Title: World Pollution Presentation
1World Pollution Presentation
- Learning Objective
- Create a PowerPoint presentation that expresses
an opinion on a subject you feel strongly - you should plan, draft organise your content
carefully - judge how much to write how much detail to
include - present your information and ideas in a logical
and persuasive sequence - use appropriate style and language for your
purpose audience - Use a range of supporting information researched
from the www in a variety of media to present
your argument, eg text, pictures, video - Literacy curriculum references
Wt/L2.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - ICT Skills use PowerPoint, use search engines,
use hyperlinks to insert digital images
2Preserving the world we live in
- World pollution is a serious problem in this
world we live in, and we need to try and find a
way to stop or reduce this dire problem.
3This is a diagram showing the over consumption
population of the top 20 of the worlds richest
4These are just a few of the types of pollution
the world we are living in faces
5Pollution is always in the news headlines, here
is another way in which the earths precious
resources are being ruined
BBC News story about coral reefs
Global Climate Change
7The surface of the earth is heated by the sun. As
it warms up, it reflects heat back into the
About 70 of the sun's energy is radiated back
into space. But some of the infrared radiation is
trapped by greenhouse gases, which warm the
atmosphere, and reflect heat back down to Earth.
9As a result of the greenhouse effect, the Earth
is kept warm enough to make life possible. But
some scientists say that increased emissions of
greenhouse gases are disturbing the balance of
this complex system, causing global warming. In
the last 100 years, the average global
temperature has increased by about 0.4 to 0.8 C.
10A quiz on Global climate change
- 1. By how much has sea level risen in
the last century? Â - A 0 - 5 cm
-  B 10 - 15 cm  C 15 - 20 cm  D 25
- 35 cm - What is the Earth's average temperature? Â A
11C Â B 15C Â C 19C Â D 22C - . Carbon dioxide accounts for what
percentage of greenhouse gas emissions  A 25
 B 34  C 63  D 78 - In the United States, average greenhouse
gas emissions per person in 1995 were  A 2
tonnes  B 3.5 tonnes  C 5.2 tonnes  D
6.6 tonnes In Switzerland, average
greenhouse gas emissions per person in 1995 were
 A 2 tonnes  B 3.5 tonnes  C 5.2 tonnes
 D 6.6 tonnes - The Kyoto protocol commits countries in the
developed world to cut greenhouse emissions by
2012 by  A 5 below 1990 levels  B 25
below 1990 levels  C 30 below 1990 levels Â
D 60 below 1990 levels - Scientists say if we continue to emit
greenhouse gases at current rates, over the next
80 years there is likely to be  A A
substantial dieback of tropical forests,
especially in South America and southern Africa
 B Increased cereal yields in North America,
China and Argentina  C Less water in rivers in
Australia, India, Europe and the Middle East Â
D All of the above
11Answers to the greenhouse effect quiz
1 c 2 c 3 b 4 - c 5 - c 6 - c
- Tot up your top scores!!
- 0 Tut tut! You need to work on your greenhouse
knowledge - 1-3 Good, but you could do better
- 3 -5 Excellent but try to top it up theres
always room for improvement! - 6 FANTASTIC you really are the P.I.Ts
Professors In Training!
12Internet Sources used for this Slideshow
www.bbc.co.uk http//news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sta
se/ghouse_1.stm http//news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/s
efault.stm http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/default.stm
on audio and video http//news.bbc.co.uk/nolavcons
rm_3743594.stm http//news.bbc.co.uk/nolavconsole/
wm1bbram1 http//www.pollution.com/ http//cgi.
n_environmentmodeboolx14y7 http//www.bbc.co
.uk/wonderland/instant_news.shtml http//www.onewo
rld.net/penguin/pollution/pollution_home.html http
phics/greenhouset.gif http//www.snia.org/about/im
ages/network_component_icons/Internet.jpg http//w
ww.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/kaimi/i_at_sea.html http//ww
l.html http//web.mit.edu/hoffmann/www/ http//www
jpg http//www.cusa.uci.edu/images/Internet.jpg ht
13The advantages and disadvantages of different
search facilities google.co.uk and google images
Water Vapour moisture suspended in the
air. Carbon Dioxide a gas with no colour or
smell that occurs naturally. Methane another
gas with no colour or smell that occurs
naturally. Fossil Fuels - natural energy such as
coal or gas formed by the earth naturally.
Deforestation clearing an area of its forests
or trees. Atmosphere the layer of gases
surrounding the earth or any other planet.
Greenhouse gases any gases that trap the suns
warmth in the atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide another
gas with no colour or smell used to put people to
sleep for medical reasons.
15World Pollution Presentation
- Learning Objective
- Create a PowerPoint presentation that expresses
an opinion on a subject you feel strongly - you should plan, draft organise your content
carefully - judge how much to write how much detail to
include - present your information and ideas in a logical
and persuasive sequence - use appropriate style and language for your
purpose audience - Use a range of supporting information researched
from the www in a variety of media to present
your argument, eg text, pictures, video - Literacy curriculum references
Wt/L2.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - ICT Skills use PowerPoint, use search engines,
use hyperlinks to insert digital images