Title: Future observational prospects for dark energy
1Future observational prospectsfor dark energy
Roberto Trotta Oxford Astrophysics Royal
Astronomical Society
2Investigating dark energy
- The equation of state parameter w(z) p/?
- w -1
- w const ? -1
- w(z)
- or perhaps another theory of gravity
- Theoretical explanations must be guided by
observational constraints
Seljak et al 2005
Jarvis et a 2005
3Observational techniques
- Weak gravitational lensing
- Baryonic acoustic oscillations
- Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
- SNe luminosity distance (fluctuations?)
- Cluster abundance
- Challenging control of systematics
- Less accurate, but systematics free
- Limited by cosmic variance
- SNe variability, evolution
- Do we understand clusters? Calibration
4Weak gravitational lensing
- Based on well-understood physics
- Independent of mass-to-light relation
- Probes geometry growth of structures
- Potential to achieve percent accuracy on w
- Limited to z lt 1
- Systematic errors control
- Image quality (0.1 to 1 distortions)
- Gravitational-intrinsic correlations
- Photo-z accuracy (tomography)
- Non-linear effects
- Strategies
- Large (104-105) spectroscopic training sets
- B-modes quantify the success of the correction
- Use of radial information, cross-correlations
between redshift bins - Combination of tomography/reconstruction with
geometric test, checks for consistency
5Baryonic acoustic oscillations
transverse ! DA(z)
- A clean probe of geometry
- Measures the angular diameter distance
(transverse) and expansion rate (radial) - No known systematic effect can erase/mimick it
- Based on well-known physical processes
- Extends our window to z 3
- In-built consistency check
- Independent probe, curvature test, distinguish
modifications of GR
radial ) H(z)
- Requirements
- Large and deep spectroscopic survey (GWFMOS)
- Photo-zs are insufficient
- Disadvantage
- Lower statistical accuracy than weak lensing
6Dark energy discovery space
systematics impact
Observational techniques
- Dark Energy Survey, darkCAM
- visible survey cameras, 4-5 bands
- 5,000 10,000 sq deg to z 1
- US Air Force, 4 telescopes planned
- 3,000 sq deg in 5 bands
- Spectrographs
- VIRUS, 200 sq deg, z 3
- AAOmega, 500 to 1,000 sq deg
- GWFMOS (HyperSuprime), z 1 and z 3
- (Almost) everything you can think of
- LSST, SKA (gt 2015)
gt 1 billion USD worth of proposals until 2015
8Present and upcoming surveys
LSST ? 20000 deg2 out to z 3
Imaging surveys
GWFMOS 2000 deg2 _at_ z 1 300 deg2 _at_ z 3
AAOmega 1000 500 deg2 ?
VIRUS ? 200 deg2 _at_ z 3
9Trust me, Im a Bayesian!
Bayes factor B01
Mismatch with prediction
Evidence in favour of w-1 compared to -1/3 lt w
lt -1 ? 0.1 not worth mentioning ?
0.01 moderate ? 0.002 strong
RT (2005)
10Closing remarks
- Preparing for the unexpected
- What will be the most interesting questions in
2010? - Dark energy could surprise us again maximise the
discovery potential - Developping know-how
- Indispensable tools on the road to even larger
surveys - Making the most of the data
- Statistical tools for optimal parameter inference
- Model selection approach, surveys optimization
- Plenty of other science!
- Next generation of surveys will provide extremely
high quality data for numerous astronomical and
astrophysical studies