Title: How can we prevent injuries
1How can we prevent injuries ?
1st European Hand Injury Prevention Congress,
25-27 june 2009 Bursa, Turkey
- Philippe Bellemère
- Prevention commission of Hand Trauma Committee
- Clinique Jeanne dArc
- Nantes - France
2A public health problem
- Number
- 4 to 20 of E.R. visits
- 14 million in Europe
- 6.2 million severe
- Psychological and physical consequences
- Cost
- Treatment
- Impairment and disabilities
Need of specific prevention
3Hand trauma center
- Prevention of the impairment and the disabilities
by hand surgeons. - Prevention of the trauma is better with less cost.
4Goals of prevention
- Educating people
- Identifying risk
- Avoiding risk by simple methods
- Improving security
- Machines
- Power tools
- Handled objects
5Work related injuries
- 1/3 of hand traumas
- Decreased severity due to machine security.
- Workers with hand tools.
- Young apprentices
- Temporarily employed
6Daily activitiy traumas are the 1 problem
FESUM 2002 Chir Main 2003
7Identifying the traumas
- 1 amputations
- 1/5 re-implanted
- Bite injuries
- 7.4 / 1000 in US
- lt 15 yrs 22 / 1000
- Ring finger
- 1 / day in France
- High pressure injuries.
8Collecting and using data
Data trauma, populations, tools, activities, etc.
Insurance companies
Power tool manufacturers and stores
Sports federations
Governmental authorities
9General prevention message
- Machine danger
- Hand protected hand secured
- Be aware of alcool, stress, tiredness
- Remove rings
- Move children away
10Specific messages
in the kitchen
DIY activities
at work
in the bathroom
in the garden
11How to deliver the message?
12Reaching individuals
- Educational programs
- General public
- Professional students
- Industrial workers
- Continuing education
Very efficient but time, energy and money
13The Media
- Public news papers
- Radio and TV
- Insurance compagny news letters
Better impact for seasoneal risk
14The Internet
15How do we improve security ?
- Economic incentives
- Law enforcement
- National
- European
Point out what could be useful
16Ring injuries prevention
- Normative standard process to make the ring more
Fragilisation process
17Power tool injury prevention
- Standards
- Leaflets
- Educational courses
- Stickers
18How to get organized for prevention?
- In your own country create a legible structure
dedicated to hand injury prevention - Strategy
- Collect data
- Warn governmental autorities
19European Hand Trauma Prevention Project
- From Hand Trauma Committee of the FESSH
- Goal
- Exchange of expertise and practical experience
- Sharing of prevention tools
- Setting-up database
- Make concrete propositions to
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
- European Commission for Public Health
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Condition - Committee of Environment, Public Health and Food
20Logo Dangerous for your hand
- For sharp or power tools for cooking, gardening
DIY - Visible on
- boxes
- instruction notices
- tools
Should be a legal obligation !
- Prevention is our responsibility
- Share your experience, data, prevention tools
- Contact us at the HTC