Title: Renaissance Biography
1Renaissance Biography You are a history book
editor. Your boss has decided that in the next
edition of the Ancient Civilization textbook, he
wants to have a sidebar on an unsung hero or
great person from the Renaissance. Your task is
to select one person from the Renaissance that
should be included in the next textbook, and
create a sidebar for that person. The sidebar
must include at least two paragraphs. The first
paragraph should include the accomplishments of
the person you select. The second paragraph
should explain why you feel this person should be
remembered. Due Date May 26, 2006
Botticellis The Cestello Annunciation
Aerial view of the Cathedral of Florence
2Important People of the Renaissance
3Helpful Websites
Explore the Renaissance www.learner.org/exhibits
/renaissance/ Renaissance Literature www.luminari
um.org/renlit/ Renaissance Secrets www.open2.net/
renaissance2/ Michaelangelo www.ibiblio.org/wm/pa
int/auth/michelangelo/ Italian Painting www.nga.g
ov/collection/gallery/ita15.htm Renaissance
Personalities www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/r
enaissance/ Renaissance Town www.twingroves.distr
ict96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/Town/Town.html Renaiss
ance Man www.mos.org/leonardo/bio.html