Title: Transformation and Coordination of Developmental Education Programs
1Transformation and Coordination of Developmental
Education Programs
- Strengthening Student Success Conference 2007
- San Jose, California
2Contra Costa College Profile
- Richmond San Pablo, California
- Urban, Low-Income Community
- 8600 Students
- 6,041 FTES
- 103 Full-time Faculty
3API for County HS, 2005
4History of Academic Skills Department
- Prior to Spring of 2000
- Reading and English were separate departments
- Developmental writing courses were in English
Department - Reading courses were in Reading Department
- Arithmetic pre-algebra courses were in Math
5The Problems
- Very few students taking reading classes
- Lack of enthusiasm among many faculty teaching
developmental reading, writing, and math - Very low retention, success and persistence
6History of Academic Skills Department
- Spring of 2000
- College made a comprehensive institutional
- commitment to basic skills education
- President, V.P., Academic Senate asked for
broad-based Basic Skills Committee - Mandate formulate a plan to restructure the
Basic Skills Program - Committed 100,000 for reassigned time, faculty
development and travel
7History of Academic Skills Department
- Committee Members
- Math, English Reading Faculty
- DSPS Faculty
- Counselors
- Academic Senate President
- Outreach Coordinator
- Deans of Instruction and Student Services
- College President
8History of Academic Skills Department
- Site Visits to Observe Effective Practices
- 6 California Community Colleges
- Santa Fe Community College
- Denver Community College
9History of Academic Skills Department
- Visioning Session (April 2000)
- What essential program elements are needed for
CCCs comprehensive basic skills instructional
program? - What essential support services are needed to
ensure student success? - What organizational structure should be used for
the basic skills program? - What should we call the program?
10Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Developmental education is a clearly stated
institutional priority - Developmental education included in college
mission statement - Academic Skills Department mission statement
the faculty within our department must work as
a team, collaborate with faculty from other
disciplines, and maintain a strong partnership
with the Counseling Department.
11Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Faculty
- Reading and Writing
- Reading and writing taught together in the same
courses (2 and 3 levels below Freshman
Composition) - Math (arithmetic and pre-algebra)
- College-wide Tutor Coordinator
- Department Chair is college Basic Skills
12Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Organizational Structure
- Same administrative level as other campus
departments - Belongs to the CLASS Division (Communication,
Liberal Arts, Skills and Services) - Counseling Department and DSPS Program also
belong to the CLASS Division
13Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Integrated Instructional and
- Student Support Services
- Tutors (supplemental instruction) in all Academic
Skills classrooms - Counselor liaison for each Academic Skills
section - ACES program (Automated Communication for
Educational Success)
14Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Challenges
- Time
- Money
- Consistent and effective collaboration with other
departments (Math, English, Counseling etc.)
15Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Challenges (cont.)
- Integrate reading, writing, and math curriculum
- A high percentage of adjunct faculty
- Bridging the gap to college level classes
- Student persistence rates
16Contra Costa CollegeAcademic Skills Department
- Benefits
- Our focus and attention are on basic skills
students - Students receive comprehensive support services
- Department faculty enthusiastic and dedicated to
basic skills education - One department facilitates the grant writing
process and makes us more competitive
17Uses of Data
- Supplemental Instruction (SI)
- Tutoring
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
18Supplemental Instruction Data
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Tutoring SLOs
- Students will feel more comfortable about using
tutoring after meeting with a tutor - Students who use tutoring will feel more
comfortable in their classes. - Retention and success rates for students who use
tutoring will exceed rates for those who do not
use tutoring. - Students who use tutoring will re-enroll at CCC
and persist to higher-level courses.
23ENGL139 SLOs
- Students will be able to write a clear thesis
statement - Students will be able to write paragraphs with
adequate support. - Students will demonstrate knowledge of sentence
boundaries. - Students will be able to write sentences that
conform to the conventions of standard English.
24Contra Costa College
- Jason Berner, Tutor Coordinator and English
Professor - (jberner_at_contracosta.edu)
- Sherry Sharufa, Math Associate Professor
- (ssharufa_at_contracosta.edu)
- Ellen Smith, Interim CLASS Division Dean
- (elsmith_at_contracosta.edu)
- Elvia Ornelas-Garcia, ACSKL Dept. Chair
- (eornelas-garcia_at_contracosta.edu)