Title: The Flame of a Candle
1 The Flame of a Candle by Marci Stillerman
2- 1 Which sentence best states the main idea of
this story? - A. People who gossip end up losing friends.
- B. People can stay warm even in the cold.
- C. People can be both foolish and wise.
- D. People who brag end up in trouble.
LC01 Demonstrate understanding of theme or
message and supporting details (Reading GLE 2.1.3)
32 Any of these words could be used to describe
Hodja in the story. Choose the word you think
best describes Hodja in the story. Clever
Foolish Boastful Provide two details from
the selection to support your choice. ____________
Strand LA05 Apply understanding of literary
elements, features, and graphics (genre, plot,
character, setting, conflict, resolution, simile,
metaphor, graphic elements, illustrations,
captions) (Reading GLEs 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3)
4(No Transcript)
5- Text-based details may include, but are not
limited to - Clever or Foolish or Boastful
- You think this is cold? / said that it wasnt
that cold that night - When I was a child it was so cold that clouds
froze in the sky - Id go down to the river, cut a hole in the ice,
and go for a nice swim - Hodja was known to brag
- I could stay out on a night like this with
nothing to keep me warm - If I cant stay outside all night without a fire
or any protection, Ill invite you to a feast at
my house - Wished hed never made such a foolish offer / he
was about to give up/he shivered mightily / he
thought he would freeze to death - He fastened his gaze on the candle flame and was
able to endure the bitter cold / using the flame
(heat) of the candle to help him to survive the
night / stared at the candle - Following through on the bet by staying outside
all night in the cold / stayed out in the cold - He told his friends he kept warm by fixing his
eyes on a candle flame burning in a window a
hundred yards away - Heating the pot with the candle to show his
friends that what hed done outdoors that night
had not really given him heat / tried to cook
dinner with a candle
62 Any of these words could be used to describe
Hodja in the story. Choose the word you think
best describes Hodja in the story. Clever
Foolish Boastful Provide two details from
the selection to support your choice.
C. he said that when he was a child he would go
to the frozen river, cut a hole in the ice and go
for a swim E. he said he could stay out all
night in the freezing weather with no protection
or a fire
72 Any of these words could be used to describe
Hodja in the story. Choose the word you think
best describes Hodja in the story. Clever
Foolish Boastful Provide two details from
the selection to support your choice.
H. Hodja was clever to keep his eye on the
candle to stay warm.
82 Any of these words could be used to describe
Hodja in the story. Choose the word you think
best describes Hodja in the story. Clever
Foolish Boastful Provide two details from
the selection to support your choice.
This response is a 0. The response does not use
specific text-based details.
9- 3 Which sentence tells how Hodja and his friends
are similar? - A. They were wonderful cooks.
- B. They had important jobs.
- C. They liked to gossip.
- D. They liked to brag.
LA06 Compare/contrast elements within and
between text(s) (Reading GLEs 2.3.1, 2.4.6)
10- 4 Which sentence best states the authors purpose
for writing this story? - A. To entertain with a story about a man who
is foolish - B. To describe how extreme cold weather
affects daily activities - C. To demonstrate how the mind can be more
powerful than reality - D. To explain how coffeehouses are an
important part of Turkish life
LT08 Analyze authors purpose in a text and/or
effectiveness for different audiences, and/or
identify facts and opinions, and/or authors
assumptions and beliefs (Reading GLEs 2.4.2,
2.4.3, 2.4.4)
115 What does the author mean in the introduction
when she says, In some hes wise, in some hes
foolish, and in someas in this talehes a
little of both? Provide two details from the
story to support your answer. ____________________
LC03 Make inferences or predictions based on the
reading (Reading GLE 2.1.5)
12- Text-based details may include, but are not
limited to - You think this is cold? / said it wasnt cold
that night - Id go down to the river, cut a hole in the ice,
and go for a nice swim / said he swam in the
river on nights like that - Hodja was known to brag / he brags
- Bragging (making a bet) that he could survive
outdoors on a winters night with nothing to keep
him warm - He wished hed never made such a foolish offer /
he thought he would freeze to death - Fastened his gaze on the candle flame burning in
a window and was able to endure the bitter cold
the rest of the night / using a flame (heat) of
the candle to help him to survive the night /
stared at the candle - Stayed outside all night in the cold / stayed out
in the cold - In the morning he told his friends he kept warm
with candlelight - Heating the pot with the candle to show the
friends that what hed done outdoors that night
had not really given him heat / tried to cook
dinner with a candle
135 What does the author mean in the introduction
when she says, In some hes wise, in some hes
foolish, and in someas in this talehes a
little of both? Provide two details from the
story to support your answer.
F. He is wise by focusing on the candle to keep
his mind of the cold D. but he is very foolish
for bragging.
145 What does the author mean in the introduction
when she says, In some hes wise, in some hes
foolish, and in someas in this talehes a
little of both? Provide two details from the
story to support your answer.
F. He was wise because he looked at the candle
to distract himself from the cold.
155 What does the author mean in the introduction
when she says, In some hes wise, in some hes
foolish, and in someas in this talehes a
little of both? Provide two details from the
story to support your answer.
This response is a 0. This response does not use
specific text-based details.
16- 6 Based on information from the story, what
generalization can you make - about bragging?
- A. Bragging can lead to new inventions.
- B. Bragging can lead to closer friendships.
- C. Bragging can lead to a life of loneliness.
- D. Bragging can lead to unexpected events.
LT10 Extend information beyond textmake
generalizations, draw conclusions, apply
information, give a response to a literary text
(Reading GLEs 2.4.1, 2.4.5)