ne Appearance Experiment with NuMI Beam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ne Appearance Experiment with NuMI Beam


CERN, WANF: narrow band beam (160-300 GeV), sevaral versions of WBB ... neutrinos is 1.5-2 GeV for all pion energies very intense, narrow band beam ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ne Appearance Experiment with NuMI Beam

ne Appearance Experiment with NuMI Beam
  • Physics Motivation
  • Physics potential of the Off-axis NuMI Beam
  • Backgrounds and Detector Issues
  • Off-axis Experiments evolution of the
    accelerator and detectors
  • Scenarios

PAC, November 15, 2002 Adam Para
Neutrino Experiments vs Standard Model
  • Part I - 1970s-1980s Crucial evidence
  • Discovery of neutral currents
  • Measurements of sin2qW
  • Scaling violation and first quantitative evidence
    for QCD
  • Part II late 1990s first evidence for physics
    beyond the standard model
  • Neutrino mass and oscillations
  • Part III 200x future studies of physics
    beyond the standard model
  • Just an extension (additional 9? 7? Parameters) ?
  • first glimpse at physics at the unification
    scale ?
  • Extra dimensions?
  • Unexpected?

Neutrino beams and experiments a historical
  • Neutrino beams represent a major investment of
    the laboratories.
  • They tend to be built as a flexible facility,
    rather that than a single purpose beam.
  • Fermilab dichromatic beam, SSQT, NuTeV
  • CERN, WANF narrow band beam (160-300 GeV),
    sevaral versions of WBB
  • Fermilab, NuMI horn focused, variable energy,
    on- and off-axis
  • They offer an opportunity for multiple
    experiments, concurrently or in sequence
  • Fermilab HPWF, CITF, CnFRm, Lab E, 15 ft BC,
    NuTeV, oscillation expt
    Chorus, Nomad

The outstanding questions, AD2002
  • Neutrino mass pattern This ?
    Or that?
  • Electron component of n3 (sin22q13)
  • Complex phase of s ?? CP violation in a neutrino
    sector ?? (?) baryon number of the universe
  • mixing angle q23 sin22q23 1 e. New
    symmetry? Broken?

The key nm ? ne oscillation experiment

A. Cervera et al., Nuclear Physics B 579 (2000)
17 55, expansion to second order in
  • First 2 terms are independent of the CP violating
    parameter d
  • The last term changes sign between n and n
  • If q13 is very small ( 1o) the second term
    (subdominant oscillation) competes with 1st
  • For small q13, the CP terms are proportional to
    q13 the first (non-CP term) to q132
  • The CP violating terms grow with decreasing En
    (for a given L)
  • CP violation is observable only if all angles ? 0
  • Two observables dependent on several physics
    parameters need measurements at different L and
    E ( see talk by K. Whisnant)

Anatomy of Bi-probability ellipses
  • Minakata and Nunokawa, hep-ph/0108085

  • Observables are
  • P
  • P
  • Interpretation in terms of sin22q13, d and sign
    of Dm223 depends on the value of these parameters
    and on the conditions of the experiment L and E
  • d

Mass Textures and q13 Predictions, Examples
Altarelli,Feruglio, hep-ph/0206077
An Unbiased Opinion NuMI provides an Ideal
Beam for Oscillation Studies
NuMI Neutrino Beam Off-axis detectors
  • Choice of experimental conditions
  • Baseline
  • Beam energy (control of matter effects as an
    amplifier of physics)
  • Figures of merit, take 15 mrad angle and 735 km
  • 100 CC nm ev/kton/year ( 4x1020 pot)
  • 0.25 CC ne ev/kton/year (_at_ 50 ID efficiency)
  • 0.25 NC background event
  • 33 CC anti nm ev/kton/year

Two phase program
  • Phase I ( 50-100 M, running 2007 2014)
  • 20 kton (fiducial) detector with e35-40
  • 4x1020 protons per year
  • 1.5 years neutrino (2400 nm CC, 70-80
  • 5 years antineutrino (2600 nm CC, 70-80
  • Phase II ( 500M, running 2014-2020)
  • 100 kton (fiducial) detector with e35-40
  • 20x1020 protons per year (new proton source?)
  • 1.5 years neutrino (60000 nm CC, 70-80
  • 5 years antineutrino (65000 nm CC, 70-80

Oscillation probability vs physics parameters
Parameter correlation even very precise
determination of Pn leads to a large allowed
range of sin22q23 ? antineutrino beam is more
important than improved statistics
Antineutrinos resolve the ambiguity
Antineutrino range
Neutrino range
L712 km, En1.6 GeV, Dm232 2.5x10-3 eV2
Antineutrinos are very important
  • Antineutrinos are crucial to understanding
  • Mass hierarchy
  • CP violation
  • CPT violation
  • High energy beams experience antineutrinos are

Ingredients s(p)3s(p-) (large x)
For the same number of POT
NuMI ME beam energies s(p)1.15s(p-) (charge
conservation!) Neutrino/antineutrino
events/proton 3 Backgrounds very similar to the
neutrino case (smaller NC background)
(no Pauli exclusion 25 at 0.7 GeV)
ne Appearance Experiment a Primer
This determines sensitivity of the experiment
  • Systematics
  • Know your expected flux
  • Know the beam contamination
  • Know the NC backgroundrejection power (Note
    need to beat it down to the level of ne component
    of the beam only)
  • Know the electron ID efficiency

Sensitivity neefficiency and NC rejection
Major improvement of sensitivity by improving ID
efficiency up to 50 Factor of 100 rejection
(attainable) power against NC sufficient NC
background not a major source of the error, but a
near detectordesirable to measure it ?? low
energy neutrino physics (Kevin McFarland, Jorge
Sensitivity of the off-axis experiment
Sensitivity to nominal Ue32 (I.e. neglecting
CP phase d) at the level 0.001 (phase I) and
0.0002 (phase II)
  • Error on NC background statistically limited up
    to relatively large exposures
  • Systematic error on the NC subtraction does not
    degrade the sensitivity, for good electron ID e

Expected precision of Phase I and II (statistical)
Precision of the determination of the oscillation
probability (rather than sin22q13) is a proper
measure of the performance of the experiment
  • Phase II
  • Measure 0.01 probability to 5 (n)
  • Measure 0.002 probability to 20 (n)
  • Phase I
  • Measure 0.01 probability to 25 (n)

NuMI Of-axis Sensitivity for Phases I and II
We take the Phase II to have 25 times higher POT
x Detector mass Neutrino energy and detector
distance remain the same
Result-driven program L, E flexibility
Phase I run at 712 km, oscillation
maximum Where to locate Phase II detector?
  • Matter effects amplify the effect increase
    statistics at this location
  • Osc. Maximum induces d0/dp ambiguity ? move to
    lower/higher energy
  • Matter induces dp/2 vs d3p/2 ambiguity ? move
    to the second maximum

JHF as Phase I?
  • Goal of the experiment is to establish the
    existence of nm to ne oscillations ? Only
    neutrino running is proposed
  • Even with potential antineutrino running there
    will be not enough information to select the
    optimum location of the NuMI Phase II (CP/mass
    hierarchy ambiguity)

Optimal strategy Combine JHF and NuMI Phase I to
select the location of the Phase II detector
Determination of mass hierarchy complementarity
of JHF and NuMI
Combination of different baselines NuMI JHF
extends the range of mixing angles
V. Barger, D. Marfatia, K. Whisnant hep-ph/0210428
Need to know Dm2 ?
  • Variation of the oscillation probability with (so
    far unknown) CP violation phase and mass
    hierarchy much bigger than the one with Dm223
  • Sensitivity of the experiment may depend on the
    actual value of Dm223 , but not much room for
    improvement by choosing baseline/energy

Optimization of beam energy/detector location ?
Range of variation of the observable effects is
dominated by unknown (so far) physics
parameters Beam energy choice is a tool to sort
out potential ambiguities in the physics
parameters space
NuMI Off-axis Detector
  • Different detector possibilities are currently
    being studied (Debbie Harris talk)
  • The goal is an eventual 20 kt fiducial volume
  • The possibilities are
  • Low Z imaging calorimeter with RPCs, drift tubes
    or scintillator
  • Liquid Argon (a large version of ICARUS)
  • Water Cherenkov counter
  • Neutrino detectors is not a rocket science.
    Scaleable, can be built to cost.
  • Phase I vs Phase II
  • The same/different technology?
  • The same/different location?

Too early to tell
Beam-Detector Interactions
  • Optimizing beam can improve signal
  • Optimizing beam can reduce NC backgrounds
  • Optimizing beam can reduce intrinsic ne
  • Easier experimental challenge, simpler detectors
  • of events proton intensity x detector mass
  • Split the money to maximize the product, rather
    than individual components (? Doug Michaels talk)

Proton economics, long term view
  • Cartoon
  • Donkey is pulling a cart.
  • Cart is overloaded with goodies.
  • Overload tips the cart over.
  • Donkey is lifted off the ground.
  • Despite the great effort donkey is not moving.
  • Solution need a bigger donkey.

Booster complex is the oldest element of our
accelerator chain. It is becoming a
bottleneck. Our scientific program will greatly
benefit from a major improvement of the proton
What if?
  • Solar neutrinos NOT in LMA (Dm212ltlt10-5 eV2)
  • CP not measurable in terrestial experiments
  • Measure sin22q13 (no ambiquities!)
  • Determine mass hierarchy
  • sin22q13ltltlt1
  • Mesure Dm212 if Dm212 gt 10-4 eV2
  • There are no nm -gt ne oscillations
  • Set a limit at the level P 10-4
  • Determine sin22q23 to better than 1 (systematics
    limited, off-axis beam being a major factor in
    reducing the systematic error)
  • MiniBOONE confirms LSND
  • Physics even more interesting than in the
    minimal model
  • Priorities change
  • Cheap electron neutrino detector a great asset
  • A bare minimum program determine sin22q23 to 1

Project Evolution I (so far)
  • May 2002 Workshop ot Fermilab, 140 people
  • June 2002 LOI submitted
  • September 2002 All about NuMI UCL London, 27
  • Now Argonne- Athens - Berkeley - Boston -
    Caltech - Chicago - College de France - Fermilab
    -Harvard - ITEP - Lebedev - UC-London - LSU - MIT
    - MSU Minnesota-Crookstone - Minnesota-Duluth
    -Minnesota-Minneapolis - TUM-Munchen - NIU -
    Ohio-Athens - Oxford - Pittsburgh - Princeton -
    Rochester - Rutherford - Sao Paulo - Stanford -
    Stony Brook - Sussex- Texas-Austin - TMU-Tokyo -
    Tufts - UCLA - Virginia Tech - York-Toronto(115
    physicists) (red joined since PAC submission)
  • Expression of interest from several more

Project Evolution II (possible)
  • November January technology focused workshops
  • Gas based detector MSU
  • Liquid argon UCLA
  • January 24-26, SLAC Off-axis detector for
    NuMI workshop (narrow down the technology range,
    focus activities on proposal preparation)
  • Spring 2003 workshop on the beam intensity/proton
  • Spring 2003 answers to the PAC questions
  • Summer 2003 Proposal for the RD and near
    detector construction
  • 2004 site selection for the far detector
  • Summer 2004 Proposal for the Phase I detector
    and RD fpr the Phase II
  • 2005 near detector operational, start
    construction of the far detector
  • 2007 start data taking with the far detector

Wish list for help from the PAC
  • Endorse long term neutrino program for Fermilab
  • help with attracting foreign and domestic
  • Credibility vis-à-vis potential funding agencies
    (University-based program at DOE, NSF/MRE,
    foreign contributions)
  • Encourage lab management to submit a request for
    the construction funds in FY2005
  • Encourage lab management to develop a scenario to
    attain or to exceed the design NuMI beam
  • Encourage lab management to develop a long term
    (15-20 years) plan for the increase of the proton
  • Help with the choice of the scope of the Phase I
    of the program
  • 20? 30? 50? Kton
  • 50? 100? M
  • (there appears to be no rational arguments in the
    absence of the theoretical predictions.
    Scientific/political/sociological judgment is

  • Neutrino Physics is an exciting field for many
    years to come
  • Most likely several experiments with different
    running conditions will be required to unravel
    the underlying physics
  • Off-axis detectors offer a promising avenue to
    pursue this physics
  • Fermilab/NuMI beam is uniquely matched to this
    physics in terms of beam intensity, flexibility,
    beam energy, and potential source-to-detector
    distances that could be available
  • Exciting element of the scientific program of the
    laboratory for the next 20 years

Detector(s) Challenge
  • Surface (or light overburden)
  • High rate of cosmic ms
  • Cosmic-induced neutrons
  • But
  • Duty cycle 0.5x10-5
  • Known direction
  • Observed energy gt 1 GeV
  • Principal focus electron neutrinos
  • Good sampling (in terms of radiation/Moliere
  • Large mass
  • maximize mass/radiation length
  • cheap

Important Reminder
  • Oscillation Probability (or sin22qme) is not
    unambigously related to fundamental parameters,
    q13 or Ue32
  • At low values of sin22q13 (0.01), the
    uncertainty could be as much as a factor of 4 due
    to matter and CP effects
  • Measurement precision of fundamental parameters
    can be optimized by a judicious choice of running
    time between n and n

Optimum Run Strategy
  • Start the experiment with neutrinos
  • Run in that mode until either
  • A definite signal is seen, or
  • Potential sensitivity with antineutrinos could be
    significantly higher (x 2?) than with neutrinos
  • Switch to antineutrinos and run in that mode
    until either
  • A definite signal is seen
  • Potential sensitivity improvement from additional
    running would be better with neutrinos

Backgrounds Summary
  • ne component of the beam
  • Constrained by nm interactions observed in the
    near MINOS detector (p)
  • Constrained by nm interactions observed in the
    near MINOS detector (m)
  • Constrained by pion production data (MIPP)
  • NC events passing the final analysis cuts (p0?)
  • Constrained by neutrino data from K2K near
  • Constrained by the measurement of EM objects as
    a function of Ehad in the dedicated near detector
  • Cosmics
  • Cosmic muon induced stuff overlapped with the
    beam-induced neutrino event
  • (undetected) cosmic muon induced which mimics the
    2 GeV electron neutrino interaction in the
    direction from Fermilab within 10 msec beam gate
  • Expected to be very small
  • Measured in a dedicated setup (under

NuMI Beam wide range of possible sites
  • Collection of possible sites, baselines, beam
  • Physcis/results driven experiment optimization
  • Complementarity with other measurements (Cluster
    of detectors? JHF? gt K. Whisnants talk)

Receipe for an ne Appearance Experiment
  • Large neutrino flux in a signal region
  • Small background
  • Efficient detector with good rejection against NC
  • Large detector
  • Lucky coincidences
  • distance to Soudan 735 km, Dm20.025-0.035 eV2

  • gt large cross
  • Below the tau threshold! (BR(t-gte)17)

Beam Systematics Predict the Far Spectrum
Event spectra at far detectors located at
different positions derived from the single
near detector spectrum using different particle
production models. Four different histograms
Total flux predictable to 1-2 .
Off-axis magic ( D.Beavis at al. BNL, E-889)
1-3 GeV intense beams with well defined energy in
a cone around the nominal beam direction
Sources of the ne background
ne/nm 0.5
K decays
  • At low energies the dominant background is from
    m?enenm decay, hence
  • K production spectrum is not a major source of
  • ne background directly related to the nm spectrum
    at the near detector

NuMI Beam Layout
Near off-axis detector
Fighting NC backgroundthe Energy Resolution
Cut around the expected signal region to improve
signal/background ratio
Determination of mass hierarchy
Matter effects can amplify the effect,
sgn(Dm2131), d3p/2, or reduce the effect
sgn(Dm213-1), dp/2, and induce the
degeneracy at smaller values of sin22q13. In the
latter case a measurement at the location where
matter effects are small (even with neutrinos
only!) breaks the degeneracy and extends the
hierarchy determination to lower values of
sin22q13. ?? complementarity of NuMI and JHF
Background rejection beam detector issue
n spectrum
NC (visible energy), no rejection
Spectrum mismatch These neutrinos contribute to
background, but no signal
  • ne background

ne (Ue32 0.01)
NuMI low energy beam
NuMI off-axis beam
These neutrinos contribute to background, but not
to the signal
Two body decay kinematics
At this angle, 15 mrad, energy of produced
neutrinos is 1.5-2 GeV for all pion energies ?
very intense, narrow band beam
  • On axis En0.43Ep

Two Most Attractive Sites
  • Closer site, in Minnesota
  • About 711 km from Fermilab
  • Close to Soudan Laboratory
  • Unused former mine
  • Utilities available
  • Flexible regarding exact location
  • CNA study
  • Further site, in Canada, along Trans-Canada
  • About 985 km from Fermilab
  • There are two possibilities
  • About 3 km to the west, south of Stewart Lodge
  • About 2 km to the east, at the gravel pit site,
    near compressor station

  • nm -gt ne oscillations provide a powerful tool to
    determine fundamental parameters of the neutrino
  • NuMI neutrino beam offers an unique laboratory
    for an optimal nm -gt ne oscillation experiment
  • Matter effects
  • L/E optimization
  • Off-axis detector(s) in combination with a
    realistic upgrades of the Fermilab proton
    intensity will improve our sensitivity by two
    orders of magnitude over the CHOOZ limit
  • Determination of the mass hierarchy and a
    discovery of the CP violation in the neutrino
    sector may be well within our reach
  • Neutrino beam will start in 2004. Large
    affordable detector(s) can be constructed in 4-5
    years. Lets do it!

Important Reminder
  • Experiment measures oscillation probability. It
    is not unambigously related to fundamental
    parameters, q13 or Ue32
  • At low values of sin22q13 (0.01), the
    uncertainty could be as much as a factor of 4 due
    to matter and CP effects
  • Measurement precision of fundamental parameters
    can be optimized by a judicious choice of running
    time between n and n

Neutrino Propagation in Matter
  • Matter effects reduce mass of ne and increase
    mass of ne
  • Matter effects increase Dm223 for normal
    hierarchy and reduce Dm223 for inverted hierarchy

Modular, transportable detector
Super-superbeam somewhere? Here we come!
A Quest for NuMI Proton Intensity
NuMI Intensity Working Group, D. Michael/P. Martin
Nominal NuMI year
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