Title: Work Group Summit
1Climate and EnergyAction Plan
Work Group Summit
Durango Recreation Center The Peaks Conference
Rooms 700 to 830 p.m., Wednesday, November 12,
2Hand Outs
- Agenda with Acronyms
- Preliminary Consolidated Work Plan(applicable
sheets only) - Work Groups List
- Sample Work Plan Schedule
- Sectors List with Climate Action Plan Model
- Sectors and Potential Climate Change Impacts
- Resources
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Examples Proposals and Detail Sheets
- Potential Meeting Locations
- Sign Up Sheets
3What We Are Doing Today
- Explain Climate and Energy Action Plan Purpose
- Review Levels of Involvement
- Identify Roles and Responsibilities
- Discuss Work Plans
- Outline Process Flow
- Conduct Tonights Tasks
- Summarize Next Steps
4Ground Rules
- Assumption Not Everyone Here Today Attended the
October 23rd Kick Off - Avoid Use of Acronyms
- Time Constraints Require Use of Parking Lot
- What We Are NOT Doing Today
- Deciding on Format and Structure of the Climate
and Energy Action Plan document
5Climate and Energy Action Plan Purpose
- Identifies and Evaluates Feasible and Effective
Public and Private Policies, Programs, and
Methods to - Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
- Encourage Resource Efficiency
- Protect Air Quality and Public Health
- Improve the Economy and Environment
6Levels of Involvement
7Work Groups
- Tasks
- Ensure Appropriate Stakeholders are Represented
- Elect Chair and Vice Chair (Who Become Steering
Committee Contributors) - Develop Draft and Final Documents
- Work Plan
- Action Plan Proposals List
- Action Plan Detail Sheets
- Contributors
- Please Add Your Name and Contact Information
(phone, email) to the Work Group Sheet - Invite Others to Join Work Groups
8Steering Committee
- Tasks
- Ensure Appropriate Stakeholders are Represented
- Identify Overlaps and Assign to One Work Group
- Approve Public Participation Plan
- Approve Consensus Strategy and Procedures
- Approve Procedures for Reviewing CEAP Input
- Approve Work Plans
- Evaluate Action Plan Proposals List
- Approve/Prioritize Action Plan Detail Sheets
- Compile/Approve/Publish CEAP
- Contributors
- Chair and Vice Chair of Each Work Group
- Other Stakeholders
9Coordinating Team
- Tasks
- Facilitate/Manage/Keep Process on Track
- Respond to Chair Requests
- Propose Consensus Strategy and Procedures
- Establish Formal Review Procedures
- Develop Community Participation Plan
- Liaison with a Work Group
- Contributors
- Two additional contributors are needed please
join the coordinating team! - Smart Energy Committee Chair (Sustainability
Alliance) - 4CORE Executive Director
- La Plata County Sustainability Coordinator
- City of Durango Resource Conservation
Coordinator - Grassroots Vision Project Member
- Vision Team Steering Committee Member
- Town of Ignacio Planner
10Roles and Responsibilities
- Each Work Group and the Steering
- Committee are Comprised of
- Coordinating Team Liaison
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Contributors
11Coordinating Team LiaisonRole And
- Facilitate the Process, Not the Meetings
- Provide Resources, such as
- Documents, Links, Available Meeting Locations,
Templates, Process Instructions - Forward Funding Requests to Coordinating Team
- Assist in Finding Additional Contributors
- Do Not Vote (Unless Also a Contributor)
- Cannot be the Chair or Vice Chair
- Help Remove Barriers, such as
- By Identifying Team-Building Facilitators
- Attend Meetings if Requested (If Also
aContributor, then Attend All meetings) - Share Process-Related Accomplishments
andBarriers to Improve the Process
12Chair Role And Responsibilities
- Facilitate Meetings
- Ensure Schedule Commitments are Met
- Prevent Discussions/Decisions From Backsliding
- Is a Voting Contributor of the Steering Committee
and the Work Group that s/he Chairs - Connect With Other Chairs
- Via Steering Committee Meetings or Informal
Discussions - To Avoid Duplication
- To Identify Overlapping Areas
13Chair Role And Responsibilities (continued)
- Document and Provide Decisions and Action Plan
Proposals - Request Support From Coordinating Team Liaison
- Request Information and Guidance From the
Scientific, Technical, and Analysis Advisory Work
Group Chair - Proposals Must Be Feasible and Implementable
- Cost and Emissions Analysis Must BeSupported By
Appropriate Basis OfEstimate
14Vice Chair Role And Responsibilities
- Perform Chairs Duties When Chair is Unavailable
- Is a Voting Contributor of the Steering Committee
and the Work Group that s/he Vice Chairs
15Contributor Role and Responsibilities
- Support the Process Fully and Collaborate Toward
CEAP Goals in Good Faith - Meet Commitments
- Adhere to Schedule
- Once the Work Group and Steering Committee
Reaches Consensus, Move to the Next Step - Support Decisions Reached by Consensus (No
Backsliding) - Keep Up With Information andDecisions of the
16Contributor Role and Responsibilities (continued)
- Attend Meetings
- Be Prepared
- Participate Fully
- Refrain From Personal Criticisms
- Provide Objective, Fact Based Comments
- Disclose if Strong Opinion May Cause Personal
Bias - Represent Your Sector / Discipline When Making
Action Plan Decisions/Voting - Speak Only For Yourself inCommunications About
the CEAP Withthe Media or Other Political Bodies
17Work Plans
- Refer to Your Work Groups Preliminary Work Plan
- Goal
- Deliverables
- Group Processes It Is Critically Important to
Develop a Shared Idea About - Communication Methods that will be Used and
Frequency - How Meetings will be Conducted
- How Conflict will be Resolved
- How Decisions will be Made
18Work Plans (continued)
19Work Plans (continued)
20Process Flow
for inclusion in the CEAP
21Tonights Tasks
- Work Group Exercise
- Explain Why You Chose this Work Group
- Explain Why You are Representing Your Chosen
Sector - Start Your Work Group Process
- Select Interim Chair
- Determine Stakeholders Needed
- Identify Stakeholder Gaps
- Plan Next Meeting Date
22Interim Chairs/Next Meeting Date
23Interim Chairs/Next Meeting Date
24Our Next Steps
- Contributors
- Attend First Work Group Meeting The date you
selected today - Purpose Develop Draft Work Plan
- Chairs
- Email Draft Work Plan to info_at_fourcore.orgJanuar
y 21, 2009 - Purpose Obtain Work Plan Approval from Steering
Committee - Steering Committee
- Attend First Meeting January 28,
2009Wednesday 100 to 300 p.m. - Purpose Review / Approve Work Plans
25U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Free Webinars
- STAR A Roadmap to Sustainable Communities
- Thursday 12/04/08, 1100 a.m. MT
- Pine Room at the Fairgrounds Extension Building
- Leadership in Green Building Policy
- Tuesday 01/27/09, 1100 a.m. MT
- Pine Room at the Fairgrounds Extension Building
26Energy Efficiency Community Development
Our New Energy Economy
Its In Our Hands
CEAP Moving