Title: Youth Involvement
1 World Update by the World Scout
Committee Therese Bermingham, Vice Chairman
2The fundamental principles
A Scout Promise and Law The Scout Method The
Mission of educating young people to play a
constructive role in society
3Innovation needs key challenges
A united and coordinated team Follow up of the
world scout conferences resolutions Work on
peace and reinforce the spirit of brotherhood
Plan further development of the Movement
Importance of financial planning New own world
headquarters Better financial support from the
corporate sector
4Regular performance review
The first time such an evaluation is carried
out The first step Secretary Generals
assessment Trust in the Secretary General and
support to all World Scout Bureau staff Second
step a mid way evaluation within the World Scout
Committee itself Open to the Regional Chairman
and the Youth Advisors A normal part of
5The strategy for Scouting
Educational Methods Youth Programme as the key
challenge Implementation of the new Brand
Communication Strategy A long-term project which
enhance the consistency of the three areas of
Scoutings Profile Communications, Partnerships
and Resources Membership development no
short-term solutions Youth Participation the
key for ensuring the right mix of representation
6The governance review
Legitimacy Unity of the Movement
Responsibility Accountability and transparency
Integrity and democracy
7Working with WAGGGS
A trusting relationship A real cooperation on
the basis of concrete projects
8Our capacity to innovate
Service to the community The promise to do our
best Create a better world
9Thank youfor your attention