
ennium Projects
- David E. Culler
- Computer Science Division
- U.C. Berkeley
- ninja.cs.berkeley.edu
- www.millennium.berkeley.edu
2Future Internet-Scale Systems
- Information Devices (10 Billion)
- Connected Stationary Computers (100 Million)
- Scalable Servers (Million)
3Internet-Scale Systems
- Extremely large, complex, distributed,
heterogeneous, with continuous and rapid
introduction of new technologies - Feasible architectures
- Decentralized, scalable algorithms
- Dynamically deployed agents where they are
neededBig infrastructure, small clients - Incremental processing/communications growth
- Careful violation of traditional layering
- Implementation approach based on incremental
prototyping, deployment, evaluation,
5Vision ? Goal
- The next internet revolution will come from
enabling component services and pervasive access - not vertically integrated Information Technology
- ? Dynamic, programmatic creation / composition of
scalable, highly available, customizable
services - Automatic adaptation to end device
characteristics and network connectivity - Arbitrarily powerful services on arbitrarily
small clients using a proactive infrastructure
6NOW Project
- Breakthrough design techniques for large-scale
systems - Low-overhead interface to enable emerging
networks - Active Messages
- Explore novel OS designs
- World-leading cluster
- Basis for Inktomi
7Transcoding Proxies
Scalable Servers (NOW)
- Transformation, Aggregation, Caching, and
Customization (TACC) - Scalability and availability
- Limited customizability and locality and no
8ProActive Approach
- Create a framework that enables programmatic
generation and composition of services out of
strongly typed reusable components - Key Elements
- Structured architecture with a careful
partitioning of state - Bases, Active Routers, and Units
- Wide-area paths formed out of strongly-typed
components - Operators and Connectors
- Execution environments with efficient, but
powerful communication primitives - Active Messages capsules
- TACC persistence customization
9Structured Architecture
10Example TopGun WingMan/Mediaboard Operation
PDA Proxy
Image Converter Un-Zip
Multicast Connector
11NINJA Service Architecture
- Operators/Connectors/Interfaces
- Paths
- Wide-Area Paths
- Interface Interconnection
- Path Optimization
- Units, Active Proxies, and Bases
- Services
- Service Discovery
- Automatic Path Generation
- Example Applications
- Universal remote control/smart spaces
- Universal In-Box/Personal Information Management
- Operators
- transformation
- aggregation
- agents
- PI provides secure execution environment
- Connectors
- abstract wires
- ADUs
- varying semantics
- uni/multicast
- Interfaces
- strongly typed
- language independent
- control channel
- path changes
- authentication
- feedback
13Wide-Area Paths
- Creation (explicit or automatic)
- Query Service Discovery Service to find logical
path of operators - Place operators onto nodes
- Path is unit of resource allocation and
authentication - Connectors are polymorphic entire path must type
check - statically - Optimization
- Add (or transpose) operators
- forward error-correction
- compression/decompression
- Change operators, connectors, locations, or
parameters - Interoperability
- Wrapper operators for legacy servers
- Leverage COM objects as operators
14iSpace Execution Environment
operator upload
Service request
service threads
Persistent Storage
Managed RMI
Physical processor
- parallel application framework on Bases
- RMI hides complexity of scalability and
availability - Dynamic customization and composition
- apSpace is limited execution environment for AR
15Base Execution Environment
- Ninja RMI
- Sun RMI compatible serialization and thread
management - ninja remote object
- TCP or UDP or Multicast UDP (Active Msg soon)
- Authenticated public key
- iS-box
- customizable service VM
- Redirector
- iSpace
16iS-box platform framework
- Loader Extends JVM to support services
- LoadService (URL, name, args)
- ListServices
- GetService(name) -gt svc obj
- KillService
- Trusted services loaded at startup
- Security MGR interposes on method calls
- loaded as a trusted service
Security MGR
17Push Services into the Infrastructure
New service
Service Methods
RMI stubs
Security MGR
Generated by RMI compiler
- GetService returns service object
- Issue Programming Model for Service Methods
18Scalable iSpace
- Multi-Space services across group of iS-boxes
- List, Get, or Load Service from any
- Get returns redirector stub
Multi-Space Loader
Multi-Space SVC
Security MGR
19Prototype Services
- iSpace Admin monitor
- automatic forms interface
- computational econ support
- juke box
- ninja fax
- pilot pager
- Digicash mint
- 1200 RMI/s on 400 PII w/ jit
20Millennium Project Goals
- Enable major advances in Computational Science
and Engineering - Simulation, Modeling, and Information Processing
becoming ubiquitous - Explore novel design techniques for large,
complex systems - Fundamental Computer Science problems ahead are
problems of scale - Develop fundamentally better ways of
assimilating and interacting with large volumes
of information - and with each other
- Explore emerging technologies
- networking, OS, devices
21Campus-wide Millennium Testbed
22Physical Connectivity
23Resource Support
- Computers via Intel Technology 2000 grant
- 200 NT desktops
- 16 department 4-way SMPs
- 8 5x4 Group Clusters,
- 1 100x4 Campus Cluster
- PPro gt Pentium II gt Merced
- Additional storage via IBM SUR grant
- 0.5 TB this year gt 4 TB
- NT tools via Microsoft grant
- Solaris x86 tools via SMCC grant
- Campus provides Technical staff
- NorTel Discount
- NSF Research Infrastructure Grant
200 Gflop/s 150 GB memory 8 TB disk
24High Speed Cluster Networking
- Transforms large collection of individual
resources into a powerful system - Emerging system area networks
- Myrinet, ServerNet, Synfinity
- Emerging user-level networking
- Virtual Interface Architecture
- Intel/Microsoft/Compaq std based on Active
Messages and related research - NT and Unix
- Gigabit Ethernet?
25Inter-cluster NorTel network
- Gigabit Ethernet connecting group clusters and
campus cluster - Campus provides fiber plant, maintenance, and
26Computational Economy
- How is this vast, integrated pool of resources
managed? - Traditional system approach empower global OS to
provide optimal allocation to blind
applications - predefined metric, tuned to fixed workload
- ignores the inherent adaptation of demand
- Computer Center
- charge gt director-to-user feedback according to
cost - Economic view decentralized allocation according
to perceived value - pricing gt user-to-user feedback
- compatible niches,sense of control, cooperation
- Everything is a service!
27Experiment PDA Bazaar
- Deploy/use pervasive computing infrastructure in
Soda Hall - Provide Ninja iSpaces
- Build an initial community (200 PP3 / Workpads)
- Watch and evaluate
- information broadcast channels
- seminars, lecture content
- news/sports/stocks
- shared information
- calendars, room reservations
- collaborative note-taking and brainstornming
- Smart spaces and device control
- Computer Science Research Challenges Ahead are
fundamentally problems of scale and composition - Powerful services
- Billions of tiny devices
- Rapid development, deployment, and evolution
- These demand an entirely new approach to systems
research. - Academic / Industry collaboration is key