Title: LS 25A: Automation in Information Work
1LS 25A Automation in
Information Work
- Lecture Automated Circulation
20.0 Introduction
- This lecture is the 2nd on library housekeeping
applications. It covers - Definitions
- The manual circulation process
- Circulation software functional requirements
30.1 Learning Objectives
- Identify the 7 major circulation activities
- Identify the traditional files used for the
function - Explain the purpose of automating the circulation
function - Define the software requirements for an
automated circulation function - Summarize the management information generated
from the process
41.0 Definitions
- Housekeeping Applications
- This refers to the use of computers for
- acquisitions, cataloguing, circulation and
serials control - Usually the first activities that libraries
automate - Help to control the stock and improve service to
51.0 Definitions
- Library Management Systems Software
- Housekeeping software referred to in the
professional literature as Integrated Library
Management Systems software.(ILMS) - It is special purpose software intended to
develop and manage databases for supporting
library housekeeping functions OPAC and
community information-type services.
61.0 Definitions
- Circulation
- the total number of items issued from a
library in a given period. - Harrod, The Librarians Glossary.
- The objective of a circulation system is to
document availability through stock control
72.0 Manual Circulation Process
- Major Activities in the manual process are
- Check-out
- Check-in
- Renewals
- Reservations
- Overdues
- Notices
- Accounting
- Circulation statistics Management Info.
82.1 Check-out
- Also called Charging or Issuing
- Check-out establishes a link between user and
item - who has what, so that it can be retrieved
- Link between item user is the charge
- Every circulation system must capture charge data
92.2 Check-in
- Also called Discharging or Return
- Check-in disconnects borrower from item
- Make the item available for loan again
102.3 Renewals
- This is a special type of check-out
- Really an extension of the original loan but it
is not automatic - Some checks need to be made before extension is
granted like - Eligibility of item for loan?
- Is it even due yet?
- Is the borrower the same person?
11 2.4 Reservations
- Also called Holds
- A users request to the library to hold an item
on its return - Multiple users can reserve the same item!
- This condition creates a queue and queue
management processes must be adopted!
12 2.5 Overdues
- Material not returned by due date
- Availability to other users is the key
consideration - Circulation function must be able to identify
overdue items so that recall notices can be sent
for their return
13 2.6 Notices
- Several types of notices
- Recall notices for overdues
- Notices to users about items on reserve list
- Community bulletins
- A major demand on the librarians time
142.7 Accounting
- Penalties are assessed for infraction of
circulation rules - Fines are imposed so accounting must address
- accurate calculation of fines
- collection of fines
- Documentation to support fees imposed and
payments of fines
152.8 Management Information
- Information is gathered from processing
statistics which help management make decisions
affecting circulation and the service in general - How many items issued / returned each day
- How many notices were sent out
- Lists of delinquent borrowers
- Lists of overdue titles
- What class of materials are the most heavily used
etc. - Appraise and give examples of how some of this
information could be used? -
162.9 Information Required to Support
- 1 Listing of library materials
- What questions are answered by processing this
data? - 2 Data on what has been issued?
- 3 The due date for each item on loan?
- 4 Data on borrowers?
- personal details related to the user
- This data listed is required for control
management purposes regardless of manual or
automated system
17 2.10 Manual Files Used in the
Circulation Function
- 1 The Catalogue
- For answering queries on the items in the
collection available for loan - 2 The Borrowers File
- Also called the Registration file
- 3 The Issue / Transactions File
- Link borrowers to items
- 4 Receipt System for Fines
- Receipt book, for accounting purposes
- 5 Management Information
182.11 Manual Files in the Circulation Function
- Statistics collected for processing to provide
information for planning and control like - no. of daily loans
- the heaviest used subject areas
- the most active users
- the heaviest losers of library materials
- Usage patterns
19 3.0 Automated Circulation
- Circulation was one of the earliest and remains
one of the most widely-used of the
housekeeping applications as it is often the area
where many libraries first see the need for
automation - 1 To reduce crowding at the circulation desk
- 2 To maintain control over movement of stock
- 3 Availability of the software to automate
20 3.1 Automated Circulation
- 1 Use a light-pen scanner or a flat-bed scanner,
set in the surface of the circulation desk, to
read bar-coded library materials - 2 Use of bar-coded borrower cards
- Each item in the collection available for loan
has to be labeled with the appropriate bar-code
label - Bar-code labels are supplied along with the
circulation software - Bar codes are generated by the computer once the
library enters the appropriate code for each
21 3.12 Automated Circulation Methodologies
- Some circulation software limited and cannot
support bar code labels that hold the full
bibliographic data for each item but only numeric
data for the item - accession no. or ISBN
- ISSN for serials
- Libraries may add other codes, e.g.
- copy 4th copy of title
- class. no.
223.13 Automated Circulation Methodologies
- Automated circulation systems come with both
scanners and keyboards - Scanners minimize human error (?)
- Keyboards are needed for remote renewals
- Bar-coded borrower cards are prepared by the
library - Each card is assigned a unique number
- Card contains other information on the customer
23 3.2 Functional Specs for Circulation
- Circulation software should allow for
- Development of a Transaction File
- the registration of users Borrowers File
- Access to OPAC
24 3.3 Specifications Transaction File
- Contains 3 things, usually
- Item out on loan bar code ID
- To whom Users ID
- Due date numbers only
- Contains numeric data only
- Working file that is updated every time an item
is issued or returned - This file supports check-out / check-in /
renewals / reservations
25 3.4 Functional SpecsBorrower File
- Updated each time a user joins or leaves the
library - Note that usually it is the users ID
that is scanned into the circulation terminal.
The library collects additional personal data and
connect that to each ID number - Borrower File supports the Transaction File
26 3.41 Functional SpecsBorrower File
- Example of a record in the Borrower File
- ID 123
- NAME Jones, Susan
- ADDRESS 1University Close,
- Kingston 7
- TEL. 977-3333
- STATUS Faculty
27 3.42 Functional SpecsBorrower File
- Libraries have different ways of coding the user
ID. In addition to the base number generated by
the computer, codes could be added to identify
categories of users - 123 A for Junior Readers or Undergrads
- B for Young Adults or Postgrads
- C for Adults or Faculty etc.
- The ID is the Key Field
- Link the Transaction and Borrower Files
28 3.5 Functional SpecsThe OPAC
- Provides the bibliographic data for the item out
on loan - numeric data on borrowed items in Transaction
File - Bibliographic data is needed in order to write
notices and answer author/title queries at the
Circulation Desk - The item code is a Key Field
- Link the OPAC the Transaction File
29 3.6 Special Features of Circulation
- Identifying and intercepting delinquents
- circulation staff should be alerted to a
delinquent borrower if they attempt to issue more
materials to that person - Human over-ride
- To allow for human decision-making about fines
and borrowing privileges - The ability to change a pre-determined loan
period - Alert staff when overdue book returned
- circulation staff alerted when an overdue book is
returned so that the fine can be charged
30 3.7 Functional Specs Management Information
- Circulation software must produce report for
management decision-making as well as control - Some reports
- identification of heavily-used titles
- Passed on to Acquisitions
- identification of heavily-used class nos.
- Passed on to Acquisitions
- identification of heaviest users
- useful for planning additional services
- Notices
31 4.0 Functional Specs Input Processing
- Note that both humans machines are involved in
the circulation process - Computers make contribution
- Librarian makes a contribution
- Librarian must identify input for computer and
interpret output from computer
32 4.0 Functional Specs Input Processing
- Setting Limits is human and intellectual and
requires - the librarians judgement User needs
- the application of evaluation criteria
- setting limits for areas such
- loan periods
- number if items allowed each category of user
- extending loan periods
- amount of items on loan
- forgiving fines etc.
33 4.0 Functional Specs Input Processing
- Some other important tasks librarians must retain
responsibility for - User registration
- Data entry to the Transaction File
34 4.0 Functional Specs Input Processing
- storage of various files
- automatic calculation of due dates
- calculation of fines
- generation of notices
- renewals loan extensions
- control of number of books loaned
- blacklisting of borrowers
- automatic re-registration
- stock movement control
- history files borrowing patterns of user
- generation of management data