Title: A fresh expression
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5A fresh expression is a form of church for our
changing culture established primarily for the
benefit of people who are not yet members of
any church. It will come into being through
principles of listening, service, incarnational
mission and making disciples. It will have the
potential to become a mature expression of
church shaped by the gospel and the enduring
marks of the church and for its cultural
6The Declaration of Assent
- which faith the Church is called upon to
proclaim afresh in each generation
7This is not new but fresh
8Parishes in 2006 engaged with fresh expressions
of church since 2000
9 both-and
continue to grow and develop the church as it is
establish fresh expressions of church
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11Why are we doing this ?
- The nature of God himself
- The nature of the incarnation
- The nature of the cross resurrection
no mission is possible without theology.
12What is really happening out there ?
13Changing culture
What is taking place is not merely the continued
decline of organised Christianity but the death
of the culture which formerly conferred Christian
identity upon the British people as a
whole. Callum Browne Death of Christian Britain
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162007 Tear Fund survey of 7000 adults in contact
or not with church
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18Ask the right questions
Who is it for? Who is it by? Who is it with?
19What are some of the issues we face?
20the multi layered church
a midweek all-age after school service
a Sunday evening Youth congregation
Traditional service
A network of midweek cells assembling monthly
A small community in a new housing area
21Public worship probably isnt the best starting
22Prayer and Support
Loving Service
Evangelism and Disciple- Making
Forming Community
Evolving Worship
Listening and Following Gods call
23The nature and quality Of community
24 to live in one place no longer means to live
together and living together no longer
means living in the same place. Ulrich Beck
25Mission shapes the church
26The reality is that mainstream culture no longer
brings people to the church door. We can no
longer assume that we can automatically
reproduce ourselves, because the pool of people
who regard church as relevant or important is
decreasing with every generation Mission
shaped church report p11
- do not try to call them back to where they
were, and do not try to call them to where you
are, beautiful as that place may seem to you. You
must have the courage to go with them to a place
that neither you nor they have been before. - Vincent Donovan
28church planting is a process by which a seed of
the life and message of Jesus, embodied by a
community of Christians is immersed for mission
reasons in a particular cultural or geographic
context. The intended consequence is that it
roots there, coming to life as a new
indigenous body of Christian disciples well
suited to continue in mission. MSC report
29Modification of the existing is not enough
30 we understood mission one way and organised
life to accomplish it. We have awakened to find
out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing
on mission, we have to turn the furniture around
and face a different direction. We may even have
to move into another room. Loren Mead. The
Once and Future Church
31Look for the three eccentrics
32The 3 eccentrics
- Who are the Philips?
- A Dangerous Deacon?
- Allow space for the unknowns
- Discover Cornelius
- who evangelizes who
- Pray for Pauls
- Eccentrics will do it differently
33The model of Jesus life
- INCARNATION - The world to enter
- CROSS - The world to counter
- RESURRECTION - The world to anticipate
34The nature of the church
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