Title: Hypermedia Presentation Adaptation on the Semantic Web
1Hypermedia Presentation Adaptationon the
Semantic Web
- Flavius Frasincar
- Geert-Jan Houben
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/hera
- Motivation and Goals
- HERA Design Methodology
- Conceptual Design
- Application Design
- Adaptation Design
- Prototype and Rendering
- Conclusion
3Motivation WIS Engineering
- Methodologies exist for manual hypermedia
presentation design, HERA targets automated
presentation - Automated presentation is important for databased
content (the deep web) as opposed to manually
crafted content (the surface web) most WIS are
data driven
4Motivation Adaptation
- Presentations must be adaptable to different
users/user platforms - Devices (PC, PDA, WAP Phone, WebTV etc.)
- Device capabilities (display size, memory size,
network speed, etc.) - User preferences (desired layout, navigation
patterns, etc.) - User browsing history
- Develop a methodology for automated hypermedia
presentation design (generation) that - is intended for Web-based information systems
(WIS) - integrates heterogeneous data sources
- facilitates presentation (server/client-side)
adaptation to device capabilities and user
preferences - enables semi-structured data queries
6HERA Architecture
7Hera Design Methodology
- Originates from RMM (Relationship Management
Methodology) - Suggests a sequence of design steps to be taken
when designing a web application - Supports
- integration of heterogeneous information
- automated presentation design
- user/platform adaptation
8Hera Design Methodology
9Conceptual Model (CM)
- Provides a uniform semantic view over different
data sources that are integrated within a given
Web application - Consists of hierarchies of concepts relevant
within the given domain, their properties, and
relations - Encoded in RDF(S)
10Conceptual Model Example
11CM Example RDF(S) Syntax
12Application Model (AM)
- Captures navigational view over CM, describing
hypermedia aspects - Slices are meaningful presentation units
- Associated to concepts from CM
- Containing properties/attributes and possibly
other slices - Slices are linked together with slice
relationships - Aggregation relationships index, tour, indexed
guided tour etc. - Reference relationships link with an anchor
specified - Encoded in RDF(S)
13Application Model Example
14AM Example RDF(S) Syntax
- WIS are accessed through multitude of devices and
by different users - Device capabilities
- User preferences
- Browsing history
- Adaptation based on conditioning the appearance
of slices in AM
16Adaptation/User Model
- Captures two kinds of adaptation
- Adaptability takes into account the situation in
which the user will use the presentation (e.g.
the browsing platform) - Adaptivity means that the presentation changes
itself according to the state of the users
mind while being browsed - Consists of
- Device/User Profile captures static visual and
platform preferences encoded in CC/PP - User Session represents the dynamic users state,
e.g. did the user visit (learn) this slice
(concept) - Application and Update Rules describe the
behavior of the presentation (e.g. conditional
slices in AM) and keep the User Session
up-to-date (AHAM rules)
17Adaptation Model Example
18Adaptation Model Syntax
- Adaptability Condition
- Adaptivity Condition
ltrdfsClass rdfIDSlice.painting.picture
ltrdfsubClassOf rdfresourceSlice/gt lt/rdfsCla
ltrdfsClass rdfIDSlice.painter.main
sliceconditionusBiography falsegt
ltrdfsubClassOf rdfresourceSlice/gt lt/rdfsCla
ltrdfsClass rdfIDSlice.painting.main
sliceconditionusPainter gt 10gt
ltrdfsubClassOf rdfresourceSlice/gt lt/rdfsCla
19Profile Example
- Device/User Profile (CC/PP encoding)
- Screen size 100x80
- Preferred language English
ltrdfDescription rdfaboutProfilegt ltccppcompon
entgt ltprfHardwarePlatformgt ltprfImageCapablegtNo
lt/prfImageCapablegt ltprfScreenSizegt100x80lt/prfS
creenSizegt lt/prfHardwarePlatformgt lt/ccppcomp
ltccppcomponentgt ltupUserPreferencesgt ltupLangua
gegtEnglishlt/upLanguagegt lt/upUserPreferencesgt
lt/ccppcomponentgt lt/rdfDescriptiongt
20Update Rule (AHA) Example
- Update the Biography record in the User
Session table to true after the user visited
ltusSlice.painter.maingt ltahaupdatelistgt ltahaSet
OfConceptsgt ltahaitemgtltusBiography
ahaupdatetrue/gtlt/ahaitemgt lt/ahaSetOfConce
ptsgt lt/ahaupdatelistgt lt/usSlice.painter.
21Update Rule (AHA) Example
ltusSlice.painter.maingt ltahaupdatelistgt ltahaSet
OfConceptsgt ltahaitemgtltusPainting
ahaupdate80/gtlt/ahaitemgt ltahaitemgtltusPain
ter ahaupdate40/gtlt/ahaitemgt
lt/ahaSetOfConceptsgt lt/ahaupdatelistgt
22Presentation Model
- Based on the concept of region which contains
attributes and possibly other regions - Each region has a rectangular area associated
- Slices are translated to regions, one slice can
be mapped to several regions - Slice relationships are materialized with
- Navigational relationships
- Spatial relationships
- Temporal relationships
23Presentation Model Example
- XSLT code generation
- Two code generators
- HTML for PC Web browsers
- WML code for WAP phone browsers
ltxsltemplate matchslice-instancegt
ltTABLEgt ltxslapply-templates
select/gt lt/TABLEgt lt/xsltemplategt
ltxsltemplate matchslice-instancegt ltCARD
id_at_idgt ltxslapply-templates
select/gt lt/CARDgt lt/xsltemplategt
- Hera methodology originated from RMM, suggests a
sequence of design steps - Our framework supports
- integration of heterogeneous information (CM
populated from several heterogeneous data
sources) - automated presentation design AM serves as a
presentation blue print from which a concrete
presentation is derived (w.r.t. a query) - user/platform adaptation (adaptability and
28Future Work
- Adaptation in all design steps including the
Conceptual Model and Integration Model - Experiment with higher ontology languages (e.g.
DAMLOIL) as the basis for the CM - Further development of tools for presentation
rendering - Authoring tools that would help the designer to
build specification models in all design steps