Title: Maturation of Data Assimilation Over the Last Two Decades
1Maturation of Data Assimilation Over the Last Two
- John C. Derber
- Environmental Modeling Center
2Roger Daley (1996) ECMWF seminar on data
- Fifteen years ago, data assimilation was a minor
and often neglected sub-discipline of numerical
weather prediction. The situation is very
different today. Data assimilation in now felt
to be important for all climate/environmental
monitoring and estimating the ocean state. There
has been great advances in both modelling and
instrumentation for a variety of atmospheric
phenomena and variables, and data assimilation
provides the bridge between them.
3Optimal Interpolation (1980s)
- With the advent of optimal interpolation,
analysis schemes transitioned from empirical
techniques to theoretically based techniques. - With these techniques, one could begin to use
information on - Observations and observation errors
- Short term forecasts and forecast errors
- However, for most applications of optimal
interpolation, many approximations had to be made.
4Variational assimilation (1990s and 2000s)
- J Jb Jo Jc
- J (x-xb)TB-1(x-xb) (H(x)-y0)T(EF)-1(H(x)-y0)
JC - J Fit to background Fit to observations
constraints - x Analysis
- xb Background
- B Background error covariance
- H Forward model
- y0 Observations
- EF R Instrument error Representativeness
error - JC Constraint term
5Variational assimilation
- Inclusion of observation operator (H),
transforming the analysis variable into the form
of the observation operator, which in turn
allowed - Inclusion of radiances and other indirect
observations - Definition of analysis variables different than
the model variables or observations - Inclusion of forecast model in interpolation
operator (4DVAR) - Use of all observations at once, eliminating many
approximations/complex codes which were prone to
failure - Allowed inclusion of additional constraint terms
6Variational Assimilation
- Background error covariances
- Background error variance now approximately ½
radiosonde error variance (ECMWF) - Fully non-separable covariance matrices
- Inclusion of constraints within background error
- Ongoing research in situation dependent
background errors
7Isotropic Error Correlation in ValleyPlotted
Over Utah Topography obs influence extends into
mountains indiscriminately
8Anisotropic Error Correlation in ValleyPlotted
Over Utah Topographyobs influence restricted to
areas of similar elevation
9Anisotropic Error Correlation on Slope Plotted
Over Utah Topographyobs influence restricted to
areas of similar elevation
10Anisotropic Error Correlation on Mt Top Plotted
Over Utah Topographyobs influence restricted to
areas of similar elevation
- No large scale data voids.
- Number of observations used in assimilation
increasing rapidly (but not as rapidly as number
of observations). - Both operational and non-operational satellite
data being used operationally. - Increased use of data assimilation systems in
calibration/validation activities for satellites. - Expected data impact from data producers always
- Adequate fast forward models for observations
still major problem, e.g., - Precipitation (satellite/radar)
- Clouds (IR and microwave)
- Lightning
- Biases in forward models/observations greatly
impact the usefulness of data
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14Variational Assimilation Surprises
- Computational cost for 3DVAR similar to OI (even
with all observations used together). - Much of need for Nonlinear Normal Mode
Initialization came from data selection. - Direct use of radiances produces significant
impacts in both hemispheres. - In Southern Hemisphere, significantly stronger
circulations were produced using radiances. - Southern Hemisphere forecast skill has become
similar to Northern Hemisphere skill. Since NH
much better observed, is SH easier? - Microwave instruments dominate impact.
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- Extension of data assimilation techniques to
- Additional analysis variables (including cloud
water/ice, etc.) - Smaller scales
- Tropical disturbances
- Land/ice/ocean surfaces
- Inclusion of improved bias correction for
background and all types of observations - Inclusion of observation specific
observational/representativeness errors
- Use of situation dependent background errors
- Trying to catch up with volume of data from new
observing platforms - Improved models and physics within analysis
systems - Ensembles?
- New systems judged on performance. With data
assimilation you must do everything right!
18 Summary
- Assimilation is the integration of all knowledge
of the atmosphere (observations, physics,
statistics) to produce the best estimate of the
real state of the atmosphere. - Data assimilation systems have matured and become
fairly good at large scales for the basic
meteorological variables. - Assimilation has advanced from a necessary evil
to an essential scientifically-based component of
numerical weather prediction. - However, there are many research groups still
using empirically based techniques and incomplete
19 Summary
- Greatest potential improvement is in improved
background error estimates (not increasing the
number of observations). - Unrealistic expectations from data providers in
terms of data impacts. - Operational community has lead the scientific
development of modern data assimilation systems. - In data assimilation, details are extremely
important you must do everything right!
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21Analysis variables
- Wind, temperature and surface pressure no longer
sufficient. Additional variables - Cloud ice and water
- Ozone and other constituent gases
- Surface variables (soil moisture, surface
temperature, snow, etc. - Aerosols
- Oceans
- Etc.
22Anisotropic Error Correlation on Mt Top Plotted
Over Utah Topographyobs influence restricted to
areas of similar elevation
23Sample forecast error structure
24Satellite observationsCurrent Instruments (used)
- Infrared (IR) sounders (HIRS, GOES)
- Microwave sounders (MSU, AMSU-A/B)
- Microwave imager (SSM/I (wind speed,
precipitation)) - SBUV (ozone profiles)
- Winds inferred from imagery (GOES, GMS, Meteosat)
- Scatterometers (Quikscat)
25Satellite observationsCurrent Instruments (not
- Visible/IR imager (AVHRR, GOES, MODIS)
- Microwave sounders ( DMSP/T/T2, TMI)
- TRMM radar
- Total Ozone (TOMS)
- Etc.
26Satellite observationsFuture Platforms
- GIFTS (IR sounder)
- Cosmic (GPS radio-occultation)
- Etc.
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28Satellite observations
- Different observation and error characteristics
- Type of data (cloud track winds, radiances, etc.)
- Version of instrument type (e.g., IR sounders
-AIRS, HIRS, IASI, GOES, GIFTS, etc.) - Different models of same instrument (e.g.,