Title: Optimizing Effectiveness of National Minority Engineering Programs
1Optimizing Effectiveness of National Minority
Engineering Programs
2 Summary
- Problem
- Background / History
- Measures of Success
- Recommendation 1 Prepare Recruit high school
students - Recommendation 2 Implement Incentive based
Awards - Conclusion
- Final Recommendation
- Works Cited
- National Action Council for Minorities in
Engineering Inc. - Minorities Included
- Latinos
- American Indians
- African American
- Minority Representation
- 33 of birthrate
- 23 of total population
- 10 of engineering population
- Relative retention index shows the minority
entering engineering is only half as likely to
obtain a bachelors degree than a non-minority
4Background / History
- Minority representation
- In 1979 4.4 of engineers were minorities
- In 1994 minorities doubled to 9
- Since 1994 more than 15 programs implemented to
resolve this problem - Since 1994 millions of dollars have been invested
in Minority Engineering Programs (MEP)
5Minority Bachelors Degree Awarded
6MEP Investment
7Measure of Success
- Rate at which minority engineering population
rises each year - 1 requirement
- Broken into 2 parts
- Recruitment
- Retention
- Implemented in such a way that non-minority
students dont appear to have a disadvantage - Ensure highest academic standards are always met
8Recommendation 1Prepare and Recruit high school
- Focuses in boosting enrollment rates and freshman
year retention rates - Ideal solution
- Downsides
- Simply do not have the funding
- Results will be several years away
9Recommendation 2Implement an Incentive Based
Awards Program
- How it would work
- Awards given for
- Semester grades
- Test scores
- Projects
- Awards could include
- Scholarships
- School supplies
- Gift certificates
- Special Recognition
10Recommendation 2Implement an Incentive Based
Awards Program
- Creates a more challenging, dynamic environment
- Benchmarking
- Minimize cheating and create more education value
- Current situation is unacceptable
- Already lost multi-year WorldCom grant
- MEP solution must be feasible with existing funds
and show significant result in 2 years or less - Strongly recommend considering an Incentive Based
Awards Program immediately - We believe within 2 years
- Enrollment rates will increase by 5
- Retention rates will increase by 15
12Final Recommendation
- Invest 10,000 from recruitment fund towards
developing a tactical solution that implements an
incentive-based awards program - Targeting 70 of Engineering colleges by Spring
semester 03 - Targeting 90 of Engineering collages by Fall
semester 04
13Works Cited
The University of Arizona Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action Statement. Â National
Association of Minority Engineering Program
Administrators. Â Â Minority Engineering
Recruitment. Internet. Â Factors that
influence persistence in science and engineering
career aspirations. Â Keeping what weve got
The impact of financial aid on minority retention
in engineering.