Title: How are Schools Governed, Influenced, and Financed
1How are Schools Governed, Influenced, and
2Who legally governs public education?
- Responsibility for public schools is a state
function-Tenth Amendment to the constitution - State versus local control
- Governors play leadership role
3Organizational Structure of a typical state
school system
State Constitution
State Legislature
State Courts
State Board of Education
State Superintendent (Chief State School Officer)
State Department of Education
4Organizational Structure-continued
Local School Districts
Local Superintendents
Local School Principals
5Mark Twain
- In the first place, God made idiots.
- That was for practice.
- Then he made school boards.
6School Boards
- School boards lack diversity
- Elected by popular vote-96 of states
- 4 of school boards are appointed by mayor of
city council - Majority are male, white, between ages 41 and 60
- Demographic characteristics have changed little
7School Boards
- Proportion of women has increased
- 12 to 39 increase since 1972
- Representation of minorities is small
- 83 have incomes over 50,000
- 66 have bachelors degrees
- Most are professionals, managers, business owners
- Conservative
8Atypical aspects of school boards
- Not typical of the public they serve
- Influences on values and decisions
- Can you think of any ways in which this atypical
aspect might influence their values and decisions?
9Who Influences American Public Education
- Professional Education Organizations
- Site based decision making
- Parents
- Business
10Neil Postman
- The classroom is a place in which the claims of
various political, social, and economic interests
are negotiated. The classroom is both a symbol
and a product of deadly serious cultural
11High Stakes Standardized Testing
- NCLB-the 2001 reauthorization required states to
test students each year between grades 3 and 8
and once in high school if they wish to receive
federal funds. - 45 states require teachers to pass a
state-prescribed, test before entering a teacher
education program and before being licensed to
12How are schools financed?
- Locally raised revenues
- State aid
- Federal aid
- Miscellaneous revenues
13School Spending
- Nationwide average 8,554 per pupil
- District of Columbia is 15,073 per pupil
- Utah is 5,245 per pupil
- http//www.oecd.org/dataoecd/62/21/33670978.xls
14School Finance Reform and the Courts
- Serrano v. Priest
- Rodriguez case
- Unequal funding
- Equality as state concern
- Pressures for equality
15Federal Funding
- Categorical grants
- Block grants
16NCLB Act Key Provisions
- Annual testing
- Academic improvement
- Teacher and Paraprofessional qualifications
- Concerns about NCLB
- Students at risk
- Special Education
- State standards lack uniformity
17Compensatory Education
- An approach to creating more equal educational
opportunities for disadvantaged children - Title I
- 1. deliver federal funds to local school
districts and schools for education of students
from low-income families - 2. supplement educational services provided
to low-achieving students
18Compensatory Education-cont.
- Preventive approaches-Head Start
- Basic skill instruction
- Tutoring
- Remediation in academic areas
- Drop out programs
- Job training
- Adult literacy instruction
- Success for All program-http//www.successforall.c
19Web Resources
- http//www.ed.gov
- http//www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/hsb
- http//www.nea.org
- http//www.ecs.org
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